cultural literacy 8 Flashcards
creator of and actress in “Abbot Elementary”
Quinta Brunson
company that makes chips and soft drinks
suffrage extended to 18 years and older
26th Amendment
gave District of Columbia the right to vote in general election (now had representation and electoral votes)
23rd Amendment
repealed prohibition
21st Amendment
right to jury at civil trials
7th Amendment
5th chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court
Roger B. Taney
Roger B. Taney
5th chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court
“Single Ladies (Put a Ring On It)”
Beyonce song
18th Amendment
capital of Somalia
power of federal government to levy income tax
16th Amendment
of a dark yellowish or dull yellowish-brown color
11th Amendment
sovereign immunity of states
agreement in which two parties exchange payments for a certain period
capital of Somalia
poem by Shelley using terza rima, alluding to French Revolution
Ode to the West Wind
Puerto Rican baseball player for the Pirates
Roberto Clemente
graph established by economist A.W. Phillips that became the basis for the correlation between high inflation and low unemployment (and vice versa)
the Phillips Curve
Swiss-American writer
Niccolo Tucci
Morehouse College
Atlanta HBCU, attended by Martin Luther King, Jr.
25th Amendment
outlined presidential succession, instituted procedure in case of incapacity of president
federalist clause: power not granted to federal government is retained by state or people
10th Amendment
American editor and writer known for his sarcastic wit
Peter de Vries
market in which previously issued financial instruments are bought and sold
secondary market
also called “autocoup”; leader who came to power legitimately uses power to remain in power after being legitimately ousted
song by Imagine Dragons on album Evolve
Roberto Clemente
Puerto Rican baseball player for the Pirates
takings clause (government can’t just take your property); protection against self-incrimination and double jeopardy, right to due process of law
5th Amendment
Beyonce song about marriage from the album I Am…Sasha Fierce (2008)
“Single Ladies (Put a Ring On It)”
site of International Court
The Hague (not “Hague”)
protection against government forcing citizens to quarter soldiers
3rd Amendment
1st Amendment
freedom of speech and religion; right to protest
also called “autocoup”; leader who came to power legitimately uses power to remain in power after being legitimately ousted
16th Amendment
power of federal government to levy income tax
6th Amendment
right to jury, counsel, stipulations at trial
12th Amendment
reform of electoral college: one vote for president, one vote for vice-president
a species of parasite
7th Amendment
right to jury at civil trials
Niccolo Tucci
Swiss-American writer
extension of suffrage to women
19th Amendment
abolition of slavery
13th Amendment
chemical symbol of Mercury
changed beginning date of president’s term (“lame duck” amendment)
20th Amendment
song by Imagine Dragons on album Evolve
limited any president’s tenure to 2 terms
22nd Amendment
popular election of senators
17th Amendment
freedom of speech and religion; right to protest
1st Amendment
Quinta Brunson
creator of and actress in “Abbot Elementary”
Muriel Spark
Scottish-Jewish novelist, short story writer, poet and essayist
company that makes chips and soft drinks
secondary market
market in which previously issued financial instruments are bought and sold
The Hague (not “Hague”)
site of the International Court of Justice
agreement in which two parties exchange payments for a certain period
14th Amendment
equal protection under the law
24th Amendment
elimination of poll tax
Peter de Vries
American editor and writer known for his sarcastic wit
19th Amendment
extension of suffrage to women
Ode to the West Wind
poem by Shelley, using the terza rima, alluding to the French Revolution
9th Amendment
enumeration of certain rights shall not be construed to disparage others
protection against cruel and unusual punishment, excessive bail, excessive fines
8th Amendment
4th Amendment
protection against unreasonable search and seizure
18th Amendment
elimination of poll tax
24th Amendment
8th Amendment
protection against cruel and unusual punishment, excessive bail, excessive fines
outlined presidential succession, instituted procedure in case of incapacity of president
25th Amendment
any pay raise passed by Congress cannot take effect until next Congress
27th Amendment
universal suffrage for all males
15th Amendment
2nd Amendment
right to bear arms
20th Amendment
changed beginning date of president’s term (“lame duck” amendment)
a species of parasite
13th Amendment
abolition of slavery
“fish hawk”
another term for osprey (bird)
5th Amendment
takings clause (government can’t just take your property); protection against self-incrimination and double jeopardy, right to due process of law
right to jury, counsel, stipulations at trial
6th Amendment
27th Amendment
any pay raise passed by Congress cannot take effect until next Congress
15th Amendment
universal suffrage for all males
Egyptian opera by Verdi
enumeration of certain rights shall not be construed to disparage others
9th Amendment
Atlanta HBCU, attended by Martin Luther King, Jr.
Morehouse College
22nd Amendment
limited any president’s tenure to 2 terms
right to bear arms
2nd Amendment
23rd Amendment
gave District of Columbia the right to vote in general election (now had representation and electoral votes)
sovereign immunity of states
11th Amendment
21st Amendment
repealed prohibition
3rd Amendment
protection against government forcing citizens to quarter soldiers
the Phillips Curve
graph established by economist A.W. Phillips that became the basis for the correlation between high inflation and low unemployment (and vice versa)
reform of electoral college: one vote for president, one vote for vice-president
12th Amendment
chemical symbol of Mercury
17th Amendment
popular election of senators
equal protection under the law
14th Amendment
10th Amendment
federalist clause: power not granted to federal government is retained by state or people
Missouri county that includes Branson
Taney County, MO
of a dark yellowish or dull yellowish-brown color
another term for osprey (bird)
“fish hawk”
protection against unreasonable search and seizure
4th Amendment
Scottish-Jewish novelist, short story writer, poet and essayist
Muriel Spark
Egyptian opera by Verdi
Taney County, MO
Missouri county that includes Branson
26th Amendment
suffrage extended to 18 years and older