cultural literacy 43 Flashcards
Crumlin Road
West Belfast street, north of Shankill Road, mixed Protestant and Catholic
Shankill Road
West Belfast street, south of Crumlin Road, Loyalist stronghold
Falls Road
West Belfast street, south of Shankill Road, Catholic
Shankill Butchers
Loyalist Ulster gang
“Soldier Doll”
term of derision in the Troubles used by Catholics to refer to Catholic girls who consorted with British soldiers; they often experienced public shaming (tied up, tarred and feathered, heads shaved)
Give My Head Peace
1990s sitcom on BBC Northern Ireland sending up sectarianism during the Troubles
Resurrection Man
1998 horror film set in Northern Ireland and based on the Shankill Butcher killings
The Outcasts
Belfast punk band in the 70s and 80s
Maze Prison, “the H-blocks”
two alternative names for what was originally called the Long Kesh Detention Center (which housed IRA prisoners in Northern Ireland)
“blanket man”
after the revocation of special treatment in prison for IRA prisoners, under which they enjoyed essentially political prisoner status, those who refused to follow directives for regular prisoners (wear uniforms and do prison work) were thrown into a cell and given a blanket
“dirty protest”
escalation of the blanket protest, in which IRA prisoners spread feces on cell walls and refused to bathe
British term for baby stroller
interface (Northern Ireland)
street with Catholic neighborhood on one side and Protestant neighborhood on the other
female soldier in the UDF during the Troubles
Ulster Defense Force