GIT V (Large Bowel) Flashcards
Contrast agent used in barium enema
Diluted Gastrograffin
Which better for detection of colorectal cancer and polyps, CTC or barium enema
CTC replaced barium enema
Enema study performed in patients unsuitable or failed colonoscopy
Uses of MRI in Large bowel
It is accurate for local staing of Rectal malignancy in addition to assessing bengin disease such as anal fistula and pelvic floor dysfunction
MR Colonography
It can be used to evaluate the colonic lumen, colon wall and extra-luminal tissues
A dynamic study of the rectal and pelvic floor
MRI proctography
Role of USS in large intestine
• It can provide detailed imaging of the colon wall.
• has a valuable role for assessing the extent and activity of IBD
• Dx of appendicitis
• assessment of the anal sphincters
Role fo PET in large intestine
Useful for assessment of extra luminal disease and distant metastases.
So… what are modalities used in large intestine imaging
Endoscopic Ultrasound
CT ( And CT colonography & vitusl colonoscopy)
MRI (MR colonography & MRI proctography )
PET scan
Causes of LBO
Stricture (Crohn’s)
Fecal impaction
Imperforate anus or meconium ileus in pediatric population
Large bowel obstruction on plain radiograph:
Colonic distention: gaseous
Collapsed distal colon
Very few or no air-fluid levels are found in the large bowel (bc water is reabsored)
In large bowel obstruction, small bowel dilatation is depending on:
Duration of obstruction
Incomplete of the ileoceal valve
Stigmata of an ischemic colon (advanced):
Stigmata = 3 gases
Intramural gas (pneumatosis coli)
Portal venous gas.
Free intra-abdominal gas (pneumoperitoneum).
The most widely used modality for assessment of large bowel obstruction
CT: can confirm the diagnosis and localize the location of obstruction, able to identify the cause, and complications.
Large vs. Small bowel
Large bowel: peripheral, haustral markings don’t extend from wall to wall, and max diameter 6cm(cecom 9cm)
Smalle bowel: central, plica extend across lumen, maximum diameter of 3cm
Most common form of GIT volvulus
Sigmoid volvulus
Predisposing factors and peak age of volvulus
Redundant sigmoid colon
Chronic constipation
High-roughage diet (may cause a along, redundant sigmoid
**peak age >50y
Radiological findings of sigmoid volvulus
On AXR(diagnostic):
Coffe-bean sign
On Fluoroscopy barium enema:
Bird’s-beak sign
CT scan useful in assessing mural wall ischemia
Predisposing factors and peak age for cecal volvulus
10% of GIT volvulus
Freely mobile colon
Peak age : 30-60y
Cecal volvulus on AXR:
• Distended cecum and abnormal positioning of the bowel loops.
• A coffee bean sign
• in some cases, signs of bowel ischemia oe necrosis
• Caecal Embryo sign
Absence of Auerbach and Meissner plexus along a variable length of the distal GI tract
Hurschsprung’s disease HSD
Or Congenital megacolon