cultural literacy 33 Flashcards
branch of ornithology styduing bird eggs, nests and breeding behavior
to plumb
to measure the depths of
branch of medicine dealing with disorders of the intestines; the type of contortion in which the performer squeezes their body into a space apparently too small to contain their body
“body packing”
another term for enterology (contortion)
a poem that represents π in such a way that the length of each word represents a digit
the creation and use of mnemonic techniques to remember the many digits of the mathematical constant π
naive, innocent girl or young woman
lexical phenomenon in which the lexical form of a word exemplifies the concept named by the word
lexical phenomenon in which the lexical form of a word does not exemplify the concept named by the word
O’Neill cylinder
large habitable colony in space consisting of two counter-rotating cylinders
O’Neill colony
another name for an O’Neill cylinder
The High Frontier: Human Colonies in Space
1975 work by Gerard K. O’Neill, in which he first proposed the idea of the O’Neill cylinder
percentage of Americans who identify as transgender
between 0.5 and 1.5%
percentage of Americans who are Jewish
percentage of Americans who are black
percentage of Americans who are Hispanic
percentage of Americans who are Muslim
percentage of Americans who are LGBT
percentage of Americans who are gay or lesbian
around 5%
percentage of Americans who live in New York City
around 2%
Alexander William Doniphan
attorney, politician and soldier from Missouri best known for preventing the execution of Joseph Smith in 1838 at the end of the Mormon War
capital of Moldova
capital of Guinea
capital of Gabon
capital of the Maldives
capital of Niger
Port Moresby
capital of Papua New Guinea
capital of South Sudan
The Great Belt Bridge
the combination of rain and automobile bridges and tunnel linking the Danish islands of Zealand, Sprogø, and Fyn
the Danish island on which the city of Copenhagen is located
year in which the Great Belt Bridge opened
how was the Great Belt traversed before the opening of the Great Belt Bridge in 1997
by ferry
smaller Danish island just off SE coast of Zealand, contains part of Copenhagen, including the airport
Öresund Bridge
combined railway and motorway cable bridge across the Öresund Strait connecting Swedish mainland and Danish island Peberholm
Drogden Tunnel
tunnel connecting the Danish island of Peberholm with the island of Amager, thus completing the connection over the Öresund Strait between Sweden and Denmark
the designation “Calico” for cats
refers to a type (not breed) of female cats of 3 colors
creater of GNU
Richard Stallman
Redmond, WA
location of Microsoft headquarters
at a right angle
“solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, short”
original description of human life by Hobbes
to telescope
to compress two things into a single space
Utah’s Dixie
cultural region in SW Utah comprised of Washington County
Inigo Montoya
swashbuckler in the novel and movie The Princess Bride, portrayed by Mandy Patinkin
Bill Lumbergh
the name of the fictional boss in the movie Office Space
The Emperor in the Star Wars franchise
Darth Sidious
Sith name of the Emperor Palpatine in the Star Wars franchise
a culinary utensil used for slicing and for cutting juliennes or crinkle-cuts
a type of knife cut that produces items of matchstick proportions
Wayland Flowers and Madame
performance team consisting of the puppeteer Wayland Flowers and his puppet Madame
Six-Day War
1967 Arab-Israeli War fought between Israel and a coalition of Arab states, primarily Egypt, Syria, and Jordan
branch of ornithology styduing bird eggs, nests and breeding behavior
to measure the depths of
to plumb
branch of medicine dealing with disorders of the intestines; the type of contortion in which the performer squeezes their body into a space apparently too small to contain their body
another term for enterology (contortion)
“body packing”
a poem that represents π in such a way that the length of each word represents a digit
the creation and use of mnemonic techniques to remember the many digits of the mathematical constant π
naive, innocent girl or young woman
lexical phenomenon in which the lexical form of a word exemplifies the concept named by the word
lexical phenomenon in which the lexical form of a word does not exemplify the concept named by the word
large habitable colony in space consisting of two counter-rotating cylinders
O’Neill cylinder
another name for an O’Neill cylinder
O’Neill colony
1975 work by Gerard K. O’Neill, in which he first proposed the idea of the O’Neill cylinder
The High Frontier: Human Colonies in Space
between 0.5 and 1.5%
percentage of Americans who identify as transgender
percentage of Americans who are Jewish
percentage of Americans who are black
percentage of Americans who are Hispanic
percentage of Americans who are Muslim
percentage of Americans who are LGBT
around 5%
percentage of Americans who are gay or lesbian
around 2%
percentage of Americans who live in New York City
attorney, politician and soldier from Missouri best known for preventing the execution of Joseph Smith in 1838 at the end of the Mormon War
Alexander William Doniphan
capital of Moldova
capital of Guinea
capital of Gabon
capital of the Maldives
capital of Niger
capital of Papua New Guinea
Port Moresby
capital of South Sudan
the combination of rain and automobile bridges and tunnel linking the Danish islands of Zealand, Sprogø, and Fyn
The Great Belt Bridge
the Danish island on which the city of Copenhagen is located
year in which the Great Belt Bridge opened
by ferry
how was the Great Belt traversed before the opening of the Great Belt Bridge in 1997
smaller Danish island just off SE coast of Zealand, contains part of Copenhagen, including the airport
combined railway and motorway cable bridge across the Öresund Strait connecting Swedish mainland and Danish island Peberholm
Öresund Bridge
tunnel connecting the Danish island of Peberholm with the island of Amager, thus completing the connection over the Öresund Strait between Sweden and Denmark
Drogden Tunnel
refers to a type (not breed) of female cats of 3 colors
the designation “Calico” for cats
Richard Stallman
creater of GNU
location of Microsoft headquarters
Redmond, WA
at a right angle
original description of human life by Hobbes
“solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, short”
to compress two things into a single space
to telescope
cultural region in SW Utah comprised of Washington County
Utah’s Dixie
swashbuckler in the novel and movie The Princess Bride, portrayed by Mandy Patinkin
Inigo Montoya
the name of the fictional boss in the movie Office Space
Bill Lumbergh
The Emperor in the Star Wars franchise
Sith name of the Emperor Palpatine in the Star Wars franchise
Darth Sidious
a culinary utensil used for slicing and for cutting juliennes or crinkle-cuts
a type of knife cut that produces items of matchstick proportions
performance team consisting of the puppeteer Wayland Flowers and his puppet Madame
Wayland Flowers and Madame
1967 Arab-Israeli War fought between Israel and a coalition of Arab states, primarily Egypt, Syria, and Jordan
Six-Day War