cultural literacy 19 Flashcards
“Do You Want to Build a Snowman?”, “Let it Go”
best-known songs from Frozen (2013)
Elsa and Anna
the two sisters in Frozen (2013)
the snowman in Frozen (2013)
Kristoff and Sven
the iceman and his reindeer in Frozen (2013)
the evil usurper prince in Frozen (2013)
basic premise of Frozen (2013)
Elsa, the snow queen, has magical power over ice and snow, she goes into exile for fear of harming others with her power, especially her sister Anna, the evil prince Hans has come to Arendelle to kill the sisters and usurp the kingdom, Anna’s heart is frozen and she is in danger of dying unless someone thaws her heart with true love, Anna prevents Hans from killing Elsa by sacrificing herself, thus performing an act of true love, which thaws hear heart, Elsa realizes the power of true love, which saves the kingdom
the genuine “prince charming” in Frozen (2013) and Anna’s ultimate love interest
Kristoff’s role in the plot of Frozen (2013)
Grand Pabbie
benevolent leader of the trolls in Frozen (2013)
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs release year
1937 Disney animated film
Pinocchio release year
1940 Disney animated film
Fantasia release year
1940 Disney animated film
Dumbo release year
1941 Disney animated film
Bambi release year
1942 Disney animated film
Cinderella release year
1950 Disney animated film
Alice in Wonderland release year
1951 Disney animated film
Peter Pan release year
1953 Disney animated film
Lady and the Tramp release year
1955 Disney animated film
Sleeping Beauty release year
1959 Disney animated film
One Hundred and One Dalmations release year
1961 Disney animated film
The Jungle Book release year
1967 Disney animated film
Robin Hood release year
1973 Disney animated film
The Rescuers release year
1977 Disney animated film
two firsts for Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937)
first animated feature film produced in the U.S.; first cel animated feature film
celluloid: a transparent sheet on which objects are drawn or painted for cel animation
BuSH SaiD “GoD”
acronym for 7 dwarfs (burning bush)
the 7 dwarfs
Bashful, Sleepy, Happy, Sneezy, Dopey, Grumpy, Doc
the Queen
evil character in Snow White, stepmother of Snow White
“Heigh-Ho”, “Someday My Prince Will Come”, “Whistle While You Work”
3 best-known songs from Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs
The Adventures of Pinocchio
1883 Italian children’s novel by Carlo Collodi
a blue fairy
creature that brings Pinocchio to life in Pinocchio (1940)
Jiminy Cricket
Disney’s version of Collodi’s talking cricket, who teaches Pinocchio right from wrong
“When You Wish Upon a Star”
best-known song from Pinocchio (1940)
Honest John and Gideon
Disney’s version of Collodi’s “the Fox and the Cat”, two shady friends who trick Pinocchio into joining a puppet show
the Coachman
a villain in Pinocchio (1940) who rounds up little boys to take them to Pleasure Island
delinquent boy who entices Pinocchio into delinquent behavior on Pleasure Island
fate of Lampwick
he is transformed into a donkey, the fate of all boys on Pleasure Island who make “jackasses” of themselves
why Pinocchio gets a donkey’s ears and tail
he flees Pleasure Island with Jiminy’s help before he is fully transformed
the deed by which Pinocchio proves himself worthy of being a boy
he saves Geppetto from the whale before he (Pinocchio) is killed by it
the vicious sperm whale that swallows Geppetto in Pinocchio (1940)
The Nutracker vs. The Nutracker Suite
The Nutcracker is a ballet by Tchaikovsky, The Nutcracker Suite is the score to the ballet, also by Tchaikovsky
“The Sorcerer’s Apprentice”
1897 symphonic poem by French composer Paul Dukas, based on Goethe’s poem of the same name
The Rite of Spring
1913 ballet and orchestral concert work by Igor Stravinsky
The Pastoral Symphony
Symphony No. 6 in F major by Beethoven
“Dance of the Hours”
short ballet and act 3 finale to the opera La Giocanda, both composed by Ponchielli
Night on Bald Mountain
a series of compositions inspired by Russian literary works and legend by Russian composer Mussorgsky
Jumbo, Jr.
real name of the elephant nicknamed “Dumbo” in Dumbo (1941)
Timothy Q. Mouse
only friend of Dumbo in Dumbo (1941)
Jim Crow
original name of the leader of the group of crows (name was later changed by Disney to “Dandy Crow”)
“Pink Elephants on Parade”, “When I See an Elephant Fly”
2 songs from Dumbo (1941)
premise of Dumbo (1941)
elephants travelling with a circus include Mrs. Jumbo and her son with oversized ears, Jumbo, Jr., nicknamed “Dumbo”; Mrs. Jumbo is locked in a cage after defending Dumbo against bullies making fun of his ears, Dumbo is forced to perform in a clown show until he uses his ears to fly and then becomes famous, resulting in his mother being freed
best-known songs from Frozen (2013)
“Do You Want to Build a Snowman?”, “Let it Go”
the two sisters in Frozen (2013)
Elsa and Anna
the snowman in Frozen (2013)
the iceman and his reindeer in Frozen (2013)
Kristoff and Sven
the evil usurper prince in Frozen (2013)
Elsa, the snow queen, has magical power over ice and snow, she goes into exile for fear of harming others with her power, especially her sister Anna, the evil prince Hans has come to Arendelle to kill the sisters and usurp the kingdom, Anna’s heart is frozen and she is in danger of dying unless someone thaws her heart with true love, Anna prevents Hans from killing Elsa by sacrificing herself, thus performing an act of true love, which thaws hear heart, Elsa realizes the power of true love, which saves the kingdom
basic premise of Frozen (2013)
Kristoff’s role in the plot of Frozen (2013)
the genuine “prince charming” in Frozen (2013) and Anna’s ultimate love interest
benevolent leader of the trolls in Frozen (2013)
Grand Pabbie
1937 Disney animated film
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs release year
1940 Disney animated film
Pinocchio release year
1940 Disney animated film
Fantasia release year
1941 Disney animated film
Dumbo release year
1942 Disney animated film
Bambi release year
1950 Disney animated film
Cinderella release year
1951 Disney animated film
Alice in Wonderland release year
1953 Disney animated film
Peter Pan release year
1955 Disney animated film
Lady and the Tramp release year
1959 Disney animated film
Sleeping Beauty release year
1961 Disney animated film
One Hundred and One Dalmations release year
1967 Disney animated film
The Jungle Book release year
1973 Disney animated film
Robin Hood release year
1977 Disney animated film
The Rescuers release year
first animated feature film produced in the U.S.; first cel animated feature film
two firsts for Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937)
celluloid: a transparent sheet on which objects are drawn or painted for cel animation
acronym for 7 dwarfs (burning bush)
BuSH SaiD “GoD”
Bashful, Sleepy, Happy, Sneezy, Dopey, Grumpy, Doc
the 7 dwarfs
evil character in Snow White, stepmother of Snow White
the Queen
3 best-known songs from Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs
“Heigh-Ho”, “Someday My Prince Will Come”, “Whistle While You Work”
1883 Italian children’s novel by Carlo Collodi
The Adventures of Pinocchio
creature that brings Pinocchio to life in Pinocchio (1940)
a blue fairy
Disney’s version of Collodi’s talking cricket, who teaches Pinocchio right from wrong
Jiminy Cricket
best-known song from Pinocchio (1940)
“When You Wish Upon a Star”
Disney’s version of Collodi’s “the Fox and the Cat”, two shady friends who trick Pinocchio into joining a puppet show
Honest John and Gideon
a villain in Pinocchio (1940) who rounds up little boys to take them to Pleasure Island
the Coachman
delinquent boy who entices Pinocchio into delinquent behavior on Pleasure Island
he is transformed into a donkey, the fate of all boys on Pleasure Island who make “jackasses” of themselves
fate of Lampwick
he flees Pleasure Island with Jiminy’s help before he is fully transformed
why Pinocchio gets a donkey’s ears and tail
he saves Geppetto from the whale before he (Pinocchio) is killed by it
the deed by which Pinocchio proves himself worthy of being a boy
the vicious sperm whale that swallows Geppetto in Pinocchio (1940)
The Nutcracker is a ballet by Tchaikovsky, The Nutcracker Suite is the score to the ballet, also by Tchaikovsky
The Nutracker vs. The Nutracker Suite
1897 symphonic poem by French composer Paul Dukas, based on Goethe’s poem of the same name
“The Sorcerer’s Apprentice”
1913 ballet and orchestral concert work by Igor Stravinsky
The Rite of Spring
Symphony No. 6 in F major by Beethoven
The Pastoral Symphony
short ballet and act 3 finale to the opera La Giocanda, both composed by Ponchielli
“Dance of the Hours”
a series of compositions inspired by Russian literary works and legend by Russian composer Mussorgsky
Night on Bald Mountain
real name of the elephant nicknamed “Dumbo” in Dumbo (1941)
Jumbo, Jr.
only friend of Dumbo in Dumbo (1941)
Timothy Q. Mouse
original name of the leader of the group of crows (name was later changed by Disney to “Dandy Crow”)
Jim Crow
2 songs from Dumbo (1941)
“Pink Elephants on Parade”, “When I See an Elephant Fly”
elephants travelling with a circus include Mrs. Jumbo and her son with oversized ears, Jumbo, Jr., nicknamed “Dumbo”; Mrs. Jumbo is locked in a cage after defending Dumbo against bullies making fun of his ears, Dumbo is forced to perform in a clown show until he uses his ears to fly and then becomes famous, resulting in his mother being freed
premise of Dumbo (1941)