cultural literacy 10 Flashcards
Dr. Falke, Prince Orlofsky
two other characters in Die Fledermaus
basic story of Die Fledermaus
The actress Rosalinde and her husband Eisenstein are celebrating the New Year at a ball in Vienna. Unbeknownst to the two of them, Falke has hired the hotel concierge to help in a light-hearted revenge involving costumes and concealed identities
the maid in Die Fledermaus
“Mein Herr Marquis” (“Adele’s Laughing Song”)
aria for soprano from Die Fledermaus, in which Adele, who is recognized by Eisenstein at the ball, laughs at the idea that she could be a lowly chambermaid
“Klänge der Heimat”/”Sounds from Home”
song sung by the masked Rosalinde at the ball in Die Fledermaus to try to convince others that she is Hungarian
“The Champagne Song”
ensemble song sung at the ball in Die Fledermaus
Rosamunde, Princess of Cyprus
1823 play with pastoral setting for which Schubert composed incidental music
“Beer Barrel Polka (Roll Out the Barrel)”
English title of a 1927 Czech polka whose lyrics were translated into many other languages
German title of the 1927 Czech polka called “Beer Barrel Polka” in English
H.M.S. Pinafore (or, The Lass That Loved a Sailor)
1878 Gilbert and Sullivan comic opera
The Bab Ballads
a collection of light verse by W.S. Gilbert, illustrated with his own comic drawings
a sleeveless garment worn as an apron
Savoy opera
type of comic opera pioneered by Gilbert and Sullivan
premise of H.M.S. Pinafore
the captain’s daughter aboard the HMS Pinafore, Josephine, is in love with a lower-class sailor, Ralph Rackstraw, but she obeys her father’s wishes and agrees to marry the upper class Sir Joseph Porter, but taking Porter’s advocacy of social equality to heart, Josephine decides to marry her true love after all
“I’m called Little Buttercup (Buttercup)”
song from H.M.S. Pinafore
The Mikado (or, The Town of Tiptu)
an 1885 Gilbert and Sullivan comic opera
Savoy Theatre
West End London theater in the Strand, housed Gilbert and Sullivan’s comic opera performances
The Strand
street in London’s West End theatreland
theme of The Mikado
Gilbert and Sullivan set their work in far-away Japan as a way to satirize contemporary British society and politics
The Mikado, Pooh-Bah, Ko-Ko, Yum-Yum
characters in The Mikado
a form of secular vocal music most typical of the Renaissance and Baroque periods
outdated title for the Emperor of Japan
premise of The Mikado
Nanki-Poo, the son of Japanese Emperor Mikado, has fled to the town of Tiptu to avoid marrying an older woman; he instead falls in love with Yum-Yum, who is betrothed to the Lord High Executioner Ko-Ko
“Three Little Maids from School are We” (“Three Little Maids”)
a song from The Mikado
a type of multi-act popular theatrical entertainment that combines music, dance, and sketches
score (of a musical)
music and lyrics together
book (of a musical)
the book (i.e. the dramatic story as expressed in dialogue) alone, or the dialogue and lyrics together
“book musical”
a musical play with a developed story able to evoke emotions other than laughter
pit orchestra
a type of orchestra that accompanies performers in shows involving music
“Give My Regards to Broadway”, “You’re a Grand Old Flag”, “Over There”, “Yankee Doodle Dandy”
4 hit songs by George M. Cohan
Yankee Doodle Dandy
1942 biographical musical film about George M. Cohan, who is played by James Cagney
“The Fountain Song” (or, “While Strolling Through the Park One Day”)
song by Ed Haley, featured in the movie Yankee Doodle Dandy
Little Johnny Jones
1904 George M. Cohan musical containing the hits “Give My Regards to Broadway” and “The Yankee Doodle Boy”
“The Yankee Doodle Boy” (or, “(I’m a) Yankee Doodle Dandy”)
George M. Cohan song from his musical Little Johnny Jones and sung by James Cagney in the movie Yankee Doodle Dandy
“Fascinating Rhythm”
George Gershwin song, “…you’ve got me on the go”
George Gershwin hit, made famous as sung by Al Jolson
“Old Folks at Home (Swanee River)”
minstrel song written by Stephen Foster
“My Mammy”, “Rock-a-Bye Your Baby with a Dixie Melody”
2 Al Jolson songs
“Wait a minute. You ain’t heard nothin’ yet.”
Al Jolson catch phrase
The Jazz Singer
1927 part-talkie musical drama film based on a play about Al Jolson and starring Al Jolson, first major “talkie” success in Hollywood
premise of The Jazz Singer
Jakie Rabinowitz (“Jack Robin”) is a singer of popular tunes in blackface whose career ambitions come into conflict with the values of his traditional Jewish family
Rhapsody in Blue
iconic 1924 musical composition by George Gershwin that blends orchestral instruments with jazz-inspired motifs
American in Paris
1928 jazz-influenced symphonic poem for orchestra by George Gershwin
Ira Gershwin
American lyricist who collaborated with his younger brother, George Gershwin, to create several hit songs, wrote the libretto to George’s opera Porgy and Bess
Porgy and Bess
1935 George and Ira Gershwin opera
basic premise of Porgy and Bess
Porgy, a disabled black street beggar living in the slums of Charleston, attempts to rescue Bess from the clutches of Crown, her violent and possessive lover, and Sportin’ Life, her drug dealer
oft-covered song from Porgy and Bess (“…and the livin’s easy”)
Porgy and Bess movie
1959 musical drama film directed by Otto Preminger, starring Sidney Poitier and Sammy Davis, Jr.
1925 DuBose Heyward novel
Porgy: A Play in Four Acts
1927 play by DuBose and Dorothy Heyward, adapted from DuBose’s novel, became basis for libretto to the Gershwin opera Porgy and Bess
two other characters in Die Fledermaus
Dr. Falke, Prince Orlofsky
The actress Rosalinde and her husband Eisenstein are celebrating the New Year at a ball in Vienna. Unbeknownst to the two of them, Falke has hired the hotel concierge to help in a light-hearted revenge involving costumes and concealed identities
basic story of Die Fledermaus
the maid in Die Fledermaus
aria for soprano from Die Fledermaus, in which Adele, who is recognized by Eisenstein at the ball, laughs at the idea that she could be a lowly chambermaid
“Mein Herr Marquis” (“Adele’s Laughing Song”)
song sung by the masked Rosalinde at the ball in Die Fledermaus to try to convince others that she is Hungarian
“Klänge der Heimat”/”Sounds from Home”
ensemble song sung at the ball in Die Fledermaus
“The Champagne Song”
1823 play with pastoral setting for which Schubert composed incidental music
Rosamunde, Princess of Cyprus
English title of a 1927 Czech polka whose lyrics were translated into many other languages
“Beer Barrel Polka (Roll Out the Barrel)”
German title of the 1927 Czech polka called “Beer Barrel Polka” in English
1878 Gilbert and Sullivan comic opera
H.M.S. Pinafore (or, The Lass That Loved a Sailor)
a collection of light verse by W.S. Gilbert, illustrated with his own comic drawings
The Bab Ballads
a sleeveless garment worn as an apron
type of comic opera pioneered by Gilbert and Sullivan
Savoy opera
the captain’s daughter aboard the HMS Pinafore, Josephine, is in love with a lower-class sailor, Ralph Rackstraw, but she obeys her father’s wishes and agrees to marry the upper class Sir Joseph Porter, but taking Porter’s advocacy of social equality to heart, Josephine decides to marry her true love after all
premise of H.M.S. Pinafore
song from H.M.S. Pinafore
“I’m called Little Buttercup (Buttercup)”
an 1885 Gilbert and Sullivan comic opera
The Mikado (or, The Town of Tiptu)
West End London theater in the Strand, housed Gilbert and Sullivan’s comic opera performances
Savoy Theatre
street in London’s West End theatreland
The Strand
Gilbert and Sullivan set their work in far-away Japan as a way to satirize contemporary British society and politics
theme of The Mikado
characters in The Mikado
The Mikado, Pooh-Bah, Ko-Ko, Yum-Yum
a form of secular vocal music most typical of the Renaissance and Baroque periods
outdated title for the Emperor of Japan
Nanki-Poo, the son of Japanese Emperor Mikado, has fled to the town of Tiptu to avoid marrying an older woman; he instead falls in love with Yum-Yum, who is betrothed to the Lord High Executioner Ko-Ko
premise of The Mikado
a song from The Mikado
“Three Little Maids from School are We” (“Three Little Maids”)
a type of multi-act popular theatrical entertainment that combines music, dance, and sketches
music and lyrics together
score (of a musical)
the book (i.e. the dramatic story as expressed in dialogue) alone, or the dialogue and lyrics together
book (of a musical)
a musical play with a developed story able to evoke emotions other than laughter
“book musical”
a type of orchestra that accompanies performers in shows involving music
pit orchestra
4 hit songs by George M. Cohan
“Give My Regards to Broadway”, “You’re a Grand Old Flag”, “Over There”, “Yankee Doodle Dandy”
1942 biographical musical film about George M. Cohan, who is played by James Cagney
Yankee Doodle Dandy
song by Ed Haley, featured in the movie Yankee Doodle Dandy
“The Fountain Song” (or, “While Strolling Through the Park One Day”)
1904 George M. Cohan musical containing the hits “Give My Regards to Broadway” and “The Yankee Doodle Boy”
Little Johnny Jones
George M. Cohan song from his musical Little Johnny Jones and sung by James Cagney in the movie Yankee Doodle Dandy
“The Yankee Doodle Boy” (or, “(I’m a) Yankee Doodle Dandy”)
George Gershwin song, “…you’ve got me on the go”
“Fascinating Rhythm”
George Gershwin hit, made famous as sung by Al Jolson
minstrel song written by Stephen Foster
“Old Folks at Home (Swanee River)”
2 Al Jolson songs
“My Mammy”, “Rock-a-Bye Your Baby with a Dixie Melody”
Al Jolson catch phrase
“Wait a minute. You ain’t heard nothin’ yet.”
1927 part-talkie musical drama film based on a play about Al Jolson and starring Al Jolson, first major “talkie” success in Hollywood
The Jazz Singer
Jakie Rabinowitz (“Jack Robin”) is a singer of popular tunes in blackface whose career ambitions come into conflict with the values of his traditional Jewish family
premise of The Jazz Singer
iconic 1924 musical composition by George Gershwin that blends orchestral instruments with jazz-inspired motifs
Rhapsody in Blue
1928 jazz-influenced symphonic poem for orchestra by George Gershwin
American in Paris
American lyricist who collaborated with his younger brother, George Gershwin, to create several hit songs, wrote the libretto to George’s opera Porgy and Bess
Ira Gershwin
1935 George and Ira Gershwin opera
Porgy and Bess
Porgy, a disabled black street beggar living in the slums of Charleston, attempts to rescue Bess from the clutches of Crown, her violent and possessive lover, and Sportin’ Life, her drug dealer
basic premise of Porgy and Bess
oft-covered song from Porgy and Bess (“…and the livin’s easy”)
1959 musical drama film directed by Otto Preminger, starring Sidney Poitier and Sammy Davis, Jr.
Porgy and Bess movie
1925 DuBose Heyward novel
1927 play by DuBose and Dorothy Heyward, adapted from DuBose’s novel, became basis for libretto to the Gershwin opera Porgy and Bess
Porgy: A Play in Four Acts