GIT III (crohn's) Flashcards
Radiological features of crohn’s disease
AXR: renal stone, gallstone, joints changes
Contrast study: skip lesions and discrete ulcers in:
Small bowel 70-80%
Small and large bowel: 50%
Large bowel only 15-20%
Crons disease on fluoroscopy:
• Widely separated loops of bowel due to mesenteric infiltration and • thickened folds dt edema
• cobblestone appearance
• pseudodiverticula
• string sign
Crohn’s Mucusal ulcer when severe leads to
cobblestone appearance
May leads to sinus tracts and fistula
Contraction at the site of ulcer with ballooning of the opposite side leads to the formation of:
Pseudodiverticula or pseudosacculation
Tubular narrowing dt spasm or stricture
String sign
CT findings of crohn’s disease
Fat halo sign
Comb sign
++ thickening and enhancement of bowel wall
Stricutures and fistula
Mesenteric/intra-abdominal abscess or phegmon formation
Comb sign found in:
Crohns disease
lupus enteritis (SLE mesenteric vasculitis)
MRI findings of crohn’s disease
thickening ,enhancement , narrowing
Mucosal thickening and enhancement
Involving the Iliocecal junction
Narrowing of the lumen and thickening in the wall of ileocecal junction are seen by MRI enterography