Chest I Flashcards
definition of
(collapse) is loss of lung volume due to decreased aeration.
types of atelectasis
compressive, obstructive, contractive (ARDS, lung fibrosis)
ARDS = acute respirator distress syndrome
describe signs of atelectasis by X ray [4]
- rib crowding
- high dome of the affected side
- triangular shaped obacity (wedge-shaped)
- inverted S sign
By hakim: - Displacement of the fissure
- Vascular crowdding
- Elevation kf diaphragm
- Ipsilateral Midastinal shiftting
- Overinflated adjacent or contralateral lobe
- Hilar displacement
in case o atelectasis what is the next step
CT to discover the cause
DDs of obstructive atelectasis
forign body aspiration (young), tumors (old)
definition of
filling of the alveoli with a liquid like substance (blood, pus, water, cells)
describe the consalidation radiologically
condense area and air bronchogram
acute symtoms + consalidation = ?
waht is the cause of consalidation if it not treated by antibiotic
it may be tumor
types of cavitary lesion in the lung:
just mention the main 4 forms
cavitary lesion
1. with air-fluid level
2. with irregular wall
3. with mobile fungal ball
4. multiple
DDs of
cavitary lesion with air-fluid level
lung abscess, TB, pneumonia or squamus cell carcinoma
DDs of
cavitary lesion with irregular speculated margin
~squamus cell carcinoma
DDs of
multiple cavitary lesion
- septic emboli from: endocardaitis or Wegener granulomatosis.
- metastasis: squamous cell carcinoma (male) or uterine carcinosarcoma (female)
special cavitation in pulmonary fungal infection
fungal ball (move with gravity)
pulmonary myocytoma (aspergilloma)
and crescent sign
tumor of the plura
sign of empyema
split pleural sign + enhanced CT
signs of tension pneumothorax by x ray:
- loss of lung marks (lung collapse)
- mediastinal sheft
- flat diaphragm
- hazy opposite lung (due to high blood supply)
- increase intercostal spaces
treated by chest tube
signs of pulmonary effusion by x ray:
- opacity in the lower zone
- oplitiration of:
* the dome of daphrgm
* (R/L) heart border
* costo-phrinic angle
* cardiophrenic angle - c spaped angle
maybe uni or bilateral
if there are signs of trauma (fracture, bullet), the pulmonary effusion is probably ____
shape of opacity due to plural effusion:
mention three shapes/forms
- c shaped –> plural effusion
- air fluid level –> hydropneumothorax
- encysted (bi convex) –> colliction in the fissure
CT of mesothelioma
circumferential , nodular, thick, enhanced soft tissue (mass)
multiple level reb fracture called
flail chest
DDs of
bilateral nodular opacity in the hilum
hilar LN enlargement
1) lymphoma 2) sarcaidosis 3) TB
air-fluid level in the mediastinum
(stomach) hiatus hernia
air between diaphragm and liver
perforated viscus (perforated peptic ulcer) (pneumoperitoneum)
crescent sign you can see it in which cases
- funal ball
- pneumoperitoneum
how the pulmonary embolizm appeares radiologically
filling defect
normally the both main branches of pulmonary vein should be completely opacifyed by contrast
spot diagnosis
tearing pain
aortic disection –line inside the aorta