cultural literacy 38 Flashcards
main root, source
John Amos
actor who played the father on the TV show Good Times
punch sth up
make sth funnier, livelier (spice sth up)
parliament (count word)
group of owls
Blue Magic
1970s Philadelphia soul group
Mammy Yokum
Li’l Abner character who smoked a corncob pipe and dispensed country wisdom
“Good is better than evil because it’s nicer.”
Mammy Yokum quote
Babes in Arms
movie starring Mickey Rooney and Judy Garland about putting on an amateur performance in a barn
“Let’s put on a show!”
Babes in Arms quote (metonymy for naive understanding of what is involved in a large project or in raising money; cf. “We’ll have a bake sale!”)
Eric Severeid
WWII news correspondent
Horace Silver
American jazz pianist in hard bop style
My World…and Welcome to It
American TV sitcom based on the humor and cartoons of James Thurber
Pawtucket Falls
waterfall on the Merrimack River at Lowell, Massachusetts
La Rochefoucauld
French moralist famous for his 17th century maxims
“You Made Me Love You”
popular song made famous by Al Jolson in The Honeymoon Express and used in the 1973 Irene revival
1919 musical about an Irish girl in New York high society, revived in 1973
The Art of Love
elegy series by Ovid
The Merry Widow
operetta by Austro-Hungarian composer Franz Lehar
practice of trimming trees/bushes into shapes
a long dresscoat, worn in 19th century or before
a long button-up protective coat, usually white
count term for any species of marine mammals (whales, dolphins)
site of Coast Guard Academy
New London, CT
Long Island Sound
body of water lying predominantly between Connecticut to the north and the north coast of Long Island to the south
Svalbard reindeer
species of reindeer found on the Svalbard archipelago
performance sport with horses
North American name for reindeer
Bonnie Blair
U.S. speed skater
sail (in machinery)
name for the blade of a windmill
Kris Jenner
the Kardashian mother
Connie Stevens
2nd wife of Eddie Fisher
Wanda Maximoff
identity of the Scarlet Witch (Marvel)
Jack Kirby
American comic book artist who created characters for both DC and Marvel
Elizabeth Olsen
actress portraying Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch in MCU
a notetaking app
Savoy Hotel
famous hotel in London
French white wine made from Chardonnay
ballet with libretto based on two stories by E.T.A. Hoffmann
song cycle by Mahler
Statue of Liberty play (American football)
QB fakes a pass in one direction, hands off ball to RB who runs in opposite direction from the fake pass
John Wesley Harding
1967 Bob Dylan album
The Fuller Brush Man
1948 comedy/murder mystery starring Red Skelton
(slang) loser, idiot
Quentin Crisp
flamboyant English raconteur and actor
Juicy Lucy
a cheeseburger with cheese melted on the inside
“Rommel, you magnificent bastard! I read your book!”
Patton quote_
Infantry Attacks
military strategy book by Erwin Rommel
“pretty damn quick”
“I’ve been a puppet, a pauper, a pirate, a poet, a pawn and a king.”
line from song “That’s Life” by Frank Sinatra
2 x Pi x r
formula for calculating circumference of a circle
main root, source
actor who played the father on the TV show Good Times
John Amos
make sth funnier, livelier (spice sth up)
punch sth up
group of owls
parliament (count word)
1970s Philadelphia soul group
Blue Magic
Li’l Abner character who smoked a corncob pipe and dispensed country wisdom
Mammy Yokum
Mammy Yokum quote
“Good is better than evil because it’s nicer.”
movie starring Mickey Rooney and Judy Garland about putting on an amateur performance in a barn
Babes in Arms
Babes in Arms quote (metonymy for naive understanding of what is involved in a large project or in raising money; cf. “We’ll have a bake sale!”)
“Let’s put on a show!”
WWII news correspondent
Eric Severeid
American jazz pianist in hard bop style
Horace Silver
American TV sitcom based on the humor and cartoons of James Thurber
My World…and Welcome to It
waterfall on the Merrimack River at Lowell, Massachusetts
Pawtucket Falls
French moralist famous for his 17th century maxims
La Rochefoucauld
popular song made famous by Al Jolson in The Honeymoon Express and used in the 1973 Irene revival
“You Made Me Love You”
1919 musical about an Irish girl in New York high society, revived in 1973
elegy series by Ovid
The Art of Love
operetta by Austro-Hungarian composer Franz Lehar
The Merry Widow
practice of trimming trees/bushes into shapes
a long dresscoat, worn in 19th century or before
a long button-up protective coat, usually white
count term for any species of marine mammals (whales, dolphins)
New London, CT
site of Coast Guard Academy
body of water lying predominantly between Connecticut to the north and the north coast of Long Island to the south
Long Island Sound
species of reindeer found on the Svalbard archipelago
Svalbard reindeer
performance sport with horses
North American name for reindeer
U.S. speed skater
Bonnie Blair
name for the blade of a windmill
sail (in machinery)
the Kardashian mother
Kris Jenner
2nd wife of Eddie Fisher
Connie Stevens
identity of the Scarlet Witch (Marvel)
Wanda Maximoff
American comic book artist who created characters for both DC and Marvel
Jack Kirby
actress portraying Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch in MCU
Elizabeth Olsen
a notetaking app
famous hotel in London
Savoy Hotel
French white wine made from Chardonnay
ballet with libretto based on two stories by E.T.A. Hoffmann
song cycle by Mahler
QB fakes a pass in one direction, hands off ball to RB who runs in opposite direction from the fake pass
Statue of Liberty play (American football)
1967 Bob Dylan album
John Wesley Harding
1948 comedy/murder mystery starring Red Skelton
The Fuller Brush Man
(slang) loser, idiot
flamboyant English raconteur and actor
Quentin Crisp
a cheeseburger with cheese melted on the inside
Juicy Lucy
Patton quote_
“Rommel, you magnificent bastard! I read your book!”
military strategy book by Erwin Rommel
Infantry Attacks
“pretty damn quick”
line from song “That’s Life” by Frank Sinatra
“I’ve been a puppet, a pauper, a pirate, a poet, a pawn and a king.”
formula for calculating circumference of a circle
2 x Pi x r