cultural literacy 24 Flashcards
George Kennan’s argument regarding Soviet Union
the Soviet regime was inherently expansionist and its influence had to be contained
“The Wise Men”
group of foreign policy elders during and immediately after WWII, included George Kennan and Hans Morgenthau
James Burnham
American philosopher and political theorist who switched from Trotskyism to the political right
The Managerial Revolution
1941 analysis of modern states and bureaucracies by James Burnham
Hans Morgenthau
German-born American jurist and political scientist, major figure in the study of international relations after WWII
Politics Among Nations
Morgenthau’s book on international relations, which became widely adopted as a textbook in U.S. universities
Maurice-Edgar Coindreau
French literary critic and translator of fiction, introduced many canonical American authors of the 20th century to the French-speaking public
Erskine Caldwell
American novelist and short story writer who focused on poverty, racism and social problems in the Southern U.S.
Booth Tarkington
American novelist and dramatist from Indiana, often cited as an example of an author who achieved great acclaim when alive but whose reputation and influence did not survive his death
Philip Rieff
American sociologist and cultural critic, husband of Susan Sontag, author of several books on Freud and his legacy
The Mind of the Moralist (1959), The Triumph of the Therapeutic: Uses of Faith after Freud (1966)
two works (with dates) of Philip Rieff
Alfred Kazin
American writer and literary critic who wrote often about the immigrant experience in early 20th c. America
A Walker in the City (1951), Starting Out in the Thirties (1965), New York Jew (1978)
trilogy of memoirs (with dates) by Alfred Kazin
Robert Giroux
American book editor and publisher
David Riesman
American sociologist and social critic
The Lonely Crowd
1950 critique of American society by David Riesman
Lionel Trilling
American literary critic and writer, member of the New York Intellectuals and frequent contributor to the Partisan Review
The Liberal Imagination
1950 collection of essays by Lionel Trilling
Carl Friedrich
20th c. German-American professor and political theorist of constitutionalism, one of the most influential scholars of totalitarianism
Totalitarian Dictatorship and Autocracy
analysis of totalitarianism authored by Carl Friedrich along with his student Zbigniew Brzezinski in 1956
Leo Löwenthal
German sociologist and philosopher associated with the Frankfurt School
Clement Greenberg
20th c. American art critic closely associated with abstrackt expressionism and Jackson Pollock
Van Wyck Brooks
American literary critic, biographer, and historian
Makers and Finders
a series of studies by Van Wyck Brooks chronicling the development of American literature during the long 19th century
Louise Bogan
20th c. American poet and poetry critic
Delmore Schwartz
Jewish American poet and short story writer; poetry was characterized by philosophical themes and a deep, meditative style
Cyril Connolly
English literary critic and writer and editor of the literary magazine Horizon
Enemies of Promise
1938 work by Cyril Connolly which combined literary criticism with an autobiographical exploration of his perceived failure as an author of fiction
“Linus and Lucy”
most recognizable Peanuts Christmas song, composed and performed by Vince Guaraldi
ratings (Ger.)
die Quote
TV hit (Ger.)
der Quotenkracher
boy (Shelta)
girl (Shelta)
two other names for Shelta
Gammon, the Cant
man (Shelta)
woman (Shelta)
beoir (“byor”)
priest (Shelta)
clothes (Shelta)
shoes (Shelta)
eyes (Shelta)
hair/head (Shelta)
nuck (“nyuke”)
house (Shelta)
tea (Shelta)
food (Shelta)
bread (Shelta)
money (Shelta)
horse (Shelta)
dog (Shelta)
embarrassed (Shelta)
das RKI
das Robert Koch Institut, a government-affiliated research institute for diseases in Germany
the Soviet regime was inherently expansionist and its influence had to be contained
George Kennan’s argument regarding Soviet Union
group of foreign policy elders during and immediately after WWII, included George Kennan and Hans Morgenthau
“The Wise Men”
American philosopher and political theorist who switched from Trotskyism to the political right
James Burnham
1941 analysis of modern states and bureaucracies by James Burnham
The Managerial Revolution
German-born American jurist and political scientist, major figure in the study of international relations after WWII
Hans Morgenthau
Morgenthau’s book on international relations, which became widely adopted as a textbook in U.S. universities
Politics Among Nations
French literary critic and translator of fiction, introduced many canonical American authors of the 20th century to the French-speaking public
Maurice-Edgar Coindreau
American novelist and short story writer who focused on poverty, racism and social problems in the Southern U.S.
Erskine Caldwell
American novelist and dramatist from Indiana, often cited as an example of an author who achieved great acclaim when alive but whose reputation and influence did not survive his death
Booth Tarkington
American sociologist and cultural critic, husband of Susan Sontag, author of several books on Freud and his legacy
Philip Rieff
two works (with dates) of Philip Rieff
The Mind of the Moralist (1959), The Triumph of the Therapeutic: Uses of Faith after Freud (1966)
American writer and literary critic who wrote often about the immigrant experience in early 20th c. America
Alfred Kazin
trilogy of memoirs (with dates) by Alfred Kazin
A Walker in the City (1951), Starting Out in the Thirties (1965), New York Jew (1978)
American book editor and publisher
Robert Giroux
American sociologist and social critic
David Riesman
1950 critique of American society by David Riesman
The Lonely Crowd
American literary critic and writer, member of the New York Intellectuals and frequent contributor to the Partisan Review
Lionel Trilling
1950 collection of essays by Lionel Trilling
The Liberal Imagination
20th c. German-American professor and political theorist of constitutionalism, one of the most influential scholars of totalitarianism
Carl Friedrich
analysis of totalitarianism authored by Carl Friedrich along with his student Zbigniew Brzezinski in 1956
Totalitarian Dictatorship and Autocracy
German sociologist and philosopher associated with the Frankfurt School
Leo Löwenthal
20th c. American art critic closely associated with abstrackt expressionism and Jackson Pollock
Clement Greenberg
American literary critic, biographer, and historian
Van Wyck Brooks
a series of studies by Van Wyck Brooks chronicling the development of American literature during the long 19th century
Makers and Finders
20th c. American poet and poetry critic
Louise Bogan
Jewish American poet and short story writer; poetry was characterized by philosophical themes and a deep, meditative style
Delmore Schwartz
English literary critic and writer and editor of the literary magazine Horizon
Cyril Connolly
1938 work by Cyril Connolly which combined literary criticism with an autobiographical exploration of his perceived failure as an author of fiction
Enemies of Promise
most recognizable Peanuts Christmas song, composed and performed by Vince Guaraldi
“Linus and Lucy”
die Quote
ratings (Ger.)
der Quotenkracher
TV hit (Ger.)
boy (Shelta)
girl (Shelta)
Gammon, the Cant
two other names for Shelta
man (Shelta)
beoir (“byor”)
woman (Shelta)
priest (Shelta)
clothes (Shelta)
shoes (Shelta)
eyes (Shelta)
nuck (“nyuke”)
hair/head (Shelta)
house (Shelta)
tea (Shelta)
food (Shelta)
bread (Shelta)
money (Shelta)
horse (Shelta)
dog (Shelta)
embarrassed (Shelta)
das Robert Koch Institut, a government-affiliated research institute for diseases in Germany
das RKI