Counseling: Life dominating sins Flashcards
What do people who are caught in a trespass need?
A spiritual person to help restore them
What does 1 John 1:8 say about sin?
Everyone, including believers, have sin in their life because we have a sinful nature. People say or think that they don’t are deceived.
1 John 1:8
“If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us”
What does Proverbs 26:11 have to say about those who repeat their sins
Proverbs 26:11
“Like a dog that returns to his vomit is a fool who repeats his folly.”
Why do people with life-dominating sins try and hide it?
because they don’t believe that they can do anything about it.
Because they are ashamed
Because they fear repercussions
How to minister Psalm 32:1-5 to a sinner?
- What did David do? Hiding his sin, through not confessing it
- What did David experience? An extreme sense of conviction: Is there a sense of conviction? shame? guilt?
- How did David deal with this? He confessed it.
- How did God respond? He forgave David
- What do you think you should do?
What are the characteristics of those who suffer with life dominating sins?
- They return to it
- They hide it
- They try to convince other’s that they are living God’s way (Matt 23:27)
- They slander and revile people who are seeking to restore them to the Lord and others (Prov 9:8, 16:28)
How to test for willingness to change?
Proverbs 10:17
Proverbs 17:
To see if they are willing to give it up, to live a different way of life
What do we do when a person scoffs at us or attacks us when we offer them wisdom and reprove?
prov 9:8
“Do not reprove a scoffer, or he will hate you; reprove a wise man, and he will love you”
First, it gives us information on where this person is at and the condition of their heart?
second, we recognize that giving advice to a person who is resistant to change will result in them hating us.
1 Peter 2:11-12
To help the counselee understand that the passions of the flesh has no interest in the care of their soul
To help the counselee understand that there is an expectation in the verse that it is from the immaterial soul that we live out a life of freedom in Christ
The heart of every problem is…?
A problem of the heart (idol). Worshipping something other than God.
Exodus 20:3
“You shall have no other gods before me”
Deuteronomy 6:5
“You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might”
Psalm 16
2 ways to live, a way that leads to life everlasting, and a way that leads to multiple sorrows.
For those who love anything more than God, their sorrows will be multiplied.
The path of continuous sin will lead to more sorrow.
Ultimately, when we worship an Idol, who are we worshipping?
ourselves, as it is not so much the idol, but what it gives you.
2 Questions
What does this provide you with?
What do you fear you will lose when you give it up?
What do we need to help counselees trapped in life-dominating sin understand?
Part of the problem with life-dominating sin is that the counselee fears that their life will be over if they had to give up their sin. They can’t see a life outside of their sin.
We need to help them understand that by giving it up they will be able to live much better than before
Biblical descriptions of life-dominating sins
1 Corinthians 6:9-10
Paul is referring to people who have made a lifestyle of sin,
The difference between worldly sorrow and Godly sorrow?
Worldly sorrow: I care about what I did, and its effect on me.
Godly sorrow: I care about what I did, and its effect on God and others
What do we need help counselees put off and on in regards to life-dominating sins?
not just the sin, but the cycle of sin
Life dominating sin is a cycle, we need to help them break or put off the old cycle and put on the new cycle.
Within the new cycle, they experience Godly sorrow by being convicted by God, instead of displaying worldly sorrow because they were caught. (sorry they got caught)
Consequences of life-dominating sins
Romans 6,7,8
- We become convinced that there is no other way to live and that their is no life outside of our sin.
Romans 6: to help counselees understand that they can be free from sin and that they are not obligated to continue to walk in sin.
- Based on your life right now, what are you a slave to?
- Does this passage teach you that you are still obligated to continue walking in this pattern of life?
- By which means do you obtain freedom from the pattern of sin?
Psalm 66:18
- What do you expect from your relationship with the Lord if you continued walking in a disobedient pattern of sin.
What does Psalm 66:18 have to say about “feeling distant from God”?
Psalm 66:18
“If I had cherished iniquity in my heart, the Lord would not have listened.”
Sin affects our relationship with God.
Psalm 51:8-12
Can you relate to David? Does the following reflect the desire of your heart?
Proverbs 28:13
- What happens when we don’t confess our sins
romans 6:19
- What does it say we should do?
- How can we do it?
1 Corinthians 9:27
“But I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified”
- What is the key skill we need to develop? (Self-discipline)
a. Self-confront,
b. Self-counsel: speaking truth to themselves, taking thoughts captive (especially the thought that they are a slave to sin)
c. self-correct: making use self control, putting on the new behaviours
What does provers 28:13 say about concealing or hiding our sins?
We will not prosper and will fall into calamity.
proverbs 28:13
What are the 13 Consequences of life dominating sin?
- We are held accountable to God for all our wants, thoughts, speech and behavior. Genetic predispositions, personalities or “addictions” do not remove us from
responsibility. - We become a slave to whatever controls us (Rom 6:16-18).
- Life-dominating sins affect every area of our life.
- We will doubt our salvation (1 Cor 6:9-10; 1 Pet 1:7; 2 Pet 1:10-11).
- God does not assure us that He will hear or answer our prayers (Ps 66:18; Prov
15: 29, 28:9; 1 Pet 3:12). - We will bear spiritual as well as physical consequences (Ps 32:3-5, 38:1-10, 51:3; 1
Cor 5:3-5, 11:28-30; Col 3:25; Heb 12:5-11). - We will lose the joy of our salvation (Ps 51:8-12; 1 John 1:4).
- We will become increasingly more miserable, and life will become moredifficult
(Prov 1:24-32; 13:15, 21a; 28:13-14). - We place our self under the corrective discipline of the Lord (Heb 12:5-11), and
the sternness of the discipline to restore us to the Lord and others will increase
(Matt 18:15-20). - We, through our own deeds, will hinder all true fellowship with those in the body of
Christ (1 Cor 5:9-11; 2 Thess 3:11-15).
11. We remain in spiritual delusion because we are merely a hearer of the Word and not a doer (James 1:22-24), and we cannot discern clearly between good and evil (Heb 5:14).
- We become false witnesses for Christ and the gospel (Rom 6:19; Eph 4:22; 1Cor
9: 27). - We may realize we are not a child of God
What is meant by “We may realize that we are not a child of God”?
Based on the following verses and based on what is on your thoughts, behaviours and what is on display in your life, are you living like a believer or a non-believer? (The counselee might have to be reconciled to God, which would require the Gospel)
- Lack of love for God
Luke 10:27
Rom 8:7
- Lack of repentance from sin
2 Cor 7:10
1 John 1:8-10
- Lack of being devoted ot God’s glory
1 Cor 10:31
- Lack of selfless love
1 John 3:14
- Lack of spiritual growth
John 15:1-6
Eph 4:12-16
- Lack of obedient living
1 peter 1:2, 22
1 John 2:3-5
Explain rise
Psalm 10:3-4
(cut of your hand, pluck out your eye)
Life dominating sin, requires drastic measures, to not just stop the sin, but the reduce and eliminate those things in our lives that allow us to sin. In addition to personal changes, this may require making social and structural changes.
If one is an alcoholic, it may be necessary to break off friendships, and to form new Godly relationships, in addition to removing alcohol from the house, changing driving routes to avoid bottle stores and bars, etc.
One method is RISE
- Reduce
- Increase
- Substitute
- Eliminate
What is meant by being sober-minded and watchful?
1 Peter 5:8
“Be sober-minded, be watchful, Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour”
Romans 13:14
“But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to gratify its desires”
Don’t be naive, like the alcoholic who thinks that he can still go out with his regular friends on the weekend and not drink.
Don’t just stay away from the sin, be watchful for and stay away from the opportunity to sin.
What is the connection between ungratefulness and life-dominating sin?
Being ungrateful for the life God has given me, and so I am going to live life in my way and on my terms.
What is the importance of Psalms in counseling?
They help us recognize the interplay between our Theology and life circumstances
Particularly, what is it that is keeping the psalmist from going astray? what are they praying for, How does their worship reveal their desires? What are they desiring?