cultural literacy 42 Flashcards
Sunnis’ core belief
Abu Bakr (Mohammed’s friend) was rightful successor
Shias’ core belief
Ali (Mohammed’s cousin and son-in-law) was rightful successor
guardianship of the just
founding principle of Iranian theocracy
another name for Wahabism
the Takbir
literally, the “magnification of God”, i.e. the proclamation that God is great (“Allahu akbar!”)
to say the Takbir
to say “Allahu akbar!”
Ibn Saud
founder and king of Saudi Arabia
kings of Saudi Arabia (all sons of Ibn Saud) since Saud
Saud, Faisal, Khalid, Fahd, Abdullah, Salman
Mohammed bin Salman
son of Salman and current crown prince of Saudi Arabia
southern Italian code of silence
radio frequency identification
a collection of software utilities that facilitates using a network of computers to solve problems involving massive amounts of data and computation
cross faded
drunk and high at the same time (slang)
of a musical scale in which traditional distance between any frequency relationship is divided into more than 12 notes
Ivan Wyschnegradsky
Russian composer of microtonal music who used the quarter tone scale (24 notes) and even a scale divided into 72 notes
in construction/electronics, a protective cylindrical casing for pipes/wires
James Cain
author of Double Indemnity and The Postman Always Rings Twice
breech birth
the birthing of a baby bottom first (instead of head first)
Freikörperkultur (nudist movement in Germany with beaches)
pincer movement
military maneuver in which flanks of the advancing opponent are surrounded and pinched by the attacked force
“Once more unto the breach…”
“…dear friends, once more; Or close the wall up with our English dead.” –Henry V
“Love is All Around”
The Troggs (“I feel it in my fingers. I feel it in my toes…”)
“Exit, pursued by a bear.”
Shakespeare’s most famous stage direction, in The Winter’s Tale
slightly drunk, buzzed
(British, humorous) Christmas
(Brit. slang) penis (in humans or animals)
What’s the crack?
What’s going on, what’s up, what’s the word? (Dub)
That was great crack.
That was the bomb/shit. (Dub)
a ride
a hottie (Dub)
penis (Irish English)
Got a few jars in.
I’ve had a few drinks. (Dub)
Janey Mac
euphemism for Jesus Christ (Dub)
wrecking sb’s head
annoying sb (Dub)
giving it socks
going crazy on the dancefloor (Dub)
going on the lash
going out on the piss/on the town (Dub)
I’m dyin’ for me hole.
I’m dying for a drink. (Dub)
(Brit. slang) chump, mark (gambling or con), but loosely used to refer to a customer or fan, cf. sarcastic “innocent bystander”
Adam Heinrich Dietrich von Bülow
Prussian military writer, brother of Count Friedrich Wilhelm von Bülow, and author of The Spirit of The Modern System of War
Dietrich Heinrich von Bülow
alternative English name sometimes given for Adam Heinrich Dietrich von Bülow