Lecture 26 - Mycoplasm Flashcards
What class does mycoplasma belong to?
What other bacteria belong to the mollicutes?
Ureaplasma + Acholeplasma
Where do mycoplasma + ureaplasma tend to be located?
Respiratory + Urogenital + Articular surfaces + Mammary gland
What special bacterial type is seen in the mycoplasmas?
Hemotropic mycoplasma
Term: Hemotropic mycoplasma
Parasitizes RBC’s
What makes Mollicutes the smallest prokaryotic cell?
Can self replicate
What are the characteristics of the Mollicutes general structure?
No cell wall - peptidoglycan
Triple layered membrane
What stains are used with Mollicutes?
What are the three romanoswky stains?
Giemsa + Wright + Leishman
What are the cell types seen with Mollicutes?
Cocci + Spirals + Filaments + Rings
What is the oxygen requirements of Mollicutes?
Facultative anaerobes + Microaerophiles
What virulence factors do mollicutes tend to have?
Antigenic + Phase variation Biofilm H2O2 Adhesins Capsule
What does the H2O2 produced by the mollicutes do?
Ciliotoxic + Hemolytic
Where should samples be taken if one suspects a mollicutes infection?
Mucosa + Tracheal exudate + Aspirate
What transport medium should Mollicutes be transported in?
Amies medium without charcoal
– or –
Stuarts medium
What can Mollicutes be grown on?
What needs to be added when you are trying to grow Mollicutes?
Ampicillin, Mollicutes is so slow growing want to prevent other things from taking over
What should the medium composition be for Mollicutes growth?
Isotonic + Cholesterol + Growth factors
Differentiation: Mycoplasma
Digitonin sensitive
Urease negative
Differentiation: Ureaplasma
Digitonin sensitive
Urease positive
Differentiation: Acholeplasma
Digitonin resistant o
What are the Mycoplasmas we care about?
Mycoides ssp. Mycoides Bovis Bovigenitalum Bovoculi Hyopneumoniae Hyorhinis Hyosynoviae Gallisepticum Synoviae Meleagridis Haemofelis
What does M. Mycoides ssp. Mycoides cause?
Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia
Where is M. Mycoides ssp. Mycoides endemic to?
Africa + Middle east + Asia
Transmission: M. Mycoides ssp. Mycoides
When do you begin to see clinical signs of a M. Mycoides ssp. Mycoides infection?
3 weeks
When do you reach peak morbidity in a M. Mycoides ssp. Mycoides infection?
7 to 8 months, very slow
What is seen in calves with M. Mycoides ssp. Mycoides ?
Arthritis + Synovitis + Endocarditis
How long does it normally take death to occur with M. Mycoides ssp. Mycoides infections?
1 to 3 weeks
What characteristic stance do you see in a cattle that is infected with M. Mycoides ssp. Mycoides ?
Head + Neck extended
Elbows abducted
What are the clinical signs seen with a M. Mycoides ssp. Mycoides infection?
Sudden onset high fever
Drop in milk yield
What does M. Bovis cause in cattle?
Caseonecrotic bronchopneumonia
Bovine mastitis
Where does M. Bovis tend to target in the lung?
Crainoventral lobes
What is M. Bovis enhanced by?
Pasturella multocida Mannhemia Hemolytica Histophilus somni Arcanobacterium pyogenes MVDV
What antibiotics are used to treat M. Bovis?
Tulathromycin + Gamithromycin
What is used to treat the herd prophylactically for M. Bovis?
Draxxin (Tulathromycin)
Where does M. Bovis infections tend to harbor in the body
What alterations do you see in milk when there is an M. Bovis infection?
Alteration in milk consistency + Yield
Initially: Flocculent settlement w/ whey like supernatant
Progression: Purulent exudate
What does M. bovigenitalum cause in Bulls?
Seminal vesiculitis
Chronic fibrosing inflammation
Persistent shed in semen + Poor motility
What does M. bovigenitalum cause in Cows?
Granular vulvitis + Vaginitis + Endometritis
Infertility + Abortion
Where is M. bovigenitalum considered normal microbiota?
Lower urogential tract
What does M. bovoculi cause?
Catarrhal Conjunctivitis
– and –
Predisposition to IBK
What causes IBK?
Moraxella bovis
What does M. Hyopneumoniae cause?
Porcine enzootic pneumonia
What are the clinical signs of a M. Hyopneumoniae infection?
Chronic nonproductive cough
What significantly potentiates M. Hyopneumoniae infection?
Porcine respiratory disease complex
What type of vaccine is used for M. Hyopneumoniae?
Whole cell culture
What type of infection is seen with the presence of M. Hyrorhinis?
What age/animal is most affected by a M. Hyrorhinis infection?
Pigs - 3 to 10 weeks old
Where is M. Hyrorhinis found in healthy pigs?
Lung + Nasal secretions
What is a predisposing factor to becoming infected with M. Hyrorhinis?
What are the initial signs of a M. Hyorhinis infection?
Fever + Inappetence + Listeless ness
What is seen in the later stages of a M. Hyorhinis infection?
Arthritis + Lameness
Serofibrinous to fibropurulent polyserositis
What sample do you take to test for a M. Hyorhinis infection?
Joint fluid
How should M. Hyorhinis joint fluid be stored?
Chilled on ice, not frozen
What are characteristic signs of M. Hyorhinis infection?
Polyserositis = Pleural + peritoneal + pericardial serosa
What does M. Hyosynoviae cause?
Polyarthritis + Respiratory spread
What are the clinical signs of M. Hyosynoviae infection?
Lameness + Difficult mobility + Pain + Swollen joints
What are the main joints affected by M. Hyosynoviae infections?
Hock + Stifle
What mobility changes do you see in a pig infected with M. Hyosynoviae?
Lameness –> Dog-sitting –> Recumbency
What is seen with a chronic M. Hyosynoviae infection?
Synovial villous hypertrophy
What age are M. Hyosynoviae infections most commonly seen?
10 to 30 weeks in Pigs
What animals are infected by M. Gallisepticum?
Turkey + Chicken
What does M. Gallisepticum infection cause in turkey?
Infectious sinusitis
What does M. Gallisepticum infection cause in chickens?
Chronic respiratory disease
What are the clinical signs seen in a chicken with M. Gallisepticum?
Consistent with upper respiratory tract involvement
What are the clinical signs seen in a turkey with M. Gallisepticum?
Sinusitis with thick mucoid exudate
Severe swelling of infraorbital sinuses
What is a specific test done for M. Gallisepticum infections?
Flock testing - serum (Ab) plate aggulination test q
What is the treatment for M. Gallisepticum?
Antimicrobial in feed
Dip eggs used for hatching in Tylosin
What does M. synoviae cause?
Infectious synovitis in chickens and turkeys
How is M. synoviae transmitted?
What are the clinical signs of M. synoviae infection?
Retarded growth
What is seen only in turkeys with M. synoviae infections?
Strenal bursitis
What is the treatment for M. synoviae?
Tetracycline in feed
What animals is infected by M. meleagridis?
What does M. meleagridis infections cause in turkeys?
Bone deformities
Reduced hatching + growth rate
How is M. meleagridis transmitted?
Eggs + Semen
What are the clinical signs of a M. meleagridis infection in young poults?
Reduced egg hatching
What are the clinical signs of a M. meleagridis infection in growers?
Joint + Bone deformities
What test is down to see if M. meleagridis is occurring?
Flock testing - SPA test
What is the treatment/control for M. meleagridis?
Dip eggs in Tylosin and also put it in the water for 10 days
What animals is affected by Mycoplasma haemofelis?
What does M. Haemofelis cause?
Feline infectious anemia
How can M. Haemofelis cause anemia?
Hemotropic mycoplasma
How is M. Haemofelis transmitted?
biting arthropods
– and –
Bite wounds
What are the two mechanisms that M. Haemofelis uses to harm RBCs?
Direct damage via attachment to RBCS
Cold agglutinins = Ab’s –> destruction of RBCs
What are the clinical signs of the common acute form of M. Haemofelis?
Fever + Anemia + Depression + Weakness + Occasional jaundice
What is seen with recovery form M. Haemofeli?
parasitemia diminishes –> cyclic
Regenerative bone marrow response
What is used to treat M. Haemofelis?
Acute - Doxycycline
Severe blood transfusion