Lec. 7 (hypnosis drugs) Flashcards
T/F: dreams are difficult to study scientifically
the study of dreams has mostly been done by _________, but you can’t believe everything he’s done
characteristics of dreams (4):
- intense emotion
- illogical thought (doesnt make sense)
- uncritical acceptance
- difficulty remembering
only time you remember dreams is when you wake up during _______ sleep
T/F: the longer you’re awake, the more the memory of the dream dissapates
a Freudian term meaning the store line of dreams; what the dream is ABOUT
Manifest Content
3 types of “Manifest Content”
1) negative emotional content
2) failure dreams
3) sexual dreams
_____ out of _____ dreams have NEGATIVE EMOTIONAL content
8 out of 10
T/F: ppl rarely dream about failure, being attacked, pursued, rejected, or struck with misfortune
false (very common)
contrary to our thinking, sexual dreams are ________
sexual dreams in MEN are _____ in _______ and are _____ in ______ for WOMEN
1 in 10; 1 in 30
according to Freud, “dreams unlock our ______ ________”
unconscious desires
T/F: dreams and Freuds theories have influenced a lot of literature, movies, etc
Theories of WHY we dream (4):
1) wish fulfillment (Freud)
2) Information-processing function
3) physiological function (preservation)
4) activation-synthesis (making sense of neural “noise”)
theory of why we dream: “psych safety valve;” dreams allow us to do what society says we can’t do
wish fulfillment
who said that we dream due to wish fulfillment?
theory of why we dream: organizing and filing away the day’s information
info-processing function
theory of why we dream: preserves neural pathways; dreams strengthens the # of dendritic connections which aids in MEMORY; activates random images through the process which causes dreams
physiological function (preservation)
theory of why we dream: making sense of
neural “NOISE;” different neutrons and networks are activated during sleep; brain is NOT “off;” weaves it into a story
a social interaction in which one person (the hypnotist) SUGGESTS to another (the subject) that certain perceptions, feelings, thoughts, or behaviors will spontaneously occur
hypnosis is NOT a ________ state
hypnosis is a state when you’re incredibly ___________ and some ppl may become very suggestible
what kind of brain waves are emitted when your in hypnosis?
alpha waves
T/F: everyone can be hypnotized completely
false (but most)
if you are more _______, then you are more easily hypnotized in general
those who practice hypnosis agree that its power resides in the subjects openness to _______
can anyone experience hypnosis?
yes, to some extent
can hypnosis enhance recall of forgotten events?
can hypnosis force ppl to act against their will?
can hypnosis be therapeutic?
yes. self-suggestion can heal too.
can hypnosis alleviate pain?
what, in addition to hypnosis, can help alleviate pain?
Lamaze (breathing exercises for birth)
breathing exercises for birth
2 Theories of the Hypnotized State:
1) Social Influence theory
2) Divided Consciousness theory
theory of the hypnotized state: “hypnotic subjects may simply be imaginative actors playing a social role”
social influence theory
theory of the hypnotized state: “hypnosis is a special state of dissociated (divided) consciousness
divided consciousness theory
which hypnosis theory: attention is diverted from an aversive odor. “hypnosis has caused a split in awareness”
divided consciousness theory
which hypnosis theory: attention is diverted from an aversive odor. “the subject is so caught up in the hypnotized role that she ignores the odor”
social influence theory
a chemical substance that alters perception and mood (affects consciousness)
psychoactive drug
ex of psychoactive drug
ppl who take psychoactive drugs are incredibly prone to ________ and _______
addiction + dependence
psychoactive drugs act directly on the ________ and _____________
brain and spinal cords
continued use of a psychoactive drugs produces ___________
with repeated exposure to a drug, the drug’s effect ________. thus it takes _________ quantities to get the desired effect.
lessens; greater
3 TYPES of psychoactive drugs:
- depressants
- stimulants
- hallucinogens
type of psychoactive drug: reduces nervous system activity; decreases firing rate of neurons
type of psychoactive drug: increases firing rate of neurons
type of psychoactive drug: creates hallucinations (auditory or visual)
psychoactive drugs exert effects at the ______
depressants give ppl what kind of effect?
sedative/calming effect
3 types of Depressants:
- alcohol
- barbiturates (tranquilizers)
- opiates
type of depressant: affects motor skills, judgement, and memory… and increases AGGRESSIVENESS while reducing self awareness
hard depressants
barbiturates (tranquilizers)
drug related to morphine and heroine
opiates, morphine, and heroine are AGONISTS of _________
type of depressant: drugs that depress the activity of the central nervous system, REDUCING anxiety but impairing memory and judgement
examples of barbiturates (2):
- anesthetics
- tranquilizers
examples of BRANDS of anesthetics + tranquilizers (barbiturates - 3)
- Nembutal
- Seconal
- Amytal
barbiturates are a more ___________ depressant than alcohol
type of depressant: opium and its derivatives (morphine + heroine); agonist for endorphin; LESSEN pain; highly ADDICITIVE
types of STIMULANTS (5):
- amphetamines
- caffeine
- meth
- nicotine
- ecstasy (MDNA/molly)
type of stimulant: increases heart rate and breathing rates and other autonomic functions to PROVIDE energy; most COMMON (2)
nicotine + caffeine
ppl with _______ are often prescribed stimulants to increase activity in the brain that allows them to have more control of their attention
type of stimulant: induces immediate euphoria followed by a crash
by binding to the sites that normally reabsorb NT molecules, cocaine blocks re-uptake of _________, ________, and _________; causes EUPHORIA
dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin
concentrated cocaine; can be SMOKED
cocaine acts directly on the ________ (by blocking the reuptake of those 3 NTs)
type of stimulant: releases DOPAMINE; suppresses endogenous (aka natural) dopamine
T/F: meth eventually causes you to stop producing dopamine on your own
1 epidemic in the US
a form of ______ is prescribe to ADHD patients
characteristics of meth addicts (2):
- loss of fat in face (gaunt face)
- “meth mouth” (saliva production slows down dramatically)
when ppl lose fat in their face due to meth, it’s called _____ _____
gaunt face
why do ppl get fucked up teeth + meth mouth from meth usage?
saliva production slows down dramatically
types of hallucinogens (2):
- marijuana
do hallucinogens affect NS activity or the firing rate of neurons?
type of psychoactive drug: drugs that distort perceptions and evoke sensory images in the absense of sensory input
type of hallucinogen: powerful hallucinogenic drug that is know as ACID; very strong
lysergic acid diethylamide
LSD causes primarily what type of hallucinations?
type of hallucinogen: the major active ingredient in marijuana (hemp plant) that triggers a variety of effects, including mild/weak hallucinations, mood alteration, pain relief
T/F: not every person experiences hallucinations on THC
3 INFLUENCES of drug use:
1) biological influences
2) social-cultural influences
3) psychological influences
types of biological influences (2):
- genetic predispositions
- variations in NT systems
biological influences: boys who are _________/________ (genetic traits) tend to smoke/drink/use drugs
biological influences: mice can be bred to like or dislike ______
types of social-cultural influences (3):
- urban environment
- cultural attitude toward drug use
- peer influences
type of psychological influences (3):
- lacking sense of purpose
- significant stress
- psychological disorders, such as depression
examples of psychological/social/cultural influences of drug use (4):
- stress
- peer influences
- religion
- laws (dry counties)