Eyewitness Testimony✅ Flashcards
Eye witness testimony
An account given by people of an event they have witnessed
Causes of inaccuracies
Leading questions
Post event discussion
Who studied misleading information
Loftus and palmer
Who studied anxiety
Who’s studied cognitive interview
Loftus and palmer procedure
45 students watched a film and then asked questions about what they had seen. All groups had the same question but the verb was changed to either smashed, bumped, or contacted.
Loftus and palmer findings
Found that the verb affected the speed estimates. Smashed had the highest and contacted had the lowest
Methodological issues with loftus and palmer
All participants were students so can’t generalise to anyone else
Was in a lab so it’s controlled and no external factors
Watched a film so can’t generalise to life as they weren’t at the scene
Ethical issues of loftus and palmer
Not protected from harm, psychological harm as the film was disturbing so they may have been traumatised and caused anxiety
Who supported loftus and palmer
Loftus and zanni
Loftus and zanni procedure
A week later the participants were questioned again, but asked if they seen broken glass
Findings of loftus and zanni
The people who had the smashed question previously were more likely to say they had seen broken glass than the people who answered the contacted question
Who studied anxiety effecting the accuracy of eye witness
Loftus, the weapon effect
Loftus’s weapon effect study aim
To investigate the effect of anxiety and stress on eyewitness recall
Loftus’s weapon effect procedure
There was two conditions, both groups say outside of lab listening to two different convos. One was a peaceful convo where a main come out with greasy hands. The other one was an aggressive violent convo where a man Came out with a bloody knife. Participants were shown 50 photos and asked to identify the man