Lab: Snake Anatomy Flashcards
What is #1? Function?
Scales; camouflage, has unique colors and patterns
What is #2? Function?
Shields; protection on dorsal & ventral head
What is #3? Function?
Mental Scale; provides the bottom lip of snake
What is #4? Function?
Chin Shields; cover throat of snake with Gular scales
What is #5? Function?
Gular Scales; cover throat of snake with Chin Shields
What is #6? Function?
Mental Groove; line that divides chin shields and gular scales
What is #7? Function?
Ventral Scales; signifies start of scutes; behind gular scales
What is #8? Function?
Scutes; locomotion, move with friction in specific direction
What is #9? Function?
Vent; exit point of cloaca for materials to be excreted in environment
What is #10? Function?
Anal Scales; protect the cloaca, can be single or layered
What is #11? Function?
Tail; last segment of body, come in many forms
What is #12? Function?
Nares; bring air into respiratory system
What is #13? Function?
Glottis; air inhaled from nares goes here, located on floor of mouth
What is #14? Function?
Eyes; track movement of predators and prey
What is #15? Function?
Tongue; detects smells, constantly moving to detect chemicals in the air
What is #16? Function?
Jacobsen’s Organ; chemicals from the tongue are passed here to be interpreted by brain
What is #17? Function?
Maxillary Teeth; Grasp prey during feeding, 2/4 upper rows of teeth
What is #18? Function?
Palatine Pterygoid Teeth; Grasp prey during feed, 2/4 upper rows of teeth
What is #19? Function?
Mandibular Teeth; Grasp prey during feeding, 2 rows of lower teeth
What is #20? Function?
Fangs; modified versions of maxillary teeth in venomous snakes
What is #21? Function?
Venom Glands; produces/releases venom into duct
What is #22? Function?
Venom Duct; receives venom from glands and delivers to target
What is #23? Function?
Esophagus; entry to digestive system
What is #24? Function?
Vertebrae; houses spinal cord and supports body
What is #25? Function?
Ribs; attach to vertebrae, support, protection
What is #26? Function?
Skull; houses/protects brain and sensory organs
What is #27? Function?
Hypaxial/Epaxial Muscles; coordinate movements in specific directions
What is #28? Function?
Muscularis Compressor Glandulae; Main muscle in head for toxic bites in venom snakes
What is #29? Function?
Adductor Mandibulae; close the jaw and grasp prey to subdue it
What is #30? Function?
Buccal Cavity; where digestion begins within mouth
What is #31? Function?
Stomach; where mechanical digestion occurs and digestive enzymes are secreted
What is #32? Function?
Small Intestine; further digestion, divided into 5 sections
What is #32a? Function?
Duodenum; recieves enzymes from liver and pancreas
What is #32b? Function?
Jejunum; middle portion of small intestine
What is #32c? Function?
Illeum; end portion of small intestine
What is #33? Function?
Liver; excretes bile/waste and stores nutrients
What is #34? Function?
Gall Bladder; bile from liver is stored here
What is #35? Function?
Spleen; makes RBC in younger snakes and destroys them in older snakes
What is #36? Function?
Pancreas; regulates blood glucose levels
What is #37? Function?
Colon; absorbs water from undigested food
What is #38? Function?
Cloaca; termination point of colon
What is #39? Function?
Kidneys; filtering liquid waste and toxins out of blood
What is #40? Function?
Ureters; storage area for waste before excretion
What is #41? Function?
Heart; 3 chambered, closed system, elongated for body
What is #41a? Function?
Right Atrium; receives oxygen-poor blood from body circulation
What is #41b? Function?
Left Atrium; receives oxygen-rich blood from pulmonary circulation
What is #41c? Function?
Ventricle; emptying point of atriums
What is #42? Function?
Thymus; production of immune cells to fight infection
What is #43? Function?
Thyroid; metabolism and hormone secretion to initiate shedding process
What is #44? Function?
Pulmonary Artery; empties mixed blood into cavium pulmonac
What is #45? Function?
Left Aortic Arch; ejection point of blood from cavum vanpsum; forms descending aorta
What is #46? Function?
Right Aortic Arch; ejection point of blood from cavum vanpsum; forms descending aorta
What is #47? Function?
Descending Aorta; form R and L aortic arches
What is #48? Function?
Left Carotid Artery; branch of Right aorta that carries blood to cranium
What is #49? Function?
Right Carotid Artery; Branch of R aorta that carries blood to cranium
What is #50? Function?
Pharynx; common chamber for respiratory and digestive systems
What is #51? Function?
Trachea; carries inhaled air to the lungs
What is #52? Function?
Primary Bronchi (2); receives air from trachea
What is #53? Function?
Vestigial Left Lung; reduced or absent lung in most snakes
What is #54? Function?
Right Lung; spans entire length of body and contains air sac
What is #55? Function?
Air Sac; gas exchange and buoyancy in water
What is #56? Function?
Choanal Slit; passageway for air inhaled to be passed to glottis
What is #57? Function?
Testes; sperm production
What is #58? Function?
Vas Deferens; connects testes to cloaca
What is #59? Function?
Ovary; egg production and storgae
What is #60? Function?
Oviduct; attaches ovaries to cloaca
What is #61? Function?
Fat Bodies; Enable sustaining energy and life functions during cold months
What is #62? Function?
Brain; part of CNs, not higher-order structure
What is #63? Function?
Spinal Cord; sends impulses to rest of body, part of CNS
What is #64? Function?
Telencephalon; where learning occurs and memories are stored
What is #65? Function?
Mesencephalon; auditory and visual processing center
What is #66? Function?
Cerebellum; coordination of muscles