Lab: Fetal Pig Anatomy Flashcards
What is #1? Function?
Snout; main structure responsible for the sense of smell
What is #2 ? Function?
Nares; bring air into nasal passageway
What is #3 ? Function?
Philtrum; aid in sense of smell
What is #4 ? Function?
Eyes; take in visual stimuli
What is #5 ? Function?
Upper & Lower Eyelids; protection of the eye
What is #6 ? Function?
Nictitating Membrane; wipes debris from surface of cornea to moisten eye
What is #7 ? Function?
Pinna; external ear flap, gather sounds and focus them to inner ear
What is #8 ? Function?
Thorax; houses heart & lungs
What is #9 ? Function?
Abdomen; houses digestive, excretory, urinary, and reproductive organs
What is #10 ? Function?
Mammary Glands- in females, used to produce milk for young
What is #11 ? Function?
Urogenital Opening; exit route for liquid waste and reproductive units
What is #12 ? Function?
Urogenital Papilla; houses location for urethra & vaginal orifice
What is #13 ? Function?
Urethra; empties urine from bladder
What is #14 ? Function?
Vaginal Orifice; urination and birth
What is #15 ? Function?
Penis; reproductive organ in males
What is #16 ? Function?
Scrotum; houses & protects testes
What is #17 ? Function?
Anus; where solid waste is excreted
What is #18 ? Function?
Umbilical cord; pathway for nutrients from mother to young
What is #19 ? Function?
Hoof; appendage pig walks with
What is #20 ? Function?
Cervical Vertebrae; attach to skull & support head/neck
What is #21 ? Function?
Thoracic Vertebrae; attachment point for ribs
What is #22 ? Function?
Sternum; central meeting point of ribs
What is #22a? Function?
Manubrium; anterior portion of sternum
What is #22b? Function?
Gladiolus; central portion of sternum
What is #22c? Function?
Xiphoid Process; posterior portion of sternum
What is #23 ? Function?
True Ribs; ribs that attach directly to sternum
What is #24 ? Function?
False Ribs; ribs that attach to intercostal before sternum.
What is #25 ? Function?
Intercostal Cartilage; provides flexibility to ribcage for expansion/contraction
What is #26 ? Function?
Lumbar Vertebrae; support lower back and abdomen area, attach to pelvic girdle
What is #27 ? Function?
Pelvic Girdle; provides some digestive/reproductive organs for hindlimbs
What is #28 ? Function?
Sacral Vertebrae- make up dorsal portion of pelvic girdle
What is #29 ? Function?
Caudal Vertebrae- make up the tail
What is #30 ? Function?
Brachiocephalic- moves forelimb in anterior direction
What is #31 ? Function?
Pectoralis Major- adducts forelimb toward chest
What is #32 ? Function?
Pectoralis Minor- moves forelimb toward/away from chest
What is #33 ? Function?
Triceps; moves forelimb in posterior direction
What is #34 ? Function?
Serratus Ventralis- raises ribcage during inhalation
What is #35 ? Function?
Obliquus Externus- contracts & twists abdomen.
What is #36 ? Function?
Rectus Abdominus; contracts + twists abdomen
What is #37 ? Function?
Hard Palate; separates oral cavity from the nasal cavity
What is #38 ? Function?
Soft Palate; aids in swallowing
What is #39 ? Function?
Pharynx; common passageway for food/air
What is #39a ? Function?
Nasopharynx; transports inhaled air thru nares to lungs
What is #40 ? Function?
Esophagus; carries food from mouth to stomach
What is #41 ? Function?
Incisors; clipping, gripping, ripping food
What is #42 ? Function?
Canines; tearing & shredding food
What is #43 ? Function?
Tongue; making sounds, chewing, moving food back
What is #44 ? Function?
Epiglottis; small flap that covers the glottis
What is #45 ? Function?
Glottis; opening to the respiratory system
What is #46 ? Function?
Masseter; used to chew food
What is #47 ? Function?
Mylohyoid; used to raise floor of the mouth
What is #48 ? Function?
Parotid Glands; create saliva to aid in digestion
What is #49 ? Function?
Thyroid Gland; responsible for metabolic process
What is #50 ? Function?
Thymus Gland; manufactures T cell for immune response
What is #51 ? Function?
Stomach; mechanical + chemical digestion
What is #52 ? Function?
Small Intestine; chemical digestion + absorption of nutrients
What is #52a? Function?
Duodenum; beginning portion of S.I.
What is #52b ? Function?
Jejunum; middle portion of S.I
What is #52c ? Function?
Ileum; end portion of S.I
What is #52d ? Function?
Caecum; houses bacteria for digesting plant material
What is #53 ? Function?
Mesentery; membrane that holds S.I together
What is #54 ? Function?
Large Intestine; reabsorbes H2O from remaining undigested waste
What is #55 ? Function?
Rectum; stores undigested food until excretion
What is #56? Function?
Liver; removes toxins from blood and creates bile
What is #57 ? Function?
Gall Bladder; stores bile from liver
What is #58 ? Function?
Common Bile Duct; transports bile from liver to gall bladder
What is #59 ? Function?
Pancreas; creates enzymes such as Insulin
What is #60 ? Function?
Spleen; destroys old RBC
What is #61 ? Function?
Heart; 4 chambered, pumps blood
What is #61a ? Function?
Right Atrium; receives oxygen poor blood thru Super Vena Cava
What is #61b ? Function?
Left Atrium; Receives oxygen rich blood
What is #61c ? Function?
Right Ventricle; receives blood from R. Atrium and pumps through pulmonary artery
What is #61d ? Function?
Left Ventricle; Recieves oxygen rich blood from L. Atrium and pumps out via aortic arch
What is #62 ? Function?
Coronary Arteries; supply cardiac muscle cells with oxygen and nutrients
What is #63 ? Function?
Aortic Arch; pumps blood out to body
What is #64 ? Function?
Brachiocephalic Artery; carries oxygenated blood to R shoulder, arm and head
What is #65 ? Function?
Left/Right Carotid Artery; breakdown of brachiocephalic artery; carry blood to head
What is #66a ? Function?
Right Subclavian Artery; breakdown of Brachiocephalic, supplies blood to R. forelimb
What is #66b ? Function?
Left Subclavian Artery; supplies blood to L. forelimb
What is #67? Function?
Descending Aorta; carries oxygen-rich blood to rest of body
What is #68a? Function?
Internal Jugular Vein; carry blood from head to superior vena cava
What is #68b? Function?
External Jugular Vein; carry blood from head to superior vena cava
What is #69? Function?
Transverse Jugular Vein; carry blood from underside of jaw to superior vena cava
What is #70 ? Function?
External Maxillary Vein; carry blood from outer jaw to superior vena cava
What is #71? Function?
Superior Vena Cava; receives blood from veins
What is #72 ? Function?
Inferior Vena Cava; carries blood from posterior body to heart
What is #73? Function?
Pulmonary Artery; pathway from R. Ventricle to lungs to collect oxygen
What is #74? Function?
Pulmonary Vein; carries oxygen-rich blood from lungs back to heart
What is #75? Function?
Diaphragm; contracts to pull oxygen and elements thru nares
What is #76? Function?
Lungs; gas exchange
What is #77? Function?
Trachea; pathway for inhaled air from glottis
What is #78? Function?
Larynx; voice box for communication
What is #79? Function?
Bronchi; carries air to respective lung
What is #80? Function?
Bronchioles; terminate to alveoli
What is #81? Function?
Alveoli; gas exchange site
What is #82? Function?
Kidneys; filtering wastes out of blood
What is #83? Function?
Adrenal Glands; dumps adrenaline into body during fight or flight
What is #84? Function?
Ureters; transports waste to bladder
What is #85 ? Function?
Bladder; stores urine until excretion
What is #86? Function?
Penis; male reproductive structure
What is #87? Function?
Bulbourethral Gland; adds seminal fluid to ejaculate
What is #88? Function?
Testes; sperm production and storage
What is #89? Function?
Epididymis; collects and stores sperm until activated
What is #90? Function?
Vas Deferens; connects epididymis to urethra; pathway for sperm
What is #91? Function?
Ovaries; egg production and storage
What is #92? Function?
Oviducts; site where fertilization occurs
What is #93? Function?
Uterus body; implantation and development site
What is #94? Function?
Vagina; birth canal
What is #95? Function?
Skull; protects the brain
What is #96? Function?
Meninges; 3 layers of protection membranes for brain
What is #97 ? Function?
Brain; all higher order thought and control
What is #98? Function?
Longitudinal Fissure; divides brain into right and left hemispheres