D -> U11 - U15 Flashcards
measuring integration - demographic
- mapping residential distribution of different ethnic/immigrant/ national groups/
- is their segregation becoming less marked, over time (index of dissimilarity)
- how many mixed marriages are there?
Measuring integration - economic
- is there variation of inequality in income/ wages/ happiness?
- are education outcomes the same: e.g. going into university/ high level qualifications, to gain jobs with similar earnings (and thereby access to services)
- e.g. NI census data
Measuring integration - political
- increased language acquisition increases political engagement/ voter turnout/ confidence speaking up?
- how politically engaged are minority groups in political processes? What percentage are voting at the elections
- how do minority groups vote: by social issues, or economic issues. Similarly to host culture, or different?
Measuring integration - social
- level of hate crime incidents and expressions of racism/ sexism/ homophobia
- common use of language, or determination to retain cultural identity.
- extent to which people spend time in local community groups that are defined by their cultural identity, or something else, that is common with the host population
- e.g. PSNI hate crime statistics, TBUC camp engagement in NI
Political Facts in IRELAND
- Try to reduce and manage cultural disagreements
- 1997 good Friday, where protestant and catholic communities laid down weapons and tried to build peace politically
- Tensions can stem from not only religious and cultural beliefs but also demographics such as age and gender
- More contradicting extreme parties being voted for = tension
What does graffiti do
Graffiti to express peoples beliefs although these may be conflicting and cause segregation or tension
Large mass demonstrations
Or protests clearly showing disagreement with another’s beliefs
In Ireland
Colours of Union Jack on the side of the streets and others painted with the colours of the Irish flags
Political engagement is
- higher when there is conflict or an issue to contest
Eg Brexit, 72% voted - Scottish Independence 85% NI assembly turnout 65% Slough general election 65%
Building a United community camps programme
T:BUC camp launched April 2015 to run community camps with catholic and Protestant children aged 11-19
- children learned not to judge based off of ethnicity/ Religion
- young objected to being stereotyped into their religion/ loyalist ness
- overall - programme Improved the emotional health and confidence of the young people
Evidence of successful change in slough
• Immigration brings economic growth (1.4% unemployment) • Diversity days • Cohesiveness • Aik Saath success • Very diverse High Street • So many TNC HQs
Ongoing concerns
- Asian attitude to Roma community?
- Lack of affordable housing
- Lack of diversity (no white / female Council cabinet)
- White flight?
- Do older migrants criticise newer migrants?
- Does success rely on a strong economy, or could it survive without a strong economy?
When and why did the government establish the community cohesion strategy
following a number of riots and disturbances in England in 2001
Goals/objectives of community cohesion strategy
A cohesive community is one where:
• There is common vision and a sense of belonging for all communities;
• The diversity of people’s different backgrounds and circumstances are appreciated and positively valued;
• Those from different backgrounds have similar life opportunities; and
• Strong and positive relationships are being developed between people from different backgrounds in the workplace, in schools and within neighbourhoods”.
Critics of community cohesion strategy say
• A policy focusing on assimilation of minorities with a loss of focus on underlying inequalities and disadvantage?
- The policy tries to bring the groups together and make them feel valued, but does not tackle/ address the root causes of the tensions