cultural literacy 34 Flashcards
a title held by officials in the Ottoman Empire
senior-ranking female in an organization
Anna Chennault
Nixon’s Taiwanese backchannel with the RVN during the Vietnam War
a nest or high up office or residence
Al Capp
creator and cartoonist of the Li’l Abner cartoon series
mash note
love letter
“Chicago/We Can Change the World”
1971 single by Graham Nashe
Xavier Cugat
Spanish-Cuban musician and bandleader
creme de menthe
drink made with vodka and mint
an alcoholic drink containing creme de menthe
Gridiron Club Dinner
annual dinner hosted by the Gridiron Club of journalists, featuring the President delivering comedic remarks
To Seek a Newer World
1967 book written by RFK for campaign season
Eugene McCarthy
Minnesota intellectual and senator, ran for president several times
Hubert Humphrey and Edmund Muskie
1968 Democratic presidential ticket
Mary Louise Hicks
Boston anti-busing mayoral candidate in 1967
American Independent Party
party for which George Wallace ran for president in 1968 and which carried 5 states
“My Son”
1968 country song in which singer Jan Howard put to music a letter she wrote her son who was serving in Vietnam
Operation Rolling Thunder
code name for the air war in Vietnam
Jeff Kinney
author of the Diary of a Wimpy Kid book series
The Very Hungry Caterpillar, The Very Busy Spider
2 Eric Carle books
The Wonky Donkey
Craig Smith book
1 of 2 types of tobacco grown in New World colonies, grown in the Chesapeake Bay region, popular on European continent
1 of 2 types of tobacco grown in New World colonies, grown in other areas outside of Chesapeake Bay region, popular in England
1881 in U.S. history
year of James Garfield’s assassination
William McKinley home state
Ohio (other assassinated president from Ohio besides Garfield)
long Polynesian dress
Marc Jacobs
American fashion designer
Betsey Johnson
designer known for hair extensions
Hawaiian cowboy
Person of Interest
crime drama science fiction TV series on CBS
Taraji P. Henson
American actress starring in the TV series Person of Interest
Holly Robinson Peete
played officer “Judy Hoffs” on 21 Jump Street
paste derived from Taro and a staple in Hawaiian cuisine
Rich Castle
the main character on the ABC crime series Castle
Kate Beckett
detective partner of Rich Castle on Castle
Candy Crush
the Candy Crush web app
Candy Crush Saga
the Candy Crush app and Facebook game
crushable Fedora
special variation of the Fedora hat worn by Indiana Jones
opera comprised of a love story set in Spain
the character Carmen
a gypsy in Spain
Anna Bolena
Italian opera by Donizetti about Anne Boleyn
unfinished opera by Puccini set in China
non-scientific term for elephants, rhinos and hippos
“having hooves”, group of animals divided into even-toed and odd-toed ungulates
South American mammal that is the size and shape of a pig and having round ears
organism that breaks down dead plants or animals into a simpler form
A Quiet Place
2018 scifi horror movie starring John Krasinski and Emily Blunt
1932 John Dos Passos novel (named after year)
Père Lachaise Cemetery
largest cemetery in Paris, France
La Llorona
2019 Guatemalan horror movie depicting 20th century political events in Guatemala
a title held by officials in the Ottoman Empire
senior-ranking female in an organization
Nixon’s Taiwanese backchannel with the RVN during the Vietnam War
Anna Chennault
a nest or high up office or residence
creator and cartoonist of the Li’l Abner cartoon series
Al Capp
love letter
mash note
1971 single by Graham Nashe
“Chicago/We Can Change the World”
Spanish-Cuban musician and bandleader
Xavier Cugat
drink made with vodka and mint
creme de menthe
an alcoholic drink containing creme de menthe
annual dinner hosted by the Gridiron Club of journalists, featuring the President delivering comedic remarks
Gridiron Club Dinner
1967 book written by RFK for campaign season
To Seek a Newer World
Minnesota intellectual and senator, ran for president several times
Eugene McCarthy
1968 Democratic presidential ticket
Hubert Humphrey and Edmund Muskie
Boston anti-busing mayoral candidate in 1967
Mary Louise Hicks
party for which George Wallace ran for president in 1968 and which carried 5 states
American Independent Party
1968 country song in which singer Jan Howard put to music a letter she wrote her son who was serving in Vietnam
“My Son”
code name for the air war in Vietnam
Operation Rolling Thunder
author of the Diary of a Wimpy Kid book series
Jeff Kinney
2 Eric Carle books
The Very Hungry Caterpillar, The Very Busy Spider
Craig Smith book
The Wonky Donkey
1 of 2 types of tobacco grown in New World colonies, grown in the Chesapeake Bay region, popular on European continent
1 of 2 types of tobacco grown in New World colonies, grown in other areas outside of Chesapeake Bay region, popular in England
year of James Garfield’s assassination
1881 in U.S. history
Ohio (other assassinated president from Ohio besides Garfield)
William McKinley home state
long Polynesian dress
American fashion designer
Marc Jacobs
designer known for hair extensions
Betsey Johnson
Hawaiian cowboy
crime drama science fiction TV series on CBS
Person of Interest
American actress starring in the TV series Person of Interest
Taraji P. Henson
played officer “Judy Hoffs” on 21 Jump Street
Holly Robinson Peete
paste derived from Taro and a staple in Hawaiian cuisine
the main character on the ABC crime series Castle
Rich Castle
detective partner of Rich Castle on Castle
Kate Beckett
the Candy Crush web app
Candy Crush
the Candy Crush app and Facebook game
Candy Crush Saga
special variation of the Fedora hat worn by Indiana Jones
crushable Fedora
opera comprised of a love story set in Spain
a gypsy in Spain
the character Carmen
Italian opera by Donizetti about Anne Boleyn
Anna Bolena
unfinished opera by Puccini set in China
non-scientific term for elephants, rhinos and hippos
“having hooves”, group of animals divided into even-toed and odd-toed ungulates
South American mammal that is the size and shape of a pig and having round ears
organism that breaks down dead plants or animals into a simpler form
2018 scifi horror movie starring John Krasinski and Emily Blunt
A Quiet Place
1932 John Dos Passos novel (named after year)
largest cemetery in Paris, France
Père Lachaise Cemetery
2019 Guatemalan horror movie depicting 20th century political events in Guatemala
La Llorona