What is Generalization
behaviour that occurs in the presence of a SD that is similar to that used in training
basically the effects of the treatment working outside the treatment
What are the 3 types of Generalization
Response Maintenance.
Transfer of Behaviour across Situations and Setting.
Response Generalization.
What is Response Maintenance
The treated behaviour is efficient over time after the program is no longer in effect
eg.after the reinforcement program is over, math problem worksheet completion is continued over time
What is “transfer of behaviour across situations and settings”
Behaviour change takes place in new/different settings and circumstances
What is “Response Generalization”
when the alteration of one behaviour leads to similar changes in another
eg.more math worksheet completions also lead to a quieter classroom
What are the 3 ways to promote generalization
- Exploit natural contingencies
- Train diversely
- Incorporate functional mediators
How do you exploit natural contingencies
natural contingencies include antecedents and consequences that affect target behaviour, so use contingencies that occur naturally in the environment
How do you use “training diversely” in promoting generalization
Allow variations in the antecedent stimuli, responses, and consequences used in the modification procedures
eg. use multiple trainers different settings, and various reinforcers
How do you incorporate functional mediators in promoting generalization
a mediator is a stimulus that occurs between training and generalization
eg. referring to note cards before giving a presentation
How do you “Reinforce Generalization”
Provide reinforcement when target behaviour is performed outside the training
What is a “Behavioural Trap”
In a behavioural trap, a behaviour that has been developed by “programmed” reinforcers is now “trapped” by natural reinforcers
eg. social speaking that is established in a training session can be maintained by social reinforcement
What are the first 3 steps to setting a Behavioural Trap
- Identify your prey (what behaviours does the person need help with and which ones have natural reinforcers)
- Find some powerful bait (what do they like)
- Set the trap (place desired materials in the persons path)
What are the last 2 steps in setting up a Behavioural Trap
- Maintain your trap line (start small and gradually progress to more complex behaviours
- Appraise your catch (makes adjustments or assess changes on target behaviour frequency)
What is “General Case Training”
Using a range of antecedents as well as a range of responses
What are the 4 ways to implement Generalization Strategies
- determine appropriate times for the target behaviour
- Identify natural contingencies of reinforcement
- Implement appropriate strategies
- Measure generalization of behaviour change
What is a Booster Program
Additional intervention sessions carried out to restore the original programs training
What are Generalization Probes
Trials that check whether the person performs the behaviour with relevant and natural antecedents