Lecture 23 Flashcards
What does the large intestine absorb?
What is the function of the large intestine?
To store faeces until defecation
What are the three constituents of the large intestine?
The cecum, colon, and rectum
What are the four components of the colon?
Ascending, transverse, descending, sigmoid
What separates the ascending colon and the transverse colon?
The right colic (hepatic) flexure
What separates the transverse colon and the descending colon?
The left colic (splenic) flexure
What is the location of the ascending and descending colons?
Lateral and retroperitoneal
What is the location of the sigmoid and transverse colon?
What is the cecum?
A blind-ended pouch where the SI and LI connect which houses the appendix and ileocecal valve
What is the function of the ileocecal valve?
To regulate the passage of material into the large intestine
What is the function of the vermiform appendix?
Used as a reserve of large intestinal bacteria
Where is the vermiform appendix?
Attached to the cecum
What is appendicitis?
When the appendix becomes inflamed
What does the large intestine wall need modification for?
To store faeces, expel faeces during defecation, to be lubricated and allow the absorption of water
What are the teniae coli?
Bands of longitudinal muscle around the LI wall
What is the function of the teniae coli?
To contract for motility
What is the haustra?
A series of pouches along the LI wall
What is the function of the haustra?
To store faeces longer
What are omental appendices?
Sacs of fat along the LI wall
What are the layers of the large intestines muscularis?
Inner circular layer and outer longitudinal layer