Lab: Bird Anatomy Flashcards
What is the function of #1? Function?
Feathers; camouflage, waterproofing, insulation, attracts a mate, lifting and steering during flight
What is the function of #2? Function?
Filoplumes; hair-like feathers for decorative and sensory functions
What is the function of #3? Function?
Rectrices; tail feathers used for steering
What is the function of #4? Function?
Body Contour Feathers; cover & insulate body
What is the function of #5? Function?
Primary Feathers; main feather type used in flight
What is the function of #6? Function?
Secondary Feathers; main feathers used in flight
What is the function of #7? Function?
Tertiary feathers; main feathers used in flight
What is the function of #8? Function?
Coverts; shorter feathers covering edge of wing for smoothing air as it travels over wing.
What is the function of #9? Function?
Pygostyle; muscular caudal region of birds torso for feather attachment
What is the function of #10? Function?
Uropygial Gland; produces oil, fatty acids, and wax for waterproofing
What is the function of #11? Function?
Head; houses sensory organs
What is the function of #12? Function?
Eyes; receive and interpret visual stimuli
What is the function of #13? Function?
Ear; recognize distinctions in pitch, tone, and rythym
What is the function of #14? Function?
Bill; contain mandible and maxillae
What is the function of #15? Function?
Maxilla; upper jaw bone for food manipulation
What is the function of #16? Function?
Mandible; lower jaw bone for food manipulation
What is the function of #17? Function?
Rhamphotheca; outer sheath of mandibles composed of keratin
What is the function of #18? Function?
Nares; entrance to respiratory system
What is the function of #19? Function?
Operculum; keeps water out of nares or retains water. Filters out dust and pollen
What is the function of #20? Function?
Tongue; ensures food goes down the esophagus
What is the function of #21? Function?
Glottis; opening to respiratory system
What is the function of #22? Function?
Choanal Slit; provides connection btw trachea & nares
What is the function of #23? Function?
Anisodactyl Toes (P) ; allows for perching
What is the function of #24? Function?
Webbed Feet (G) ; Eases walking on sand and swimming in water
What is the function of #25? Function?
Cloaca/vent; common exit for digestive and excretory waste; exit for eggs
What is the function of #26? Function?
Cervical Vertebrae (13-25); allows flexibility for bending and moving head to groom
What is the function of #27? Function?
Furcula; fused to collarbone (wishbone) absorbs stress of flying
What is the function of #28? Function?
Coracoid Bone; leads from head of humerus to breastbone; unique to birds
What is the function of #29? Function?
Humerus; comprises wing, helps withstand pectoral muscles pull during flight
What is the function of #30? Function?
Sternum/keel; breastbone of birds
What is the function of #31? Function?
Scapula; shoulder blade
What is the function of #32? Function?
Pectoral Girdle; provides points of attachment for muscles
What is the function of #33? Function?
Pectoralis Major; powers flight by elevating & depressing wing
What is the function of #34? Function?
Pelvic Girdle; Composed of ileum, ischium, and pubis
What is the function of #35? Function?
Innominate Bone; fusion of ileum, ischium, and pubis
What is the function of #36? Function?
Synsacrum; Fuses with Innominate Bone to make pelvic girdle a single bone
What is the function of #37? Function?
Femur; thigh bone, comprises upper leg
What is the function of #38? Function? (Gull only)
Salt Gland; removes excess salt from diet and secretes it through nasal ducts
What is the function of #39? Function?
Esophagus; food travels down to stomach via peristalsis
What is the function of #40? Function?
Crop; temporarily stores food before stomach
What is the function of #41? Function?
Proventriculus; secretes mucus, acids, and enzymes to soften food (1/2 of stomach)
What is the function of #42? Function?
Gizzard; muscular stomach (1/2 stomach) grinds food
What is the function of #43? Function?
Small Intestine; chemically digests food and absorbs nutrients (3 sections)
What is the function of #43a? Function?
Duodenum; receives enzymes from the pancreas and liver (part of S.I)
What is the function of #43b? Function?
Jejunum; middle portion of Small Intestine
What is the function of #43c? Function?
Ileum; end portion of Small Intestine
What is the function of #44? Function?
Mesentery; membrane that holds intestine together
What is the function of #45? Function?
Colon; contains caecum, stores waste
What is the function of #46? Function?
Caecum; houses bacteria necessary for digestion of plant and insect material
What is the function of #47? Function?
Rectum; stores undigested food before excretion
What is the function of #48? Function?
Liver; removes toxins from blood and creates bile
What is the function of #49? Function?
Gall Bladder (G) ; stores bile created by liver
What is the function of #50? Function?
Spleen; immune response functions
What is the function of #51? Function?
Pancreas; produces insulin to regulate blood sugar
What is the function of #52? Function?
Heart; 4 chambered, delivers/recieves blood
What is the function of #52a? Function?
Left Atrium; receives newly oxygenated blood from pulmonary veins
What is the function of #52b? Function?
Left Ventricle; receives blood from L. atrium and pumps out via Aortic Arch
What is the function of #52c? Function?
Right Atrium; receives O2 poor blood, empties into R. Ventricle
What is the function of #52d? Function?
Right Ventricle; receives O2 poor blood from R. Atrium and pumps into lungs
What is the function of #53? Function?
Aortic Arch; pumps blood out to body from L Ventricle
What is the function of #54? Function?
Brachiocephalic Artery; carry blood from heart to shoulders, wings, and head
What is the function of #55? Function?
Common Carotid Artery; carry blood to head,break down of Brachiocephalic Artery
What is the function of #56? Function?
Vertebral Artery; carry blood to head
What is the function of #57? Function?
Brachial Artery; carries blood to wings
What is the function of #58? Function?
Pectoral Artery; carries blood to wings
What is the function of #59? Function?
Thoracic Artery; carries blood to the thoracic region
What is the function of #60? Function?
Descending Aorta; carries O2 rich blood to rest of body
What is the function of #61? Function?
Celiac Artery; carries blood to gastric region
What is the function of #62? Function?
Renal Artery; carries blood to kidneys
What is the function of #63? Function?
Femoral Artery; carries blood to lower appendages
What is the function of #64? Function?
External Illiac Artery; carries blood to lower appendages
What is the function of #65? Function?
Tail Arteries; supply blood to pygostyle
What is the function of #66? Function?
Pharynx; common chamber for respiratory and digestive systems
What is the function of #67? Function?
Trachea; carries inhaled air to lungs
What is the function of #68? Function?
Syrinx; voice box; communication
What is the function of #69? Function?
Primary Bronchus; carries air to respective lung
What is the function of #70? Function?
Lung; main structure for gas exchange
What is the function of #71? Function?
Mesobronchi; transfer O2 through capillaries
What is the function of #72? Function?
Cervical Air Sacs; Unidirectional Flow of air, fill with spent air from lungs
What is the function of #73? Function?
Interclavicular Air Sac; fill with spent air from lungs
What is the function of #74? Function?
Anterior Thoracic Air Sac; Releases air from the body
What is the function of #75? Function?
Posterior Thoracic Air Sac; when ribs contract air moves into
What is the function of #76? Function?
Abdominal Air Sac; fill with O2 rich air
What is the function of #77? Function?
Kidneys; receives blood from the heart and filters blood waste
What is the function of #78? Function?
Ureters; waste is transported here for excretion through cloaca
What is the function of #79? Function?
Testes; sperm production and storage
What is the function of #80? Function?
Vas Deferens; tube for sperm to be released from body
What is the function of #81? Function?
Ovary; egg production and storage
What is the function of #83? Function?
Oviduct; tubes for eggs to be released from body
What is the function of #84? Function?
Brain; thoughts and actions formed here (CNS)
What is the function of #85? Function?
Spinal Cord; relays impulses to body (CNS)
What is the function of #86? Function?
Cerebral Hemispheres; intelligence and ability to create communities, communicate and do tasks
What is the function of #87? Function?
Optic Lobes; visual perception
What is the function of #88? Function?
Olfactory Lobes; interpret sense stimuli (poor in birds)
What is the function of #89? Function?
Cerebellum; coordination of muscles
What is the function of #90? Function?
Medulla; involuntary functions
What is the function of #91? Function?
Adrenal Gland; produces adrenaline during fight or flight responses