Disorders and Therapy 2 Flashcards
behavior therapies
action based rather than insight based
aim is to change bx through use of same kinds of learning techniques that people and animals use to learn any new responses
abnormal bx not symptom of anything but problem itself
applied behavior analysis
originally called behavior modification
using learning techniques to change undesirable bx and increase desirable bx
need for functional analysis of bx then conditioning techniques
systematic desensitization
therapist guides client through series of steps meant to reduce fear and anxiety
normally used to treat phobia disorder
three steps: learn to relax, them list of fears, then confronts fears from least to greatest
pair relaxation with fear object to remove fear
hierarchy of fears
list of fears in systematic desensitization
aversion therapy
reduce frequency of undesirable bx by teaching client to pair aversive stimulus with stimulus that results in undesirable response
have to smoke a ton, feel sick, stop
exposure therapies
behavioral techniques that introduce the client to situations, under carefully controlled conditions, which are related to their anxieties or fears
kinds of exposure therapies
in vivo = in life, exposed to actual thing
imaginal = client visualizes or imagines thing
virtual = virtual reality used
graded exposure
gradual exposure
begins at least feared object and ends at most feared
exposure is rapid and intense
controlled, produces extinction of conditioned fear response by preventing escape or avoidance response
eye-movement desensitization and reprocessing
exposure-based therapy, sometimes for PTSD
very brief and imaginal flooding, cognitive reprocessing and desensitization of fearful event, rapid eye movements or other bilateral stimulation
controversial bc evolved from founder’s theory
based on operant conditioning
learning through observation and imitation of model
person with specific fears or someone who needs to develop social skills can learn to do so by watching someone else confront fears or demonstrate skills
participant modeling
model demonstrates desired bx in step by step, gradual process
in person or in video
token economy
objects/tokens can be traded for food, privileges, etc
earn tokens for behaving correctly or accomplishing behavioral goals
contingency contract
formal agreement between therapist and client in which both parties’ responsibilities and goals are clearly stated
useful for drug addiction, education problems, and eating disorders
removed from situation that provides reinforcement
cognitive therapy
help people change how they think
rather than focus on bx, focus on distorted thinking
goal is to help clients test in more objective way the truth of their beliefs and bx of others
can recognize distorted thoughts and replace with healthy ones
arbitrary inference
jumping to conclusions without any evidence
selective thinking
person focuses only on one aspect of situation, leaving out other relevant facts that might make things seem less negative
person draws sweeping conclusion from one incident and then assumes that conclusion applies to areas of life that have nothing to do with original event
magnification and minimization
person blows bad things out of proportion while not emphasizing good things
individual takes responsibility or blame for events that aren’t really connected to individual
cognitive behavioral therapy
focuses on present rather than past
assumes people interact with world with more than simple reactions to external stimuli
cognitions affect bx, cognitions can be changed, bx change can result from cognitive change
rational emotive behavior therapy
clients taught way to challenge own irrational beliefs with more rational, helpful statements
group therapy
group of clients with similar problems gather together to discuss problems under guidance of single therapist
only effective if long term
better if used to promote skilled social interactions rather than as attempt to decrease more bizarre symptoms
family counseling/family therapy
all members of family who are experiencing some type of problem seen by therapist as group
no one person problem, everyone part, everyone plays role
self-help groups/support groups
meet with others about similar problem, cheaper, member leads each week