lecture 3 Flashcards
6 misconceptions of reflexes
simple responses, stereotyped, mediated by spinal cord or reflex arcs, repeatable and not acquired by learning
not all reflexes are simple such as
coughing and sneezing - involves coordination of a large number of muscles
some skeletomotor reflexes are somewhat stereotyped
eye blinks
why are most reflexes not stereotyped
because reflexes are adapted to the conditions of execution
example of reflexes that are not stereotyped
wiping reflex in frogs - responses differ on different occasion
The brain is not
always necessary
eg mike the headless chicken
and decerebrate frog- headless frog
headless frog experiment
eliciting stimulus - irritation at a location on the frogs skin by placing a piece of acid soaked paper on it
response of the headless frog
movement involving extension of rear leg wiping the toes over the stimulus
adaptability of the wiping reflex
food position depends upon the stimulus LOCATION
so reflex responses are NOT stereotyped
reflex responses are NOT stereotyped because
they are able to achieve the same outcome (removal of the source of irritation) under DIFFERENT CIRCUMSTANCES(location, body posture and body condition
NOT all reflexes are mediated by the SPINAL circuit
any reflexes that involve a sensory neurone in the head(ears, tongue,nose,eyes) involve neurons in the brain
reflex eye movements
movement of the eye in its socket produced by the extra ocular muscles
horizontal movements of an eye are produced by
contracting the medial and lateral recti
medial rectus moves the eye
Lateral rectus moves the eye
all the extra ocular muscles are driven by
motor neurons located in nuclei within the brainstem
Media recti motor neurons are located within the
oculoMotor nuclei at midbrain level
lateral rectified motor neurons are located within the
abducens nuclei at pontinelevel
left abducens nuclei and right oculomotor nuclei moves
the eyes to the left
right abducens nuclei and left oculomotor nuclei moves
the eye to the right
eyes to the left
left abducens nuclei and right oculomotor nuclei
the eye to the right
right abducens nuclei and left oculomotor nuclei