Chapter 9: Polyzoa and Trochozoa Flashcards
What are the 6 phyla discussed in this chapter?
Cycliophora, Entoprocta, Ectoprocta, Brachiopoda, Phoronida, & Nemertea
Many phyla in this chapter have a ____.
What is a Lophophore? Function?
Crown of tentacles with cilia that can be used for:
- Feeding
Or withdrawn for
- Protection
What phylum was described as being “very strange little creatures clinging to the mouthparts of the Norway lobster.”
Phylum Cycliophora
Where does Phylum Cycliophora live?
The mouthparts of marine decapod crustaceans (crabs, lobsters) in the Northern Hemisphere
Describe the simple body plan of Phylum Cycliophora?
Mouth → U-shaped gut→ anus
What is the unique way that Phylum Cycliophora reproduces sexually
Male larvae is made and attach to feeding stages that contain the female larvae where the offspring then swim to new hosts
Describe phylum Entoprocta
tiny sessile animals with ciliated tentacles, mostly marine,
Are phylum Entoprocta colonial or solitary?
Where are freshwater phylum Entoprocta found?
On the undersides of rocks in running water
Describe the anatomy of phylum Entoprocta
Cup-shaped body, U-shaped and ciliated gut
Phylum Ectoprocta are also called what (2 names)
“moss animals” and Bryozoans
Phylum Ectoprocta are fouling organisms, meaning what?
They grow on boat hulls
Each colony of Phylum Ectoprocta occupies a _____, which is a tiny chamber.
What is a zooid?
An individual in a Phylum Ectoprocta colony
What is a cystid?
The body wall of an animal
What does a polypide do?
Pops up out of the Phylum Ectoprocta organism to feed where it traps food particles and then quickly withdrawls back into the zoecium.
What is an operculum?
The trap door mechanism on a zoecium that a polypide retracts into
What is the unique way that Phylum Ectoprocta reproduce asexually?
They form statoblasts during summer and fall then when the colony dies the statoblasts are released and in spring give rise to new polypides
What Phylum is also referred to as “Lamp shells”
Phylum Brachiopoda
What are characteristics of Phylum Brachiopoda
prefer shallow water, have 2 calcareous shell valves secreted by mantle
What attaches Phylum Brachiopoda organisms to the substrate
What are the 2 subclasses of Phylum Brachiopoda?
Articulata & Inarticulata
What do Phylum Brachiopoda Articulata contain?
Shell valves interlocked by a hinge with tooth-and-socket
Phylum Brachiopoda Inarticulata shells are held together by what
muscles only
How do Phylum Brachiopoda reproduce?
Gametes are discharged into the water column
What is unique about Phylum Phoronida?
They live within a leathery or chitinous tube
What Phylum is also called “ribbon worms”?
Phylum Nemertea
What is an example of Phylum Nemertea?
Lineus longissimus
Describe how Phylum Nemertea feed
They seize prey with a proboscis that lies within the rynchocoel it can be everted to expose a stylet which stabs the prey. The structure is then retracted towards the mouth where the esophagus then thrusts out to engulf the food.
What part of Phylum Nemertea stabs the prey?