G & D - early milestones Flashcards
smiles and coos
2 - 3 months
good head control
2 - 3 months
grasps and shakes rattle
2 - 3 months
reaches for object
3 - 4 months
4 - 5 months
hand-to-hand transfer
5 - 6 months
5 - 6 months
raking grasp
6 - 7 months
rolls back to front
5 - 6 months
finger grasp
7 - 9 months
sits alone
7 months
waves bye-bye
8 - 9 months
pincer grasp
8 - 10 months
mama - dada
8 - 9 months
understands “no”
9 - 10 years … or months
marks on paper
10 - 12 months
pulls to stand
9 - 10 months
stands alone
11 - 12 months
12 - 14 months
points to body parts
aka “self-aware”
15 - 18 months
stacks 3 blocks
17 - 18 months
2 word sentences
18 - 22 months
up and down stairs
22 - 24 months
24 - 28 months
stacks 6 - 7 blocks
22 - 24 months
30 to 50 word vocabulary
22 - 24 months
2 - 5 months
watches faces intently tracking holds head steady when pulled to sit lifts head/chest when on stomach startles to loud noise
10 - 12 months
takes simple action upon request "cruising" reaches and points to communicate moves purposefully to desired object recognizes people uses both hands equally well
6 - 9 months
combines vowels with consonants turns to sound responds to name rolls over supports weight on feet crawls
13 - 18 months
feeds self with fingers 4 - 10 word vocabulary follows simple directions responds to name throws ball overhead