Latin XXXVI et XXXVII Flashcards
Jussive subjunctive feels like a
gentler command
Jussive noun =
Indirect Clause
Positive and negative Jussive
ut, ne
Most common verbs translated as a Jussive noun clause
hortor, persuādeō, imperō, petō, moneō, quaerō, ōrō, rogō
sometimes…volō, nolō, malō
almost never iubeō
Hoc facite
Do this!
Hoc faciant
Let them do this
Imperat vōbis ut hoc faciatis
He commands you to do this
Imperavit eis ut hoc facerent
He commanded them to do this
Persuadet eis ut hoc facerent
He persuades them to do this
Petivit ab eis ne hoc facerent
He begged from them not to do this
Monuit eos ne hoc facerent
He warned them not to do this
Hortatus est eos ut hoc facerent
He urged them to do this
Parts of Fīō
Fīō, fierī, factus sum
Indicative Present Fīō
- Fīō
- Fīs
- Fit
- Fīmus
- Fītis
- Fīunt
Indicative Imperfect Fīō
- Fīēbam
- Fīēbās
- Fīēbat
- Fīēbāmus
- Fīēbātis
- Fīēbant
Indicative Future Fīō
- Fīam
- Fīēs
- Fīet
- Fīēmus
- Fīētis
- Fīent
Subjunctive Present Fīō
- Fīam
- Fīās
- Fīat
- Fīāmus
- Fīātis
- Fīant
Subjunctive Imperfect Fīō
- Fierem
- Fierēs
- Fieret
- Fierēmus
- Fierētis
- Fierent
Infinitive of Fīō
Imperative of Fīō
Sg. Fī
Pl. Fīte
Cupido, Cupidinis
Desire, passion
Lector, lectoris, lectrix, lectricis
Vinculum, vinculi
Bond, Chain, Fetter
Daily, every day
Accedo, accedere, accessi, accessum
To come to, approach
Carpo, carpere, carpsi, carptum
To harvest, pluck, seize
Cogo, cogere, coegi, coactum
To drive or bring together, force, compel
Contemno, contemnere, contempsi, contemptum
to desire, scorn
Contundo, contundere, contudi, contusum
To beat, crush, bruise, destroy
Curo, curare, curavi, curatum
To care for, attend to, heal, cure, take care
Decerno, decernere, decrevi, decretum
To decide, settle, decree
Exigo, exigere, exegi, exactum
To drive out, force out, exact, drive through, complete, perfect
Fio, fieri, factus sum
To occur, happen, become, be made, be done
Oblecto, oblectare, oblectavi, oblectatum
to please, amuse, delight, pass time pleasantly
oro, orare, oravi, oratum
To speak, please, beg, beseech, entreat, pray
Recreo, recreare, recreavi, recreatum
To restore, revive, refresh, cheer
Requiro, requirere, requisivi, requisitum
To seek, ask for, miss, need, require
Sereno, serenare, serenavi, serenatum
To make clear, brighten, cheer up, soothe
Dixit eos litteris Latinis studere
He said that they were studying Latin literature
Dixit cur litteris Latinis studerent
He told why they were studying Latin literature
Dixit ut litteris Latinis studerent
He said that they should study Latin literature (he told them to study)
Ab eis quaesivimus cur philosophiae Graecae studerent
We asked them why they were studying Greek philosophy
Quaerisne ut naturam omnium rerum cognoscamus?
Do you ask that we learn (ask us to learn) the nature of all things?
Te moneo ut his sapientibus parcas
I warn you to spare these wise men
Milites monuit ne eis pacem petentibus nocerent
He warned the soldiers not to injure those seeking peace
Nobis imperabit ne hostibus credamus
He will command us not to trust the enemy
Tibi imperavit ut duci pareres
He commanded you to obey the leader
Te rogo cur hoc feceris
I ask you why you did this
Te rogo ut hoc facias
I ask you to do this
A te peto ut pax fiat
I beg of you that peace be made
A me petebant ne bellum facerem
they kept begging me not to make war
Eum oravi ne regi turpi pareret
I begged him not to obey the disgraceful king
Vos oramus ut discipuli acerrimi fiatis
We beg you to become very keen pupils
Noli esse similis isti tyranno duro
Do not be like that harsh tyrant
Caesar curavit ut imperium suum maximum in civitate fieret
Caesar took care that his power be made greatest in the state
Orator nos hortatus est ut liberae patriae nostrae cum studio serviremus
The speaker urged us to serve our free country eagerly
Nobis persuasit ut aequis legibus semper uteremur
He persuaded us that we should always use just laws
Conamur duci persuadere ne artibus et legibus patriae noceat
We are trying to persuade the leader not to harm the arts and laws of the country
Tyrannus imperat ut pecunia fiat; et pecunia fit. At ille stultus non senit hanc pecuniam sine bona fide futuram esse nihil
A tryant commands that money be made; and money is made. But that fool does not perceive that this money will be nothing without good faith
Plure quidem discipulos hortemur ut linguae Latinae studeant
Let us urge more students certainly to study the Latin language
Principle Parts of Eō
Eō, īre, iī, itum
Indicative Present Eō
- eō
- īs
- it
- īmus
- ītis
- eunt
Indicative Imperfect Eō
Indicative Future Eō
Indicative Perfect Eō
Indicative Pluperfect Eō
Indicative Future Perfect Eō
Subjunctive Present Eō
Subjunctive Imperfect Eō
Subjunctive Perfect Eō
Subjunctive Pluperfect Eō
Imperative Eō
Sg. ī
Pl. īte
Participles Eō
Present: Iēns
Future: Itūrus, -a, -um
Infinitive Eō
Present: īre
Fut: Itūrus esse
Perfect: īsse
Athenae, Athenarum
Domus, domi
House, home
Humus, humi
Ground, earth, soil
Iter, itineris
journey, route, road
Rus, ruris
The country, countryside
Syracusae, syracusarum
Absens, absentis
Absent, away
Gratus, grata, gratum
Pleasing, agreeable, grateful
Idoneus, ideonea, idoneum
Suitable, fit, appropriate
Immotus, immota, immotum
Unmoved, unchanged, unrelenting
Out of doors, outside
Eō, īre, iī, itum
To go
abeō, abīre, adiī, aditum
To go away, depart, leave
adeō, adīre, adiī, aditum
To go to, approach
exeō, exīre, exiī, exitum
To go out, exit
ineō, inīre, iniī, initum
To go in, enter, enter into, begin
obeō, obīre, obiī, obitum
To go up against, meet, die
pereō, perīre, periī, peritum
To pass away, be destoryed
redeō, redīre, rediī, reditum
To go back, return
Interficio, interficere, interfeci, interfectum
To kill, murder
Licet, licere, licuit
It is permitted
Peregrinor, peregrinari, peregrinatus sum
To travel abroad, wander
Requiesco, requiesceree, requievi, requietum
To rest
Soleo, solere, solitus sum
To be accustomed
Paucis horis Romam ibimus
In a few hours we shall go to Rome
Nos ad urbem imus; illi domum eunt
We are going to the city; they are going home
Ut saepe fassi sumus, tibi non licet Roma Athenas ire
As we have often admitted, you may not (are not permitted to) go from Rome to Athens (to go is not permitted to you)
Cur domo tam celeriter abisti?
Why did you leave home (go away from home) so quickly?
Romam veniunt ut cum fratre meo Athenas eant
They are coming to Rome in order to go to Athens with my brother
Nolite abire Roma
Do not go away from Rome
Fratre tuo Romae interfecto, hortabamur te ut Athenas redires
When your brother had been killed at Rome, we kept urging you return to Athens
Si in fines hostium hoc tempore eat, paucis horis pereat
If he should go into the territory of the enemy at this time, he would perish in a few hours
Negavit se velle in ista terra multos dies remanere
He said that he did not want to stay in that country of yours many days
Dixisti te domum Athenis una hora rediturum esse
You said that you would return home from Athens in one hour
A te peto ut ex nave ad insulam brevi tempore redeas
I beg of you to return form the ship to the island in a short time
Eis diebus soliti sumus Athenis esse
In those days we were accustomed to be at Athens
Si amicis eius Romae nocuissent, Romam brevissimo tempore redisset
If they had injured his friends at Rome, he would have returned to Rome in a very short time
Cum frater meus domi remaneret, ego tamen in novas terras domo abii
Although my brother stayed at home, I nevertheless went away from home into new lands
Romani, si quid mali loqui volebant, saepe dicebant: “Abi in malam rem”
The Romans, if they wanted to say something bad, often used to say: Go to the devil”.
Eis persuadet ut Latinae studeant
He is persuading them to study Latin