General 3 - 1 Flashcards
To make someone sad
To make it on time / to have enough time
قبل طيارتك
2abel tiyartak
Before your plane
Good bye (old school)
بدها تلغي
badda tel’ré
She wants (needs) to cancel
ردة فعلك
radet fe3lek
Your reaction
بعرّف ع …
b3ar’ref 3a
I introduce to…
خلينا نعملها غير مرة
Let’s do it another time
أيمتى / أمتين بتكوني فاضية؟
When will you be free/available (empty)? 🚺
خليني شوف بالاجيندا
Let me see/check in the agenda
أنا برجع من لندن نهار الجمعة
I come back from London Friday
فيني شوفك يوم السبت
I can see you Saturday
رح كون فاضي كل النهار
kil in’nhar
I will be free/available (empty) all day
كل نهار
Every day
كل النهار
All day
شو رايك؟
What do you think? What’s your opinion?
لكان منلتقي يوم السبت
So we meet Saturday
فينا نعمل صبحية
We can do seb’7iyé (breakfast platter, very cultural dish in Lebanon - made together)
شو بدك تعملي؟
What do you want to do? 🚺
أو فينا كمان نلتقي عل غدا أو عل عشا
Or we can also meet on lunch or on dinner
شو بتفضلي؟
What do you prefer? 🚺
بفضل نلتقي عل غدا
I prefer we meet on lunch
فينا ناكل بالمطعم الطلياني الجديد عالبحر بالزيتونة باي
We can eat in the new Italian restaurant on the beach in Zaytuna Bay
إذا الطقس حلو منروح نسبح من بعد الأكل
If the weather is nice, we go to swim after the food
بس ما تغيري رايك متل العادة
t’rayré ra’ik
But don’t change 🚺 your opinion like the usual!
ما تعتلي هم
ma ta3talé ham 🚺
ما تعتل هم
ma ta3tal ham 🚹
ما تعتلو هم
ma ta3talo ham 🚻
Don’t worry! 🚹🚺🚻
معاشي كتير منيح
My salary is very good
هو قال + لي - هو قلي
He told me
(Not sure of the spelling)
هي قالت + لي = هي قالتلي
She told me
ركبتي عم توجعني
rekebté 3am touja3né
My knee is hurting me
و عم
w 3am
قدي صرلها عم توجعك؟
adde sarla 3am touja3ek?
How long has it been (it) it’s hurting you?
تلات تيام
tlet tiyyem
3 days
بتعرف السبب؟
Do you know the reason?
نتخذ تدابير الصحة
tadabir as’sa7a
We take health measures
فحص الكورونا
Corona examination
الشخص يلي بينضف المدرسة / خادم
The person which cleans the school / servant
شركة خاصة للتطهير
Private company for disinfection / cleaning
Good for you / lucky for you! (Her / him)
عم بتعزل حالك
You’re isolating yourself?🚹
مش ضروري إعزل حالي
darouré / drouré
Not important (necessary) to isolate myself
ع فوقة
3a faw’2a
ع فكرة
3a fikra
By the way (2ways)
بترتاحي شوي
bter’ta7e shway
You relax a bit 🚺
من كم يوم روح اجره؟
rawa7 ijro
How many days ago did he hurt his leg?
هو روح إجره من تلات أيام
rawa7 ijro
He injured his leg 3 days ago
شو كان عم بيعمل؟
What was he doing?
هو كان عم بيلعب فوتبال مع أصحابه
He was playing football with his friends
شو قله الحكيم؟
What did the doctor tell him?
رضة بسيطة
rad’da bassita
Simple bruise
الصيدلية حد السينيما
The pharmacy is next to the cinema
قدي دفعله للحكيم؟
Adde dafa3lo lal 7akim?
How much did he pay (to him) to the doctor?
دفعله عشرين ألف ليرة
He paid (to) him 20 thousand pound
ما بتفرق (معي)
ma bti’fro2
It doesn’t differ (with me)
(It makes no difference)
سأله شو باه
sa’alo shou bé?
He asked him, what’s wrong?
قله إنو ركبته عم بتوجعه
2al’lo innu rekebto 3am btoja’3o
He told him that his knee 🚺 is hurting him
قله إنو كان عم بيلعب فوت بال مع اصحابه من تلات أيام
He told him that he was playing football with his friends 3 days ago
The recovery
My knees
كنت عم بلعب كرة قدم مع أصحابي من تلات تيام
I was playing football with my friends 3 days ago
نحن وعم نلعب
w 3am
While we are playing
وقعت على ركبتي و بعدين صارت توجعني
wa’2a3et 3ala rekebte
I fell down on my knee and then it started to hurt me
شفت أي حكيم تاني؟
Did you see any other doctor?
خليني إفحصها
Khaline ef’7asa
Let me check/test it! 🚺
مشكلتك بسيطة
Your problem is simple
وقع على ركبته وبعدين صارت توجعه
wa2a3 3la rekebto w ba3din saret touja3o
He fell down on his knee and then it started to hurt (him)
رح تصح بعد جمعة انشالله
ra7 tso7 ba3ad jum3a insh’Allah
You will recover after Friday if God’s willing
على أي حال رح أعطيك رشيتة عشان تشتري دوا
3ala ayi 7al / 3a kil 7al
However (on any case), I will give you a prescription so that you buy the medicine
من أي صيدلية بشتري الدوا؟
From which pharmacy do I buy the medicine?
بعيدة دقيقتين مشي من هون
Far 2 minutes walking from here
(meaning it’s 2min far from here walking)
طلاع من هون و لف عاليمين
tla3 min houn
Get out from here and turn on the right
مشي دغري حوالي ميتين متر
Walk straight around/about 200 meters
أنا لفيت عروس جبنة
3arouss - sandwich
I rolled a cheese sandwich
ماما لفيلي عروس لبنة
3arouss - sandwich
Mom roll for me a dairy sandwich
الصيدلية بتكون عيمينك حد سينما
3a yaminak
The pharmacy would be on your right next to the cinema
قدي بتأمر؟
adde btom’mor?
How much is it?
(Polite way to ask it - how much do you request/give an order?)
ورايي في ورشة عمار
warayé fi warshet 3maar
Behind me there is a construction site
هيدي ورشة عمار
haydé warshet 3maar
This is a construction site
ولا يهمّك
wala yhem’mak
Don’t worry!
rashata 💯
وصفة الحكيم
was’fet il’7akim
لازم ياخد حبة مع كل وجبة
7ab’be ma3 kil wajbé
He should take a pill with every meal
حبات… حبوب
بدي إشتري دوا لركبتي
la re’kebte
I want to buy medicine for my knee
تفضل رتاح عالكرسي
r’te7 3al kerse
Go for it, have/take a seat on the chair
Its preparation
عشر دقايق على الأكتر
3ashar de’2eyé 3al aktar
10 minutes on the most (maximum)
الدّوا جاهز
The medicine is ready
بتاخد تلات حبات / حبوب كل يوم
You take three pills every day
حبّة بعد التّرويقة / الفطور
7ab’be ba3ed it’terwi2a / il’fatour
One pill after the breakfast
إذا ما تحسّنت بعد تلات تيام
iza ma t7as’sanet
If you didn’t improve after three days
Return / go back 🚹🚺🚻 (imperative)
يلّي عطاك رشيتة
yalle 3atak rashat’ta
Which he gave you a prescription
إذا تحسّنت كمّل العلاج حتّى يخلص الدّوا
t7as’sanet kam’mel il’3ilej 7at’ta yekh’las id’dawa
If you improved, continue the treatment until it finishes the medicine
فهمت عليي
fehmet 3alayé
فهمتي عليي
fehm’te 3alayé
Do you understand (on) me? 🚹🚺
بتنصحني بشي تاني؟
btin’sa7ne bi shi tené?
Do you advise me with something else?
ما تمشي كتير و حاول ترتاح قد ما فيك
ma temshé ktir w 7éwel ter’te7 2ad ma fik
Don’t walk a lot and try to relax as much as you can
ألفين و خمس مية ليرة
alfein w khams mit lira
2500 pounds
الله يسلمك
Allah ysalmek
Hope you feel better!
And its response
بايب ؟ عم بتتسلى بلايي؟
babe? 3am btit’sal’la bala’yé?
Babe, are you having fun without me?
2alame l mofaddal
My favorite pen
Akelte l mofaddale
My favorite food
Amusement - good time
أنا عن بتسلى
إنت عم بتتسلى
Btit’salla 🚹
انتي عم بتتسلي
btit’sallé 🚺
To have a fun/good time (verb - conjugated with I/you🚹/you🚺)
I’m having fun
You’re having fun
عادي مشاوي والشباب يعني
3ade mashewe w shabeb ya3ne
Normal, barbecue and the boys I mean
مش إنو
mish innu
Not like
(Lit: not that)
ولو يا بايب؟
walaw ya babe?
Really (how can you say this) babe?
معقولة تقطع ثانية وما فكر فيكي؟
ma3’2oule to2’ta3 thénié w ma faker fike
Is it possible a second passes by and I don’t think in you?
أنا مين بحب
ana miin b7eb
Who do I love? (Way to say that you love someone but in an indirect way)
(Lit: I who do I love)
عم بفكر بأمي
3am bfak’ker bi em’me
I’m thinking about my mom
لما التلفون يكون ملغوم ممنوع يفقع فيك!
mal’roum mam’nou3 yef’2a3 fik
When the phone becomes a trap, it’s forbidden that it explodes in you
(Meaning when you get a phone call from your gf and it could put you in trouble…)
حقل ملغوم
7a2el malroum
Mine field
مع باز خلي الجو ولعان
khalle ij’jaw w el’3an
With buzz, keep the atmosphere on fire!
بدي ياها ملغومة جبنة
badde yéha malroume jebne
I want it full of cheese
كبو كم جملة من هول
keb’bo kam jemle min hol
Throw (plural) some sentence from them!
رح تبينوا كأنكن لبنانيي
ra7 t’baiino ka’enkoun lebneniye
You will look (plural) as if you are Lebanese
(Meaning you will sound Lebanese)
مع إنو تلات رباع الدعاية مش بالعربي
tlet ter’be3 id’dirayé
Although 3 quarters of the ad is not in Arabic
رح عيدا
لأنو في تعابير حلوة
ra7 3ida la’ennu fi ta3’biir 7elwe
I will repeat it because there is nice expressions
هاي، انتو هون؟ سوري ع التأخير
sorry 3a te2’khir
Hi, you (plural) here, sorry on the lateness!
(Meaning sorry I’m late)
The mother in law
يعطيكي العافية حبيبتي
God gives you health baby! (Telling to her when getting tired/putting a lot of efforts/ working/studying a lot)
دقيقتين العشا بكون حاضر
d2i2tein il’3asha bikoun 7ader
2 minutes the dinner would be ready
عذوقك تانت
3a zao2ek tante?
On your taste tante?
Meaning do you like it?
Shameless (someone not even shy of doing a mistake in your face)
Rude (when speaking in a way that you patronizing someone) - mean!
تئيل الدم
Someone that think is fun but he is far from that! (Heavy blooded) - not fun!
بيحط اجر فوق اجر
bi’7ut ejer fo2 ejer
He puts a leg on top of a leg (meaning when someone puts one leg of top of the other and just relaxes or being lazy)
يلا طلاع شو باك خيفان
Yalla tla3, shu bek kheifiin
Yalla come up, what’s wrong you scarers (plural participle)
أبو رصاص ملك السطوح والمناسبات السعيدة
Abu rsaas, malek is’stou7 w il’munesabet is’sa3idé
The father of bullets, king of rooftops and happy occasions
Come close!
(Lit: close)
لما بيطل الزعيم
lamma bi’tul il’za’3im
When the leader appears/shows up
(Lit: when it overlooks the leader)
Also can refer a leader of a political party)
Leader(s) - when it comes to political leader - can also be a negative way of referring to them!
شو زعيم!
shu za’3iim !
Hey boss (when talking to friends)
ana el’lyom 3amelt sport 3al khafiif
When you’re doing something lightly
(Today I did sport lightly)
بيخلص مشط بتركب مشط
biyekh’las mushet bet’rakeb mushet
It finishes a clip (gun magazine) and you assemble/put together a clip
(Basically meaning that you finish one and then you put back a new one)
A brush
To brush you hair (verb)
بده يكون الواحد سميع يعني
baddy ykun il’wa7ad sam’mi3 ya3ne
One should/must be a good listener I mean
(Lit: he wants to be the one listener I mean)
كل مناسبة لازم يكون إلها إيقاع
lezem ykun el’la iiQa3
Every occasion should have a rhythm
بكون في حزن، بيجي إيقاع حزين
7azen, bieje iiQa3 7azin
There is sadness, the rhythm comes sad
أبو غضب
Abu raDab
The father of anger (slang)
اجاه بنت / صبي
ijé benet / sabe
He had a girl / a boy
(Lit: came to him a girl)
أجاها صبي
ijé’ha sabe
She had a boy
(Came to her a boy)
يا بهيم
ya b’hiim
The worst way of calling someone stupid - very offensive when meant!
طالع بال ب 7
tal’le3 bil b7
You came out with a B7
Organize/arrange - put it back inside!
خلي الب 7 للصبي
khalle el’b7 for the boy
Keep/let the b7 for the boy
شايف حالك؟
shéyef 7alak?
You’re showing off?!
I came
He came
l wade3 ktir Sefer
The situation is very bad
(Very Lebanese way to say it)
lezem Sefer ta le2e 7ele
I need to travel to find myself!
Bi kel ma7al
بكل محل
All over the world
بدنا السلم
badna el Salem
We want peace
El 7elem li ken
The dream we had
7ob w 2amen
Love and safety
nou2af sawa
Let’s stand together!
el sha3eb el 8ale
Oh precious people
Oh by the way…
(Like when you want to intrude in a conversation or ask a question)
Very commonly used in Lebanon!
نضل نصرف
n’dal nous’rouf
We keep on spending
(Using the verb « to stay » to mean to keep on doing something)
طول عمرك
toul 3umrak/ek
All your life…
Meaning like: you’ve always been…
كله تمام
kil’lo tamem
All good!
Meaning you’re doing great.
Dizzy 🚹🚺
كنت عم فكر
kent 3am fak’ker
I was thinking
رح قص شعراتي / شعري
ra7 2os sha3’rate / sha3’re
I will cut my hair
رح روح اتعشى مع رفقاتي و نسوانهن
ra7 rou7 at’ta3asha ma3 rif’2até w nis’wénoun
I will go eat dinner with my friends and their wives (women)
ما بقى في حجر
ma ba2a fi 7ajjer
There’s no more lockdown/quarantine
(Lit: not anymore there is lockdown)
I felt dizzy
هيدي ليستة الغراض يلي بدها تشتريهن
This is a list of the things which she wants to buy them
ba3ad d’2i’2a
One more minute
مقرر ارجع على كليفورنيا بايلول، انشاالله
I the decider (participle) to return/go back to California in September if God’s willing!
مافي اسرار بدك تشتغل على الموضوع يوم ورا يوم
There is no secrets, you need (want) to work on the topic day after (behind) day
تقدر توصل للنتيجه الي بدك اياها
You can reach/arrive to the goal which you want
3am jareb et7assan kell liom,
I’m trying to improve every day
Nazalet l app this week w kent ma3jouu2a chway
I downloaded the app this week and I was a little busy (familiar way to say it)
Cheghel w ba3den jit zayanet l tawle
3ande farewell la rfi2te boukra
Work and then I came and decorated the table. I have my friend’s farewell tomorrow
Aya mwalid enta?
aya sene khel2en?
Aya sene khle2et enta?
Which year are you born? (2 ways)
Tosba7 3al kheir
W enta men ahlo
Good night
And its response!
ايمتى راحت جاكلين لعند أمين الدكنجي؟
la 3aind Amin id’dekenje
When did Jacqueline go to Amin’s local store?
عشو تشهت؟
3a shu tsha’heit?
On what she appetited?
(Meaning what opened/triggered her appetite?
عندي كتير شهية
3inde ktir sha’hiye
I have a lot of appetite
(Meaning I love to eat)
You opened/triggered my appetite
(Meaning like when you see someone eating something and then you feel like eating as well and getting hungry)
ليس أمين قال إنو جاكلين بعزقجية؟
Leish Amin 2el innu Jacqueline ba3za’jiyé?
Why did Amin say that Jacqueline spends too much money?
Someone who spends too much money or that loves to spend money!
شو في شي بالمحل بعده واصل؟
ba3ado wa’sel?
What’s there something in the store that just arrived?
(Just arrived) - use of a specific word always before a participle
بعده واصل
ba3ado wasel
He just arrived (participle)
بعدني آكل
ba3adne 2ekel
I’ve just eaten (participle)
بعدك آكلة
ba3adek 2ekle
You’ve just eaten (participle)
لا مرسي، بعدني معشى
ba3adne m3ash’sha
No thanks, I’ve just eaten dinner (participle)
جاكلين شترت علبة أو كيس مسحوق غسيل؟
3elbe aou kiss mass’7ou2 ghassil
Did Jacqueline buy a box or a bag of laundry detergent?
قدي طلع الحساب؟
adde tul’le3 il’7sseb?
How much was the bill?
(Lit: How much ended up being the account?
كيف منجاوب لما حداً يقلنا سلم/سلمي!؟
kif minjeweb
Lamma 7adan yi2elna Salem?
How do we respond when someone tells us Bonjour?
راحت الصبح
ra7et is’saba7
She went in the morning
جاكلين تشهت ع عصير المانجا
tsha’heit 3a 3asiir il’manga
Jacqueline opened appetite on mango juice
لأنو هي بتحب تصرف مصاري كتير
Because she likes to spend a lot of money
التفاح بعده واصل. طازة
il’tufe7 ba3ado wa’sel, taza!
The Apple have just arrived fresh!