Latin XXXII Flashcards
Present Indicative of volō, velle, voluī
1 volō
2 vīs
3 vult
1 volumus
2 vultis
3 volunt
Present Subjunctive of volō, velle, voluī
1 velim
2 velīs
3 velit
1 velīmus
2 velītis
3 velint
Imperfect Subjunctive of volō, velle, voluī
1 vellem
2 vellēs
3 vellet
1 vellēmus
2 vellētis
3 vellent
Indicative Mood for volō, velle, voluī in third person singular
Present: vult
Future: volet
Imperfect: volēbat
Perfect: voluit
Future Perfect: voluerit
Pluperfect: voluerat
Subjunctive Mood for volō, velle, voluī in third person singular
Present: velit
Future: -
Imperfect: vellet
Perfect: voluerit
Future Perfect: -
Pluperfect: voluisset
Present Active Indicative of nōlō
1 nōlō
2 nōn vīs
3 nōn vult
1 nōlumus
2 nōn vultis
3 nōlunt
Present Active Indicative of mālō
1 mālō
2 māvīs
3 māvult
1 mālumus
2 māvultis
3 mālunt
Indicative Mood for nōlō in third person singular
Present: nōn vult
Future: nōlet
Imperfect: nōlēbat
Perfect: nōluit
Future Perfect: nōluerit
Pluperfect: nōluerat
Subjunctive Mood for nōlō in third person singular
Present: nōlit
Future: -
Imperfect: nōllet
Perfect: nōluerit
Future Perfect: -
Pluperfect: nōluisset
Indicative Mood for mālō in third person singular
Present: māvult
Future: mālet
Imperfect: mālēbat
Perfect: māluit
Future Perfect: māluerit
Pluperfect: māluerat
Subjunctive Mood for mālō in third person singular
Perfect: mālit
Future: -
Imperfect: mālet
Perfect: māluerit
Future Perfect: -
Pluperfect: māluisset
custodia, custodiae
protection, custody, guards
exercitus, exercitus
paupertas, paupertatis
poverty, humble circumstances
dives, divitis, ditis
rich, wealthy
par, partis
equal, like
pauper, pauperis
of small means, poor
provided that, so long as
malo, malle, malui
to want (something) more, instead, prefer
nolo, nolle, nolui
to not wish, be unwilling
pateo, patere, patui
to be open, lie open, be accessible, be evident
praebeo, praebere, praebui, praebitum
to offer, provide
promitto, promittere, promisi, promissum
to send forth, promise
volo, velle, volui
to wish, want, be willing, will