(first midterm) Lecture 4 (4/13/16) Flashcards
What are Angiogenetic cell clusters?
In an embryo, they extend in an arc around the head end of the ventral opening of the yolk sac.
(they have the pattern of a horseshoe if viewed from a dorsal or ventral perspective)
In an embryo, the coelom runs up and down what side of the body?
both sides
The heart is on the dorsal or ventral side of the body?
the embryo’s brain grows so fast that it makes the head bend under the embryo’s body; heart originates above the head
When we look at a heart straight on (like in a cadaver), what chamber do we see?
right ventricle
What chamber receives deoxygenated blood from the body?
right atrium
What chamber sends deoxygenated blood to lungs?
right ventricle
What chamber receives oxygenated blood from the lungs?
left atrium
What chamber sends oxygenated blood to body?
left ventricle
The valve separating the right atrium from the right ventricle is the…
tricuspid valve
All the valves in the heart have 3 flaps (tricuspid valves) EXCEPT the one…
at the base of the aorta
bicuspid valve
(mitral valve)
Which chamber wall is thicker?
Which chamber holds the most?
Left ventricle wall
All hold the same
What are the “cords” that close the valves?
Chordae tendonae
What are the muscles that hold the “cords”?
Papillary muscles
What are the VERY FIRST branches off the aorta?
cardiac veins
A sympathetic nerve speeds up the heart rate when needed. What segments is it and what’s the pathway? Why?
Thoracic segments (T3-4) It comes up to the neck and comes back down because the heart originated above the head as an embryo
Consequences of the “big brain” fold in the embryo:
Ventral placement of heart
Distinction of foregut and midgut
Sympathetic heart pathways
Parasympathetic nerve of heart…
Vagus (X)
There are special electrical-conducting cells in the heart called…
Purkinje fibers
What is the “pacemaker” of the heart?
Sinoatrial node
also beginning of process
After the Sinoatrial node, the signal runs to the __________ ______.
Atrioventricular node
After the atrioventricular node, the message is passed to ____________ _________.
Atrioventricular bundle
Maximum heart rate calculation:
208 - (0.7)(your age) = normal max. heart rate