Crit Care Flashcards
How does dobutamine work?
B1 agonist
Increases HR and force of contraction
Which increases cardiac output
Administration note for IVIG?
Use slower infusions rate for renal and CV disease
Dopamine dosing? 3 bullets
- Dopamine stimulates different receptors depending on dose
- Low renal dosing: 1-4 mcg/kg/min: Dope 1 agonist
- Medium: 5-10 mcg/kg/min Beta 1 agonist
- High: 10-20 mch/kg/min: Alpha 1 agonist
How does the CNS control functions of the body? 2 main systems
- Through the peripheral nervous system
- SOmatic nervous system
- autonomic nervous system
Tranexamic acid
Nitroprusside: Thiocyanate/cyanide roxicity risk is increased when what?
PAtients have renal or hepatic impairment
One alpha 1 agonist?
What is first line for hypovolemic shock?
IV crystalloids
In pts with hypovolemic chock that is not caused by hemorrhage
Common causes of Hypokalemia?
Underlying causes usually, meds, amphotericin and insulin
What is the vasopressor of choice in septic shock?
How is hypovolemic hyponatremia treated?
Sodium chloride containing products IV
When is albumin particularly useful?
WHen there is significant edema (cirrhosis)
How does precedex work?
A2 adrenergic agonist
What 3 things do vasopresssors cause
- Vasoconstriction
- Increased SVR
- which increases BP
Long acting agent
Nitroglycerin or NTG uses?
During MI or uncontrolled hypertension but efficacy is limited to 24-48 hours due to tachyphylaxis (tolerance)
What can be used to treat SIADH and hypervolemic hyponatremia?
arginine vasopressin receptor antagonists (AVP)
The somatic nervous system controls muscle moves by?
- By sending signals through neurons to release
- Acetylcholine Ach to act on nicotinic receptors
Injectable anesthetics? 2
Bupivacaine, ropivicaine
Albuminar, Albutein, Alburx
Albumin 5% and 25%
Benzos role in sedation two times?
Seizure patients
Alcohol withdrawal patients
Warning for Samsca?
Special note for dobutmaine?
Way turn pink due to oxidation but potency is not lost
Epinephrine concentration used for IV push
0.1 mg/ml 1:10,000 ration strength
When should vasopressor solutions not be used?
If they are discolored or contain a precipitate
Common ICU conditions
IV pioids
morphine and fentanyl first line
How does phentolamine work?
Alpha 1 antagonist
What is the safe way to correct sodium?
12 meq/L over 24 hours
More rapidly can cause osmotic demethylation syndrome (ODS)
or central pontine myelonolysis
can cause paralysis, seizure and death
SEs of Samsca? 4
Thirst, nausea, dry mouth, polyuria
SEs of Diprivan
Hypotension, apnea, hypertg, green urine/hair/nail beds, propofol related infusion syndrome (PRIS) can be fatal
Increasd time with foley catheter does one?
Increase chance of bladder infection
General principles for treating shock 3
1. Fill the tank
1. Optimize preload with IV crystalloids bolus as needed 2. Squeeze the pipes 1. Peripheral vasocontrictors (a1agonists) to increase systemic vascular resistance 3. Kick the pump 1. B1 agonist to increase myocardial contractility and cardiac output
How is agitation managed in the ICU?
WIth BZDs: lorazepam or midazolam
What 3 things have PPIs been associated with?
Bone fracture, C Diff, Nosocomial Pneumonia
treatment for sepsis and septic shock?
Broad spectrum abx and IV fluid resucitation with IV crystalloids
Nitropress, Nipride MOA?
Equal venous and arterial vasodilation
When is dextrose used pertaining to fluids
when water is needed intracellularly
These products contain free water
What do inotropes do?
Increase contractility of the heart
How long should a pt be treated with Samsca?
Talvaptan AVP
limited to less than <=30 days due to hepatotoxicity
What type of sedation is preferred?
Light sedation
When is hypophosphetemia life threatening?
What do Epi and NE do? Leads to what 3 things?
Stimulate multiple receptors including alpha 1 and beta 1, b2
WHich leads to increased vaso constriction HR and BP
What has to be present to characterize acute decompensated heart failure to cardiogenic shock?
Hypoperfusion and hypotension
How is hypervolemic hyponatremia treated?
Duiretics and fluid
Monitoring for Etomidate?
Adrenal insufficiency
How are vasopressors given?
Through IV central line
How is vesication with vasopressors treated?
Acute decompensated HF and cardiogenic shock
What is it?
Acute decompensated heart failure
rapid decline in health, wt gain, worseing of symptoms
Colloids 3
Hydoxyethyl startch
Boxed warnings for Carimune NF, Flebogamma DIF, Gammagard, Gamunex-C, Octagam, Privigen
- Acute renal dysfunction, usually within 7 days, more likley with products stabalized by sucrose
- THrombosis
Warning for Nitroprusside?
Increase Inctracranial pressure
SEs of Carimune NF, Flebogamma DIF, Gammagard, Gamunex-C, Octagam, Privigen
- HA
- Nausea
- diarrhea
- injection site rxn
- infusion rxn, facial flushing, chest pain, tightness, fever, chills, hypotension- slow/stop infusion
Increased time on ventilator increases risk of infection what is a common pathogen?
Pseudomonas they like moist air
If nitroprusside is hat color?
Blue indicated cyanide formation dont use
Treating with IVIG can do what?
impair response to vaccines
How is isovolemic hyponatremia caused?
COmmonly caused by Syndrome of Inappropriate antidiuretic hormone
How is hypoperfusion characterized? 3 things
- Decreased renal function
- ALtered mental status
- or cold extremities
What is succinylcholine typically reserved for?
What special care needs to be taken with NMBA?? 3
- Ensure eye lubrication
- Airway suction
- Protect the skin
Carimune NF, Flebogamma DIF, Gammagard, Gamunex-C, Octagam, Privigen
What should pts be treated with if they have both volume overload and hypoperfusion
Both sets of agents
Loops, but avoid vasodilators
Risk factors to develop Stress ulcers? 2
Mechanical ventilation and coagulopathy
3 SEs of Nitroprusside?
- HA
- Tachycardia
- Thiocyanate/cyanide toxicity (Increase risk in renal and hepatic impairment
What is needed for potassium?
Mg must be corrected
When should BBs be stopped in patients with ADHF?
If hypotension or hypoperfusion is present
Example of beta 1 agonist?
Common oral mg agent?
Mg oxide
Adrenalin and Epipen?
A1,B1,B2 agonist
What is the only available depolarizing NMBA?
Beta 1 agonism causes what two things?
Increased CO and HR
Ration strenght for IM or compounded epinephrine?
How is hypernatremia defined?
What is it associated with?
Na>145 meq/L
Water deficiency and hypertonicity
Antagonism of the alpha 1 receptor causes what?
Vasodilation through smooth muscle relaxation and decrease BP
Contraindication to Versed?
Strong CYP3A4 inhibitors
What is lysteda used for?
Heavy menstrual bleeding: mennorhagic
Note about Ativan injection?
formulated in propylene glycol prop glycol toxicity: can ccause acute renal failure and metabolic acidosis
5 SEs of vasopressors
- Arrythmias
- Tachcardia
- necrosis gangrene
- Bradycardia with phenylephrine
- Hyperglycemia with epinephrine
How can potassium chloride kill you?
IF it is not diluted or given via IV push
K deficiency related to total body
- 1mEq drop in serum below 3.5
- Indicated a total def of 100-400meq
What can be used to reduce airway secretions when using NMBA?
What does it do?
Label for NMBA?
Warning paralyzing agent
2 topical hemostatic agents?
Recothrom, Thrombin JMI
When are neuromuscular blockers used? 4
- During surgery
- To help with mechanical ventilation
- TO manage increase ICP
- Treat muscle spasms
How is sepsis defined?
Life-threatening organ dysfunction due to dysregulated host response to infection
What is used to prevent cyanide toxicity with nitroprusside?
Sodium thiosulfate is used for cyanide toxicity
Used of precedex?
Sedation in intubated and not intubated patients
Local anesthetic?
How is Carimune NF, Flebogamma DIF, Gammagard, Gamunex-C, Octagam, Privigen, dosed?
Using IBW
Doses of nitroglycerin pertaining to its effects 2
- Low: venous vsaodilation
- High: arterial vasodilation
Vasodilators 2
SEs of precedex 3?
- Hypotension
- HYpertension
- bradycardia
Treating volume overload?
Loops and IV vasodilators
What do you need to make sure before giving someone NMBA? 2
- Ensure adequate sedation and analgesia
- Must be mechanically ventilated
Common ICU infections
2 ones
Mechanical ventilations
foley catheter
When is IV phos used?
PO4 is < 1mg/dL
Inhaled anesthetics? 2
Desflurane, sevoflurane
The sympathetic nervous system works by?
releasing epinephrine and nerepinephrine
to act on the adrenergic receptors (aplha 1, beta 1 and beta 2)
How is hypokalemia defined?
K<3.5 mEq/L
What is used to assess someones readiness to get off of sedatives?
Sedation vacaiton baby!`
Note about midazolam?
Can accumulate in obese patients and renal impariment (active metabolite)
What should be monitored for propofol?
Triglycerides with given for more than 2 days
Hydroxyethyl startch boxed watning?
Limited by box warning for use in critically ill including sepsis due to increase mortalitiy
Tanexamic acid: tablet
What is the only sedative approved for intubated and nonintubated patients?
2 boxed warnings for Samsca?
- Intiated and re-initiated in hospital
- Overly rapid correction of hyponatremia >12 meq/L/24 is associated with ODS
What is used for IV mg replacement?
Mg sulfate
Crystalloids 3
LActate ringers
What does propofol give you?
Oil in water emulsion give 1.1 kcal/mL
Depolarizing NMBA
What does epinenephrine do in the lidocaine/Epi combo?
Vasoconstriction and keeps the lido locals
pretty neat!
What does the somatic nervous system do?
COntrols muscle movements
What does nesiritide do?
Recombinant B-type natriuttic peptide
Binds to vasuclar smooth muscle and increases cGMP
Arginine vasopressin receptor antagonist
When is IV mg recommended?
When Mg <1mEq/L with life threatening symptoms (seizure or arrythmias)
Ketamine Warnings?
Emergence reactions vivid dreams hallucinations delerium
3 SEs of nitroglycerin?
- HA
- tachycardia
- tachyphylaxis
How does milrinone work?
PDE-3 inhibitor
Produces inotropic effects with significant vasodilation
How is hypervolemic hyponatremia caused?
fluid overload, cirhosis, HF, renal failure
The sympathetic nervous system is also known as?
What three things does it result in?
Also known as fight or flight
- Increase in
- Blood pressure
- HR
- and glucose production
How long should the infusion for precedex be?
Duration should not be longer than 24 hours
Examples of two vasopressors?
Epinephrine and NE
Notes for propofol?
bacterial growth discard vial and tubing within 12 hours
How do systemic hemostatic agents work?
By inhibiting fibrinolysis and enhancing coagulation
Treatment options for volume overloaded ADHF patients? 2
Loop diuretics
vasodilators can be added
IVIG uses? 4
- Used to only be indicated for immunodef conditions
- Now has many uses, MS, myathenia gravis, guilliane barr
What to monitor for samca?
Rate of Na increase
When are vasopressors not effective?
If intravascular volume is not adequate
What happens when alpha 2 receptors in the brain on stimulated?
Decrease in overall sympathetic output
Two inotropes to know?
Strategy when pain in ICU?
Analgesosedation: sedation strat that used analgesics first
How is hyponatremia defined?
Na <135 meq/L
Nitroglycerin notes?
Need non PVC container glass, polyolefin
What is clonidine?
Central acting alpha 2 adrenergic agonist
Max infusion rate and max concentration of IV potassium chloride?
max concentration of 10 mEq/100 mL
Alpha 1 agonism causes what two things?
increased Vasoconstriction and BP
What anesthetic can be fatal IV?
Commonly used in epiderals
Contraindications to propofol?
hypersesitivity to eggs or soy
Administrations notes for Nitroprusside?
- Protect from light during admin
- Use clear solutions only a blue color indicated cyanide formation
Novoseven RT?
Recombinant factor VIIa
What is preferred for sedation in ICU patients?
Non-BZDs are preferred propofol and dexmedomadine
Alpha 1> B1 agonist
Nitroglycerin contraindications? 3
- SBP<90
- Use with PDe-5
- Ricoguat
Nitroprusside, Nipride
When is a ADHF patient considered volume overloaded?
Edema, ascites, jugular venous distention
What drug can be useful for delirium in ICU patients?
What should be monitored all the time with vasopressos?
Continuos BP monitoring
What can be used for invasive monioring?
What does it do?
Catheter called Swan Ganz
- Measures congeestion pulmonary cap wedge pressure
Boxed warning for vasopressors?
Dopamine and NE have Black boxes for extravacation
But all are vesicants
It should be treated with phentolamine
What 2 drugs are uniquely suited for hypoperfusion?
Dobutamine and milrinone
How is hypovolemic hyponatremia caused? 5
- Diuresis
- salt wasting syndromes
- blood loss
- vomitting and diarrhea
What are colloids?
large molecule typically proteins or startch
Remain in the intravascular space and increase oncotic pressue
What is the most common colloid?
Crystalloids versus Colloids
Which one is less costly and generally has fewer adverse effects?
What is the parasympathetic nervous system known as?
The rest and digest system
4 vasopressors
- Dopamine
- Epinephrine
- NE
- Vasopressin
How is shock usually caused and defined?
Hypotension: SBP <90
MAP <70
2 treatment options for ADHF patient experiencing hypopurfusion?
- Intoropes : dobutamine, milrinone
- If pt become hypotensiove consider adding vasopressor, NE, dopamine, or phenylephrine
- Avoid vasodilators become they can decrease BP and worsen
4 SEs for all non-depolarizing NMBA?
Bradycardia, flushing, hypotension, tachyphylaxis
Boxed warning for Nitropress, Nipride? 3
- Metabolism leads to cyanide
- Excessive hypotension
- Not for direct injection must be further diluted with D5W
Most common fluids used when volume rescusitation is needed in shock state?
Lactate ringers and NS
What is recommended for stress ulcers in ICU patients?
H2RAs and PPIs
What can decrease the risk of delerium in ICU patients?
Using non BZDs and or shorten the suration
Nimbex Notes
Hofmann elimination: independent of renal and hepatic impairment
What combo is sometimes used for local procedures, anesthetic
What are the 4 types of shocK?
- Hypovolemic (hemorrhage)
- Distributive (eptic, anaphylactic)
- Cardiogenic (post MI)
- Obstructive