Coaching: Prerequisites to Christian Coaching Flashcards
What are the prerequisites for Christian Coaching?
- Saving Connection to Christ (Acts 16:30-31)
- The Gift of the spirit
- Guidance of the spirit
- Walk with God (Daily devotion, prayer, bible study).
- Part of the Church
- Engaged in the 7 Connections
- Ready Willing and Able
10 A willingness to prioritize coaching.
Why should a person be saved before you coach them
So that the things you draw out of them will be from God and not from their own sinful nature. We want people to be the best servant of Christ they can be, not a servant of the devil.
Apart from Christ we can do nothing
John 15:4-6
Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”
Ephesians 3:20
John 14:3-7
1 Peter 2:1
Does Ephesians 3:20 encourage people to have “God-sized Dreams”
No, it encourages people to just get started and to trust that God can take it and turn it into something bigger than we thought possible.
3 Aspects of the Holy Spirit
- Fruits
- Gifts
- Guidance
9 fruits of the spirit
Galatians 5:22-23
- Love,
- Joy,
- Peace,
- Forbearance (Patience),
- Kindness,
- Goodness,
- Faithfulness (endurance),
- Gentleness,
- Self Control
gifts of the spirit
Romans 12: 4- 8
1 Corinthians 12
Ephesians 4
1 Peter 4
- Speaking
a. ) Teaching - to help people understand the word of God.
b. ) Wisdom - to help people apply the word of God
c. ) Exhortation - to encourage and challenge people to do better
d. ) Evangelism - to share the gospel - Support
a. ) Mercy/Kindness - taking care of those in need and those suffering
b. ) Giving - providing resources
c. ) Administration - bring order to chaos, plan, and organize. Insight and foresight into what needs to be done
d. ) Serving - Whatever needs to be done. Just wants to help
e. ) Pastoring - build up people, Sheppard people. - Supernatural
a. ) Apostleship - Ceased. one of the qualifications for an apostle is that you had to have seen Christ’s baptism and resurrection.
b. ) Prophesy - to speak the word of God. To Forthtell the word: To expose the sinful practices of the day, to call people back to God, and to warn people of impending judgment. to foretell the future: Probably ceased
c. ) Faith, Miracles, and Healing: Possibly still active.
d. ) Tongues:
What is the guidance of the spirit
John 16:12-13
John 14: 26
In coaching, we trust that the holy spirit will guide the client into the truth
Walk with God.
Regular Prayer and bible study
1 John 5:14
James 5:16
Romans 8:26-27
Luke 11:9-13
Psalm 119:105
Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.
Rom 15:4
2 Timothy 3:16-17
Part of the Church
Hebrews 10:24-25
7 connections
- God
- Spouse
- Family
- friends
- church
- Kingdom
- World
A client is ready and responsible when they…
- set and keep appointments
- are on time
- Engage in the process
- Take Action
- Invest
4 Categories of Gifts
- Speaking
- Support
- Supernatural
Difference between old testament prophets and prophets today
- Sin
Old Testament prophets spoke against the sin of the day and called people back to repentance. Because of this they were often hated and killed.
The modern-day prophets do not address sin and avoid the topic, instead, they pronounce blessings and promise prosperity
- Specific
Old Testament prophets were specific when prophecying, and their prophecies did not depend on the faith of the person receiving it.
- Money
Old Testament prophets were not motivated by money and lived humble lives.
What should we do if someone comes to you and says “I’ve got a word from God for you?”
Listen to what they have to say and examine it critically.
1 Thess 5:20-21
“Do not treat prophecies with contempt; but TEST them all; Hold on to what is good”
- Check it against scripture
- John 4:1
“My dear children, do not believe every spirit, but test every spirit to see whether it is from God; because many false prophets have already gone out into the world.”
- Confirm it
Ask God to confirm it to you - Ask God for wisdom Jam 1:5
What is a miracle
It is a sign that points people into a specific direction
- To restore the order of creation
- To validate the messenger
Specific times that were characterized by people who were resistant to God’s message
eg) Moses, prophets, Jesus and the apostles.
Do Miracles and signs always prove that a person is from God?
Matt 24:24
No, for many false prophets will rise up and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even God’s chosen ones.
How does a coach’s Christian belief influence their Coacing
- View of themselves: as an agent of Grace
- View of the client: as an image-bearer of God, for whom God has a plan
- Expectation of God’s work: God is active in the coaching relationship
- View of Change: not the result of anything innate in the person, but a divine enabling.
- Resources to draw from: Prayer, Scripture, Jesus as a model, Faith, testimony.
Does a Coaches values influence Coaching?
Yes, there is no such thing as value free coaching. Every coach coaches through their values.