Genetics Flashcards
DNA copied into messenger RNA(mRNA) in the nucleus
mRNA attaches to ribosome, transfer RNA 9tRNA) carries amino acid to the ribosome and binds to a matching sequence in the mRNA
3 main chromosomal tests
- karyotype
- microarray
Karyotype genetic testings can detect (6 types)
large chromosome deletions
large chromosome duplications
unbalanced translocations
balanced translocations
Microarray will pik up__
will not pick up___
will pick up chromosome imbalancec, will not pick up chromosome thats balanced.
Chromosomal microdeletions and microduplicaitons can be detected by
- FISH (fluorescence in situ hybridizations (targeted to a specific chromosome region)
- Microarray
main gene-base tests
single gene sequencing
multiple gene sequencing (gene panels)
Whole exome sequencing (WES)
whole genome sequencing
Trinucleotide Repeat Disorders
Due to abnormal expansion of repetitive DNA sequences
Fragile X syndrome
Huntington disease
Friedrich Ataxia
chorionic villus sampling
12-14 weeks
1% risk of miscarriage
after week 16
0.1-0.3% risk of miscarriage/early delivery
newborn screening Ontario (heel prick)
1. metabolic disease
2. endocrine disease
3. sickle cell disease
4. cystic fibrosis
5. severe combined immune deficiency
6. spinal muscular atrophy
DNA polymerase
enzyme that travels along the single DNA strand, adding the correct nucelotides to the free end of the new strand and checking to ensure that its base is actually complementary tot he template base, DNA proofreading
How many different types of amino acids
sequence of how many bases to form a codon
3 nitrogenous bases
explain silent mutations
because the redundancy fo the genetic code, such mutations do not change the amino acid sequence
missense mutaton
produce a change in a single AA
nonsense mutation
produce on the three stop codons (UAA, UAG, UGA)
frameshift mutation
insertion or deletion of one or more base pairs of the DNA
an ordered display of chromosomes
polyploid cell
euploid cell has more than the diploid number of chromosome e.g. liver, bronchial, epithelial tissues
a cell that does not contain a multiple of 23 chromosomes
an error in whcih homologous chromosomes or sister chromatids fail to separate normally druing meiosis or mitosis
partial trisomy
only an extra portion of a chromosome is present in each cell
Turner’s Syndrome
Monosomy of X
Klinefelter’s Syndrome
XXY condition
Principle of Segregation
homologous genes separate from one another during reproduction and that each reproductive cell carries only one copy of a homologous gene
% of individuals with a specific genotype who also exhibit the expected phenotype
Principle of independent assortment
hereditary transmission of one gene does not affect the transmission of another
extent of variation in phenotype associated with a particular genotype
Empirical risks
direct observation of large numbers of families, used to estimate recurrence risks for multifactorial dieses
Threshold of liability
disease that do not follow a normal distribution, probably polygenic or multifactorial, certain threshold before the disease is expressed