cultural literacy 28 Flashcards
New York Liberty
WNBA team in New York
Lewis’s Woodpecker
woodpecker named for Merriwether Lewis
Patrick Leahy
former Democratic senator from Vermont and last of the “Watergate babies” (members of Congress elected in 1974)
John Krasinski
American actor who played in the TV series The Office and Jack Ryan
Rosemary’s Baby, The Boys from Brazil, The Stepford Wives
3 novels by Ira Levin
Caitlyn Jenner
formerly Bruce Jenner
TV series about a hit man, starring Bill Hader
resting place for chickens
actress in movie Precious
Ajax (software)
Asynchronous JavaScript and XML
pigeon toe
deformity of feet in which they are turned inwards, more common in infants
Operation Junction City
air campaign in Vietnam War
Hanoi Hannah
radio broadcaster from North Vietnam who broadcast discouraging propaganda to US troops
Little Red Scare
red scare from around 1937 to beginning of WWII
Congress of Industrial Organizations, specialized in non-skilled labor, more left-leaning than AFL, its original rival
relationship of CIO and AFL
CIO was formed by separating from AFL, with which it eventually reunited
training wheels (Ger.)
im Uhrzeigersinn
clockwise (Ger.)
gegen den Uhrzeigersinn
counterclockwise (Ger.)
die Gräte
(fish) bones (Ger.)
mummmified corpse discovered in Ötz mountains, a subrange of the Alps in Austria
to hit, bang (Ger.)
bay leaf (from the laurel plant) (Ger.)
type of fish filet usually served on sandwiches in Germany
German variety of liquor made from grain
type of Korn but with higher alcohol content
neat (bartending)
manner of serving a drink straight up (no ice or mixer)
“Otto Normalverbraucher”
moniker in German for “the average consumer” (cf. American “Joe Six-pack”)
“Die Siedler von Catan”
German name of “The Settlers of Catan” (game)
Korean raw rice wine
British city located in Cambria
Brittonic language
2 closely related types of Lamborghini
a type of Lamborghini
wildcat strike
strike called by union members without
Drizella, Anastasia
Cinderella’s two stepsisters in the Disney movie
Lady Tremaine
Cinderella’s stepmother in the Disney movie
Cruella de Ville
villainness in 101 Dalmatians
villainness in Disney’s Seeping Beauty
Ursula the Sea Witch
villainness in Disney’s Little Mermaid
Cleveland Plain Dealer
Cleveland newspaper
“you’ll catch…”
“…more flies with honey than vinegar”
palm oil
world’s most used vegetable oil, popularity contributes to the destruction of forests in Indonesia
catch and release fishing
method of fishing used in conservation
shoestring catch
type of fielding of a ball in baseball in which ball is caught after bouncing along the ground
Navajo Nation
largest Indian reserve in the U.S., covering 3 states (Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah)
dime novel
pulp novel
three-headed dog who guards Hades
Leda and the Swan
Greek myth in which Zeus takes the form of a swan to seduce a human woman, Leda
WNBA team in New York
New York Liberty
woodpecker named for Merriwether Lewis
Lewis’s Woodpecker
former Democratic senator from Vermont and last of the “Watergate babies” (members of Congress elected in 1974)
Patrick Leahy
American actor who played in the TV series The Office and Jack Ryan
John Krasinski
3 novels by Ira Levin
Rosemary’s Baby, The Boys from Brazil, The Stepford Wives
formerly Bruce Jenner
Caitlyn Jenner
TV series about a hit man, starring Bill Hader
resting place for chickens
actress in movie Precious
Asynchronous JavaScript and XML
Ajax (software)
deformity of feet in which they are turned inwards, more common in infants
pigeon toe
air campaign in Vietnam War
Operation Junction City
radio broadcaster from North Vietnam who broadcast discouraging propaganda to US troops
Hanoi Hannah
red scare from around 1937 to beginning of WWII
Little Red Scare
Congress of Industrial Organizations, specialized in non-skilled labor, more left-leaning than AFL, its original rival
CIO was formed by separating from AFL, with which it eventually reunited
relationship of CIO and AFL
training wheels (Ger.)
clockwise (Ger.)
im Uhrzeigersinn
counterclockwise (Ger.)
gegen den Uhrzeigersinn
(fish) bones (Ger.)
die Gräte
mummmified corpse discovered in Ötz mountains, a subrange of the Alps in Austria
to hit, bang (Ger.)
bay leaf (from the laurel plant) (Ger.)
type of fish filet usually served on sandwiches in Germany
German variety of liquor made from grain
type of Korn but with higher alcohol content
manner of serving a drink straight up (no ice or mixer)
neat (bartending)
moniker in German for “the average consumer” (cf. American “Joe Six-pack”)
“Otto Normalverbraucher”
German name of “The Settlers of Catan” (game)
“Die Siedler von Catan”
Korean raw rice wine
British city located in Cambria
Brittonic language
2 closely related types of Lamborghini
a type of Lamborghini
strike called by union members without
wildcat strike
Cinderella’s two stepsisters in the Disney movie
Drizella, Anastasia
Cinderella’s stepmother in the Disney movie
Lady Tremaine
villainness in 101 Dalmatians
Cruella de Ville
villainness in Disney’s Seeping Beauty
villainness in Disney’s Little Mermaid
Ursula the Sea Witch
Cleveland newspaper
Cleveland Plain Dealer
“…more flies with honey than vinegar”
“you’ll catch…”
world’s most used vegetable oil, popularity contributes to the destruction of forests in Indonesia
palm oil
method of fishing used in conservation
catch and release fishing
type of fielding of a ball in baseball in which ball is caught after bouncing along the ground
shoestring catch
largest Indian reserve in the U.S., covering 3 states (Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah)
Navajo Nation
pulp novel
dime novel
three-headed dog who guards Hades