Hospitality Education Flashcards
What is hospitality?
It’s a form of entertainment and as long as we have entertainment in a society is always going to be a lot of different Avenues and opportunities for individuals.It’s a unique area & is mostly spoken in combination with tourism. It is one of the fastest growing area any where in the world because it involves all different fields; food service, restaurants hotels, theme park attractions, surface transportations, airlines all of those are involved.Provides tremendous opportunities for jobs, for carriers, and the Formel work force in countries that are still dependent on subsistence agriculture and has very high level of poverty. Poor countries they focus on Eco tourism, national Parks and hotel management.We prepare individuals with those skills needed for those different industries.
What would students do when they go to an internship?
If they go on entry-level let me work at Front desk, if you’re going as graduates they may have them on some specific operations portions of the service chain or have working on the event management side of it.
What do we achieve with training and internships?
What we do as part of our training is to provide hands-on experience. internship they go to hotels and make all the cold calls to the prospects even before the event takes place.Cold calling is the solicitation of business from potential customers who have had no prior contact with the salesperson conducting the call.
What would graduates in Africa do?
Internship is a big aspect of the hospitality industry. So some graduates go on to become tour operator so they are are managing other logistics but then also developing the communication skills, The interpersonal skills, leadership skills of customer service to be able to take people from around the world and let them enjoy what each country has to offer. it provides opportunities within ecotourism and conservation wildlife as well..
How do you train employees to be able to deal with customers from all over the world?
We focus on diversity training where we train each individuals how to work with individuals with different skill sets as they come from different backgrounds. They have different ethnicity experiences, economic and social experiences. So we try to focus on interpersonal skills and how they communicate with individuals because it’s all about how you build relationships with guests.
<span>What shall hotel employers in the world do what they are not doing now?</span>
<span><span>Number one is to train our students on cultural diversity in dealing with international guest. That is where we tried focus as much as possible because now with Internet and technology we are getting guests from different parts of the world. We have to be prepared to accept them especially those from China and India, there’s a lot of restrictions their eating habits are very different and other conditions are very different. I think the greatest challenges that the West is facing in terms of tourism, globalisation and connectivity as part of Hospitalty is how to deal with the cultural diversity of guests from this part of the world.</span></span>
What do you do if guests ask opposite things?
It is a can do attitude of the service industry. Even looking at the food habits they are very different, they have different allergies, sometimes they have different religious reasons. The important thing is that we can never say no to Our guests. This is a service area in which you have so many intangible faces. But once they are trained starting with foreign languages starting at learning about the cultures of different countries how to treat the guess this becomes no magic.
What is the biggest challenge where is this facing with today’s tourism?
The new challenge that education and west is going to face is to be prepared to have guests from different parts of the world.
How do you connect impoverished background & hotel?
Some when they come to the school they have never set foot in a hotel.this is a highly regulated area of service; how you serve, opening a door or holding a glass need to be trained. Mostly in poor countries, where the majority of people are living in subsistent agriculture, living on a few dollars a day coming from extremely poor rural communities, to then train them to move into this industry, and to deal with a lot of these intercultural challenges, or difficult guests, or different traditions, or eating patterns requires a lot of training, communication, and intercultural skills, so that’s a big part of the program.
How can the classroom studies help students understand the culture?
In class rooms environment we can do case studies and put them in the role-play type situation which can let them see exactly what’s going on in the industry.So much of this industry is the practical hands on and having those hands-on experience and learning how to be quick on your feet with problem-solving. You gain those skills by doing an internship doing the role play in class rooms.Ultimately, it’s not only classroom experience but also hands-on experience.
Micky mouse
Mickey Mouse university and Hamburg the university and I want this place is what they do is teaching students the skills required to serve the guest at their best,
Does hospitality help save the nature?
Some government is focusing on community-based tourism. For instance Africa they had a huge problems with the poachers & their national Parks. Most people thought certain species will disappear from the world. So the government had developed a strategy of tourism actually engaging those former poachers and giving them jobs. So you know you are giving them a sustainable livelihood,you’re contributing to education and training and preservation in the area.
Why there’re hotel schools in USA that provides trip to Asia for their students
It’s kind of a cross between educational experiences and tourism experience.
What is really hospitality/ what do we do
Hospitalty is a unique industry because our industry is teaching people how to really connect and communicate with other people and really how to serve other people and that genuine service. I think that’s how we connect and continue to build relationships in our industry. Our hospitality, It is the experience that is more important that enriches the life of a person. This is a service area in which you have so many intangible faces that you sometimes feel as becoming a nightmare.
Why studying tourism and hospitality is so important
It gives you this foundational knowledge of people skills and a deep understanding of the culture and industry. Most of the day looking countries at least one in 15 or 20 jobs directly or indirectly tied to the tourism industry. So absolutely it is this tour that is going to be ending poverty, breaking down barriers between people creating this international understanding of different cultures and different religions so wherever you are in the world if you travel you are helping this process.
Why building and investing in hospitality industry is important?
There are multiple avenues within the industry and many countries are trying to move away from a focus on subsistence agriculture and trying to tap into the competitive advantages that exist in the country and create jobs for people, so the ripple effect of building this industry and investing in this industry is huge across the region.