Lab: Frog Anatomy Flashcards
What is #1? Function?
External Nares; help frog breathe
What is #2? Function?
Internal Nares; help frog breathe
What is #3? Function?
Nictitating Membrane; protects eyes when swimming and eating (3rd eyelid)
What is #4? Function?
Tympanic Membrane; receives sound input from environment
What is #5? Function?
Eustachian Tube; Equalizes inner ear pressure
What is #6? Function?
Skin; drinking and respiration
What is #7? Function?
Cloaca; common exit for digestive, urinary, and reproductive systems
What is #8? Function?
Nuptial Pad; Helps male grasp the female during mating
What is #9? Function?
Webbed Feet; propel frogs thru water when swimming
What is #10? Function?
Sartorious; works to flex thigh and calf of leg
What is #11? Function?
Adductor Magnus; adducts/pulls thigh inward toward other leg
What is #12? Function?
Semitendinosus; adducts/extends thigh and flexes knee
What is #13? Function?
Gracilis Major; extends thigh and flexes shank
What is #14? Function?
Pectoralis; adducts forelimbs so frogs can grasp limbs or partner
What is #15? Function?
Deltoid; adducts forelimb toward midline
What is #16? Function?
Rectus Abdominus; contracts abdomen
What is #17? Function?
Obliquus Externus; Allows from the twist abdomen side to side
What is #18? Function?
Xiphisternum; forms junction of rib and breastplate; muscles attach
What is #19? Function?
Tongue; Retrieves prey and brings to mouth
What is #20? Function?
Mandible; lower jaw, captures food
What is #21? Function?
Maxilla; mastication, grasping prey
What is #22? Function?
Vomerine Teeth; located on roof of mouth used to grasp prey
What is #23? Function?
Retractor Bulbi; contract to push food down esophagus; located under eye
What is #24? Function?
Esophagus; carries food from mouth to stomach using peristalsis
What is #25? Function?
Stomach; mechanically breaks down food and stores it
What is #26? Function?
Intestine; chemical digestion and absorption of nutrients
What is #27? Function?
Pancreas; makes insulin to regulate blood sugar
What is #28? Function?
Liver; makes bile and filters blood of toxins
What is #29? Function?
Gall Bladder; stores bile made by liver
What is #30? Function?
Spleen; recycles out old blood cells
What is #31? Function?
Fat Bodies; Insulate body and provide nutrition during hibernation and mating
What is #32? Function?
Kidneys; filter/remove liquid waste from blood stream
What is #33? Function?
Bladder; stores collected fluid (urine) waste until release
What is #34? Function?
Rectum; stores undigested remains until excretion
What is #35? Function?
Glottis; entrance to respiratory system
What is #36? Function?
Lungs; exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood
What is #37a? Function?
Atrium; receives blood
What is #37b? Function?
Ventricle; pumps blood
What is #38? Function?
Conus Arteriosus; carries blood away from the heart
What is #39? Function?
Truncus Arteriosus; carries blood to respective side (L or R); branches into 3 smaller aortic areas
What is #40? Function?
Common Carotid Artery; deliver oxygenated blood to head region
What is #41? Function?
Pulmocutaneous Artery and Vein; deliver deoxygenated blood to lungs and skin
What is #42? Function?
Systemic Arteries; Turn caudally to deliver oxygenated blood to arms via Subclavian Artery and body
What is #43? Function?
Subclavian Artery; carries blood from Systematic Arteries to arms
What is #44? Function?
Dorsal Aorta; carries blood to be filtered by kidneys
What is #45? Function?
Renal Arteries; pathway for dorsal aorta to pump blood to kidney
What is #46? Function?
Celiacomesenteric Artery; delivers blood to stomach, pancreas, liver, intestine, and spleen.
What is #47? Function?
Common Iliac Arteries; branches of dorsal aorta
What is #48? Function?
Femoral Artery; deliver oxygenated blood to hind limbs
What is #49? Function?
Sciatic Artery; deliver oxygenated blood to hind limbs w/ femoral artery
What is #50? Function?
Femoral Vein; carry blood to renal portal vein
What is #51? Function?
Sciatic Vein; carry blood to renal portal vein with Femoral Vein
What is #52? Function?
Pelvic Veins; carry blood from hind legs back to heart
What is #53? Function?
Ventral Abdominal Vein; delivers blood back to heart and deposits into R atrium
What is #54? Function?
Renal Veins; returns blood to heart from kidneys
What is #55? Function?
Hepatic Portal Vein; returns blood to the heart from liver and other digestive organs
What is #56? Function?
Subclavian Vein; returns blood from arm to heart
What is #57? Function?
Testes; Sperm production and storage; located at end of spermatic canal
What is #58? Function?
Spermatic Canal; pathway for released sperm
What is #59? Function?
Ovary; egg production
What is #60? Function?
Eggs; reproductive unit to be fertilized
What is #61? Function?
Oviducts; passageway for eggs traveling to uterus
What is #62? Function?
Uterus; egg storage until reproduction/ mating hug
What is #63? Function?
Brain; all life functions controlled here; 3 part: hindbrain, midbrain, forebrain
What is #64? Function?
Cerebral Hemispheres; Higher order thought control
What is #65? Function?
Olfactory Lobes; receive chemical inputs to be interpreted as smell
What is #66? Function?
Optic lobes; perceive visual stimuli
What is #67? Function?
Cerebellum; balance and coordination
What is #68? Function?
Medulla Oblongata; regulates autonomic functions (breathing and digestion)
What is #69? Function?
Vertebrae; body support, make up bony spine
What is #70? Function?
Sacral Vertebrae; has process that forms sacrum when joined with Ilium
What is #71? Function?
Ileum; Joins w/ sacral Vertebrae to form the sacrum