cultural literacy 35 Flashcards
La Scala
Milan opera house, associated with the singer Maria Callas
Luna 1
first spacecraft to escape Earth’s gravity (1959)
Fred Kaplan book (named for a year)
1957 event
Sputnik launched
El Alamein
site and name of two WWII battles fought in Egypt
A Song of Ice and Fire
name of the 7-novel George R. R. Martin series of which the first is A Game of Thrones
Westeros, Essos
two continents in the A Song of Ice and Fire series
Iron Throne of Seven Kingdoms
monarchy on Westeros
Targaryen Dynasty
dynasty on Westeros
A Clash of Kings
2nd book in A Song of Ice and Fire series, tells the story of the war of succession in Westeros, also called the “War of the Five Kings”
Robert Baratheon
character in A Song of Ice and Fire Series who overthrows the Targaryen Dynasty in Westeros and whose death sets of a struggle for power
heir apparent to Robert Baratheon
Jon Snow
bastard son of Ned Stark in the A Song of Ice and Fire series
who the Wall in the A Song of Ice and Fire series keeps out
the “Others”
A Storm of Swords
3rd novel in the A Song of Ice and Fire series
Daenerys Targaryen
character in the A Song of Ice and Fire series who begins as a teenage girl
A Feast for Crows
4th novel in the A Song of Ice and Fire series
A Dance with Dragons
5th novel in the A Song of Ice and Fire series
Lee Child
author of the Jack Reacher detective series
Tom Clancy series
author of the Jack Ryan series of novels
The Cheetah (character)
female arch-nemesis of Wonder Woman
pseudoscience investigating the existence of mythical or purported creatures
a mythical or puported creature/animal (like Bigfoot or teh Chupacabra)
Jeremy Bulloch
original actor who portrayed Boba Fett in the original Star Wars trilogy
University of Delaware campus
Newark, DE
Fightin’ Blue Hens
mascot of the University of Delaware
_________ Blue Hen (not just fill in blank)
state bird of Delaware
stage name of Lulu Kennedy-Cairns, a Scottish singer and actress who was married to Maurice Gibb and who sang the theme song “To Sir with Love” in the movie
Longfellow Bridge
Boston bridge spanning the Charles River
etymology of squirrel
Gr. “shadow + tail”
“L’amour est un oiseau rebelle…” (Bizet) (the melody descends until the very end of the line)
Prelude to Carmen
lively with lots of drums and flutes among other instruments and then goes into the “Toreador” motif
“Toreador Song”
“To-re-a-dor, en ga-a-a-a-arde! Toreador! Toreador!” (Carmen)
“Second Hand News”
“down down…” (Fleetwood Mac)
jungle rot
tropical ulcer
Mark 6:4
“And Jesus said to them: A prophet is not without honor except in his own town and among his own family and in his own household.”
“stalking horse”
a rousing speech
tithe farm
former type of farm ownership in which farmer was required to give 1/10th of produce to the church
groove or track in ground, especially one made by passage of vehicles
village in SW Buckinghamshire
Chippping Norton
town in Oxfordshire, NW of Oxford
an ugly, old woman; hag
a person or thing much admired (often used sarcastically)
to roister
to behave or enjoy oneself uproariously
Master of the Revels
in Renaissance England, executive position responsible for royal festivities as well as stage censorship
(Brit., Austr.) a loutish, uncultured person; (Aus.) common bloke
whore, loose woman
besotted (2 meanings)
infatuated, obsessed; drunk
Milan opera house, associated with the singer Maria Callas
La Scala
first spacecraft to escape Earth’s gravity (1959)
Luna 1
Fred Kaplan book (named for a year)
Sputnik launched
1957 event
site and name of two WWII battles fought in Egypt
El Alamein
name of the 7-novel George R. R. Martin series of which the first is A Game of Thrones
A Song of Ice and Fire
two continents in the A Song of Ice and Fire series
Westeros, Essos
monarchy on Westeros
Iron Throne of Seven Kingdoms
dynasty on Westeros
Targaryen Dynasty
2nd book in A Song of Ice and Fire series, tells the story of the war of succession in Westeros, also called the “War of the Five Kings”
A Clash of Kings
character in A Song of Ice and Fire Series who overthrows the Targaryen Dynasty in Westeros and whose death sets off a struggle for power
Robert Baratheon
heir apparent to Robert Baratheon
bastard son of Ned Stark in the A Song of Ice and Fire series
Jon Snow
the “Others”
who the Wall in the A Song of Ice and Fire series keeps out
3rd novel in the A Song of Ice and Fire series
A Storm of Swords
character in the A Song of Ice and Fire series who begins as a teenage girl
Daenerys Targaryen
4th novel in the A Song of Ice and Fire series
A Feast for Crows
5th novel in the A Song of Ice and Fire series
A Dance with Dragons
author of the Jack Reacher detective series
Lee Child
author of the Jack Ryan series of novels
Tom Clancy
female arch-nemesis of Wonder Woman
The Cheetah (character)
pseudoscience investigating the existence of mythical or purported creatures
a mythical or puported creature/animal (like Bigfoot or teh Chupacabra)
original actor who portrayed Boba Fett in the original Star Wars trilogy
Jeremy Bulloch
Newark, DE
University of Delaware campus
mascot of the University of Delaware
Fightin’ Blue Hens
state bird of Delaware
Delaware Blue Hen
stage name of Lulu Kennedy-Cairns, a Scottish singer and actress who was married to Maurice Gibb and who sang the theme song “To Sir with Love” in the movie
Boston bridge spanning the Charles River
Longfellow Bridge
Gr. “shadow + tail”
etymology of squirrel
“L’amour est un oiseau rebelle…” (Bizet) (the melody descends until the very end of the line)
lively with lots of drums and flutes among other instruments and then goes into the “Toreador” motif
Prelude to Carmen
“To-re-a-dor, en ga-a-a-a-arde! Toreador! Toreador!” (Carmen)
“Toreador Song”
“down down…” (Fleetwood Mac)
“Second Hand News”
tropical ulcer
jungle rot
“And Jesus said to them: A prophet is not without honor except in his own town and among his own family and in his own household.”
Mark 6:4
the fast horse at the front of a race that tires out the competition while the favorite waits in the back
“stalking horse”
a rousing speech
former type of farm ownership in which farmer was required to give 1/10th of produce to the church
tithe farm
groove or track in ground, especially one made by passage of vehicles
village in SW Buckinghamshire
town in Oxfordshire, NW of Oxford
Chippping Norton
an ugly, old woman; hag
a person or thing much admired (often used sarcastically)
to behave or enjoy oneself uproariously
to roister
in Renaissance England, executive position responsible for royal festivities as well as stage censorship
Master of the Revels
(Brit., Austr.) a loutish, uncultured person; (Aus.) common bloke
whore, loose woman
infatuated, obsessed; drunk
besotted (2 meanings)