cultural literacy 41 Flashcards
branch water
plain water, especially when mixed with liquor
to jawbone
to speak forcefully and persuasively; to cajole
Whip Inflation Now (WIN)
anti-inflation campaign introduced by Ford in 1974, meant to be grassroots
Dunning-Kruger effect
believing oneself to be an expert on a subject after learning just a little bit (a cognitive bias)
ballet jump in which dancer crosses feet several times in midair
Voight-Kampff test
the test in Blade Runner to detect if humanoid is human or android
rascal, rogue
woven and patterned silk fabric
random walk
mathematical object that describes a path that consists of a succession of random steps on some mathematical space
paddock fence
horse fence
bar or beam acting as a barrier
“take-it-or-leave-it” negotiating tactic
pill (person)
an unpleasant, unsavory, or difficult person
English creole spoken in Sierra Leone
salad days
one’s youth
onco (etym.)
Gr. for “mass” or “tumor”
banking scandal involving Carter’s director of Office of Budget Management in 1977
potassium cyanide
suicide pill that inhibits cellular respiration
Avignon Papacy
reign of 7 successive popes in Avignon from 1309 to 1376
“Babylonian Captivity”
another name for the Avignon Papacy
Western Schism
period from 1378 to 1417 when 2 and one point even 3 different men claimed to be Pope
ex opere operato
“from the work performed” (describing the efficacy of a sacrament administered by a priest; a principle refuting the heresy of Donatism)
(not “exigency”): rhetorical term for appeal to urgency
wrap party
cast party at the end of filming a movie or a TV season
archetypal criticism
literary criticism propounded by Northrop Frye
etymology of “meiosis”
from Greek “to make smaller”
formica (insect)
wood ant
laminated synthetic material
working for scale
minimum wage, i.e. at the cheapest rate possible
wide area telephone service
Zenith number
predecessor to 800 number, usually published by businesses for customers to use at a special rate
Henry Classification system
fingerprint classification system that used common features of fingerprints to organize records in a way that allowed one-to-many searching
sodium pentathol
truth serum
drug that knocks sb out
jazz standard (“Helpless as a kitten up a tree..”)
butterfly flick
a fellatio technique
butterfly kiss
fluttering of an eyelash against someone else’s skin or eyelash
check kiting
using checks from two different accounts to cover each other, as a way of either “paper hanging” or “playing the float”
paper hanging
check kiting with no intention to cover the 2 checks
playing the float
check kiting that defers covering the 2 checks until paydaya
to stoop to conquer
to subordinate oneself or take a lowly position in order finally to achieve one’s ends
face between breasts and making sound
Souad Massi
female Algerian singer (“Ghir Enta”)
extra digit on hand or foot
passing an instrument over surface of ground to detect what is beneath
1997 movie exploring the ethics of eugenics
a virus that causes cancer
$11.4 million
current limit in U.S. on amount you can give away as gift without paying taxes
Ma Rainey
early 20th century blues singer
Margot Fonteyn
20th c. English ballerina
plain water, especially when mixed with liquor
branch water
to speak forcefully and persuasively; to cajole
to jawbone
anti-inflation campaign introduced by Ford in 1974, meant to be grassroots
Whip Inflation Now (WIN)
believing oneself to be an expert on a subject after learning just a little bit (a cognitive bias)
Dunning-Kruger effect
ballet jump in which dancer crosses feet several times in midair
the test in Blade Runner to detect if humanoid is human or android
Voight-Kampff test
rascal, rogue
woven and patterned silk fabric
mathematical object that describes a path that consists of a succession of random steps on some mathematical space
random walk
horse fence
paddock fence
bar or beam acting as a barrier
“take-it-or-leave-it” negotiating tactic
an unpleasant, unsavory, or difficult person
pill (person)
English creole spoken in Sierra Leone
one’s youth
salad days
Gr. for “mass” or “tumor”
onco (etym.)
banking scandal involving Carter’s director of Office of Budget Management in 1977
suicide pill that inhibits cellular respiration
potassium cyanide
reign of 7 successive popes in Avignon from 1309 to 1376
Avignon Papacy
another name for the Avignon Papacy
“Babylonian Captivity”
period from 1378 to 1417 when 2 and one point even 3 different men claimed to be Pope
Western Schism
“from the work performed” (describing the efficacy of a sacrament administered by a priest; a principle refuting the heresy of Donatism)
ex opere operato
(not “exigency”): rhetorical term for appeal to urgency
cast party at the end of filming a movie or a TV season
wrap party
literary criticism propounded by Northrop Frye
archetypal criticism
from Greek “to make smaller”
etymology of “meiosis”
wood ant
formica (insect)
laminated synthetic material
minimum wage, i.e. at the cheapest rate possible
working for scale
wide area telephone service
predecessor to 800 number, usually published by businesses for customers to use at a special rate
Zenith number
fingerprint classification system that used common features of fingerprints to organize records in a way that allowed one-to-many searching
Henry Classification system
truth serum
sodium pentathol
drug that knocks sb out
jazz standard (“Helpless as a kitten up a tree..”)
a fellatio technique
butterfly flick
fluttering of an eyelash against someone else’s skin or eyelash
butterfly kiss
using checks from two different accounts to cover each other, as a way of either “paper hanging” or “playing the float”
check kiting
check kiting with no intention to cover the 2 checks
paper hanging
check kiting that defers covering the 2 checks until paydaya
playing the float
to subordinate oneself or take a lowly position in order finally to achieve one’s ends
to stoop to conquer
face between breasts and making sound
female Algerian singer (“Ghir Enta”)
Souad Massi
extra digit on hand or foot
passing an instrument over surface of ground to detect what is beneath
1997 movie exploring the ethics of eugenics
a virus that causes cancer
current limit in U.S. on amount you can give away as gift without paying taxes
$11.4 million
early 20th century blues singer
Ma Rainey
20th c. English ballerina
Margot Fonteyn