Latin XXXIX Flashcards
aedificium, aedificii
Building, structure
Injustice, injury, wrong
passing over, transit, transition
desirous, eager, fond, desirous of, eager for
of, relating to a free person, worthy of a free man, decent, liberal, generous
necessary, inevitable
vetus, veteris
as if, as it were
to walk
to try, test, experience
to pour a libation of, on, pour ritually, sip, touch gently
it is proper, right, necessary
to fight against, attack, assault, assail
to equip, furnish, adorn
to spend, occupy the night
to go across, cross, pass over, ignore
Experiendo discimus
We learn by experiencing
Ad discendum venerunt
They came to learn (for learning)
Se discendo dedit
He devoted himself to learning
Discendi causa ad ludum tuum venerunt
They came to your school for the sake of learning
Puer cupidus discendi ad ludum iit
The boy went to the school desirous of learning
Metus moriendi eum terrebat
The fear of dying kept terrifying him
Spes vivendi post mortem multos hortatur
The hope of living after death encourages many people
Cogitando eos superavit
By thinking he overcame them
Se dedit gloriae quaerendae
He devoted himself to seeking glory
Se dedit bello gerendo
He devoted himself to waging war
Se dedit pecuniae faciendae
He devoted himself to making money
Se dedit imperio accipiendo
He devoted himself to getting power
Se dedit civitatibus delendis
He devoted himself to destroying states
Se dedit huic duci sequendo
He devoted himself to following his leader
Se dedit patriae servandae
He devoted himself to saving his country
Se dedit paci petendae
He devoted himself to seeking peace
Se dedit iniuriis oppugnandis
He devoted himself to attacking wrongs
Se dedit libris scribendis
He devoted himself to writing books
Se dedit libris legendis
He devoted himself to reading books
Se dedit philosophiae discendae
He devoted himself to learning philosophy
Se dedit litteris Latinis discendis
He devoted himself to learning Latin literature
Se dedit veritati intellegendae
He devoted himself to understanding the truth
Se dedit sapientiae quaerendae
He devoted himself to seeking wisdom
Se dedit hominibus adiuvandis
He devoted himself to helping human beings
Romam venit ad hoc opus suscipiendum
He came to Rome to undertake this work
Romam venit ad ludos romanos videndos
He came to Rome to see the Roman games
Romam venit ad aedificia vetera videnda
He came to Rome to see the old buildings
Romam venit ad pacem petendam
He came to Rome to seek peace
Romam venit huius operis suscipiendi causa
He came to Rome for the sake of undertaking this work
Romam venit philosophiae discendae causa
He came to Rome for the lake of learning philosophy
Romam venit novorum librorum legendorum causa
He came to Rome for the sake of reading new books
Romam venit ludos visum
He came to Rome to see the games
Librum scripsit de dolore ferendo
He wrote a book about enduring pain
Librum scripsit de metu superando
He wrote a book about overcoming fear
Librum scripsit de bona vita vivenda
He wrote a book about living a good life
Librum scripsit de re publica gerenda
He wrote a book about managing the state
Librum scripsit de bello gerendo
He wrote a book about waging war
Librum scripsit de libertate defendenda
He wrote a book about defending liberty
Librum scripsit de hostibus vincendis
He wrote a book about conquering the enemy
Librum scripsit de donis dandis
He wrote a book about giving gifts
Sapientiores fimus Latinis litteris legendis
We become wiser by reading latin literature
Sapientiores fimus philosophia discenda
We become wiser by learning philosophy
Sapientiores fimus vita experienda
We become wiser by experiencing life
Sapientiores fimus metu vincendo
We become wiser by conquering fear
Sapientiores fimus veritate sequenda
We become wiser by following truth
Nos ipsos adiuvamus bonis libris semper legendis
We help our very selves by always reading good books
Nos ipsos adiuvamus viris miseris metu liberandis
We help our very selves by freeing unfortunate men from fear
Nos ipsos adiuvamus auxilio offerendo
We help our very selves by offering aid
Nos ipsos adiuvamus aliis adiuvandis
We help our very selves by helping others
Multum tempus consumpsit in cogitando (loquendo, currendo)
He consumed much time in thinking (speaking, running)
Multum tempus consumpsit in his operibus faciendis
He consumed much time in doing these tasks
Multum tempus consumpsit in via invenienda
He consumed much time in finding the way
Multum tempus consumpsit in exercitu parando
He consumed much time in preparing an army
Multum tempus consumpsit in copiis parandis
He consumed much time in preparing supplies (troops)
Tempus huic libro soli scribendo habuit
He had time for writing this book only
Gerund of Laudo
Gen laudandī
Dat laudandō
Acc laudandum
Abl laudandō
Gerund of Dūco
Gen dūcendī
Dat dūcendō
Acc dūcendum
Abl dūcendō
Gerund sequor
Gen sequendī
Dat sequendō
Acc sequendum
Abl sequendō
Gerund audio
Gen audiendī
Dat audiendō
Acc audiendum
Abl audiendō
Gerundive laudo