(first midterm) Lecture 2 (4.6.16) PT. 2 Flashcards
In the foregut, what sympathetic innervation will happen during “fight, flight, and fear”?
Greater splanchnic nerve
What is the opening to the stomach from the esophagus called?
the cardiac sphincter
What is the entrance from the stomach to the small intestine?
pyloric sphincter
What is the first “kink” in the small intestine?
Halfway through the duodenum is the boundary separating what?
The foregut and midgut
Most of our nutrients is absorbed where? Where else is water absorbed?
Small intestine
Large intestine
What comes from the liver & gallbladder and “dumps” into the small intestine?
the bile duct
The liver is working to produce secretions all the time, but we do not need that stuff all the time since we’re not eating all day. Where is the stuff stored until we need it?
When the secretions from the liver that are stored in the gallbladder need to be used, they come out of the gallbladder through…
the cystic duct
The pancreas also dumps into the ___________.
The pancreas is what kind of structure?
exocrine AND endocrine
Exocrine vs. Endocrine
Endocrine secretes into bloodstream (hormones)
Exocrine secretes things into tubes
From the liver…
From the gallbladder…
Beyond their junction…
Hepatic duct
Cystic duct
Common bile duct
What happens when liver is making secretions but no food is going by?
Sends stuff down hepatic duct and into gallbladder then when food comes by it comes out of the cystic duct into the intestine
The pancreas goes into the duodenum via…
pancreatic duct
Pancreatic lipase:
enzyme that splits large fats into smaller
Pancreatic amylase:
enzyme that breaks down polysaccharides into monosaccharides and disaccharides
enzyme that breaks down carbohydrates
What secretes bile?
the liver
**bile is extremely alkaline
Bile helps breakdown _____.
Plicae circulares:
internal folds of small intestine
tall, pillar-like bumps that arise from the internal surface to increase surface area.
What is inside each villi?
arterial branch
venous branch
What are the clefts between villi?
Intestinal glands
old name is Crypts of Lieberkhun
Segmenting contractions:
circularly arranged bands of smooth muscle that can constrict small intestine to point of occlusion. Functions to break up chyme, keeping it loose and mushy
Physical breakdown of lipid particles (usually to glycerol and free fatty acids)
Primarily a function for the bile
Protein digestion in the midgut:
Trypsin and others finish breaking proteins to shorter polypeptides.
***aminopepdidase breaks down further into individual amino acids
Carbohydrate digestion in the midgut:
Disaccaridases (many kinds) break complex sugars into smaller 2-ring sugars, and (mostly) glucose
Absorption in the small intestine…
80-90% of water entering gut tube are absorbed in small intestine
Absorption in the small intestine…
primarily through microvilli of villi
Absorption in the small intestine…
through columnar-shaped absorptive cells on the villi
Absorption in the small intestine…
glycerol and free fatty acids combine with bile secretions to form a micelle allowing the fat to be absorbed across villi
What is a micelle?
a sub-cellular sized structure which has components on the outside that are charged (water is comfortable with; hydrophilic) and non charged fatty stuff on the inside
Explain lipid processing.
- Micelle is absorbed across villi.
- Once inside the cells, it is housed in endoplasmic reticulum.
- Lipids packed into protein coated droplets called chylomicrons.
- Sent to lacteal of villus.
Fat soluble vitamins and functions:
A: maintain epithelia
D: facilitate absorption and use of calcium
E: DNA, RNA, RBC formation
K: needed for clotting
Water soluble vitamins:
B-12 vitamin requires what?
specialized protein carrier (in ileum)
Absorption in large intestine:
remainder of water (primarily in ascending and transverse regions)
some salts, certain vitamins
What bacterium aids in final conversion of liquid waste into semisolid feces?
Escheria coli
What else does E. coli do?
synthesizes vitamins K and B12
In the descending colon, intestinal glands secrete ________, which facilitates movement of drier material, neutralizes acids of remaining bacteria.
- Defecation:
- What is it controlled by?
- process of expelling feces from terminal end of gut tube
- defecation reflex
Defecation reflex:
- internal anal sphincter relaxes
- coelom pressurized (lateral and abdominal hypaxial muscles)
- peristaltic waves pass through sigmoid colon
- external anal sphincter relaxes (and feces exits body)
Most blood vessels have 3 layers. From innermost to outermost they are…
Tunica intima Tunica media Tunica adventitia (externa)
Subcomponents of tunica intima:
- inner lining of simple epithelial cells attached to a basement membrane
- middle layer of fine connective tissue made up of collagen
- internal elastic lamina: outer elastic layer
Artery vs. Vein:
artery: goes away from heart
vein: leads back to heart
Tunica Media:
smooth muscle, elastic fibers, other connective tissue components
Tunica adventitia (externa):
mostly elastic and collagenous fibers (in large vessels, this layer has dedicated verses, tiny blood vessels ad lymphatics)
The inside of the blood vessel is the…
“This is how twisted a question could be…”
If the blood vessels serving the liver contract, it is the sympathetic response (because the liver is not working and doesn’t need blood here).What branch? What nerve and what level is this coming from?
Celiac Artery
Greater splanchnic nerve
Artery walls vs. Vein walls
artery = thick vein = thinner