Chapter 41: Homeostasis (Part 2, Week 9) Flashcards
[Start 41.3 General Principles of Homeostasis]
T/F External conditions are rarely constant.
What types of environmental changes are animals exposed to that could be harmful or even fatal if an animal did not respond appropriately?
Fluctuations in air and water temperatures, nutrient and water supplies, pH, and, in some cases, oxygen availability.
What is a example of homeostatic variables in animals that is influenced by eating food and excreting wastes? (3)
Mineral levels are affected such as Na+ and K+
- Establish resting membrane potentials across plasma membranes in all cells and transmit electrical signals in excitable tissues (muscles and nervous tissue)
Ca 2+
- Important for muscle contraction; neuron function; skeleton and shell formation
Fe 2+
- Binds and transports oxygen in blood or body fluids (some invertebrates use copper instead of iron)
What is a example of homeostatic variables in animals that is influenced by eating food and expending energy?
Energy sources are affected such as glucose
- Broken down to provide energy for use by all cells, especially brain cells
- Provides an alternate source of energy, particularly for cells not in the nervous system; major component of plasma membranes
- Provides energy to drive most chemical reactions and body functions; modifies function of many proteins by transferring a phosphate group to proteins
What homeostatic variable has factors that influence it such as rate of energy expenditure, environmental temperature, behavioral mechanisms?
Body temperature
Its function determines the rate of chemical reactions in an animal’s body.
What homeostatic variable has factors that influence it such as hydrogen ion transporters in cells, buffers in body fluids, rates of energy expenditure, and breathing rate?
pH of body fluids
Its function affects enzymatic activity in all cells.
What homeostatic variable has factors that influence it such as movement of air or water across respiratory surfaces (for example, lungs and gills), and the metabolic rate?
Oxygen and carbon dioxide.
Example of function
Oxygen circulates in body fluids and enters cells, where it is used during the production of ATP; carbon dioxide is a waste product that is eliminated to the environment, but it is also a key factor that regulates the rate of breathing.
What homeostatic variable has factors that influence it such as drinking, eating, excretion of wastes, perspiration, osmosis across body surface (skin or gills)?
Example of function
Numerous biological functions including participating in chemical reactions; helping to regulate body temperature; acting as a solvent for biologically important molecules
What concentration in the plasma may increase or decrease, depending on whether an animal has recently eaten?
Plasma glucose concentration
However, even after a sugary meal or a prolonged fast, homeostatic mechanisms either return glucose concentration to normal or enable it to remain within the range required for survival.
Traditional units for glucose concentration used in the U.S. appear on the vertical axis; as a reference, a value of 100 mg/dL is equal to 5.5 mM.
What is the extracellular fluid?
The internal environment of cells, tissues, or organs.
What is a system designed to regulate particular variables in an animal’s body, such as body temperature; consists of a set point, sensor, integrator, and effectors?
Homeostatic control system
In a homeostatic control system, what is the normal value for a controlled variable, such as blood pressure, in an animal?
Set point
In a homeostatic control system, what is a structure such as a sensory receptor or a nucleus in the brain that detects a signal with in the system?
Sensor; monitors the level or activity of a particular variable.
In a homeostatic control system, what is typically a nucleus in the brain, in which the value of a variable is compared to a set point?
Integrator; compares signals from the sensor with the set point.
In a homeostatic control system, what is a molecule that directly influences a cellular response?
In animals, this structure is one that compensates for a deviation of a physiological variable from its set point.
Effector; compensates for deviation between actual value and the set point.
What is a homeostatic mechanism in animals in which a change in the variable being regulated brings about responses that move the variable in the opposite direction?
Negative feedback loop.
Example: a negative feed back loop involving homeostatic changes to blood pressure.
- When the blood pressure of an animal decreases due to blood loss, pressure sensors in the heart and certain blood vessels detect the change in pressure and send the information to the integrator—the brain.
- In the brain, the signal is compared with the normal set point for blood pressure. The brain responds to the deviation from the set point in two ways.
- First, signals are sent along nerves to the effectors—in this case, the kidneys, heart, and blood vessels.
- Second, the brain stimulates the release of certain hormones into the blood; these hormones provide an additional signal to the effectors.
- The result is that the heart beats more rapidly and forcefully, the kidneys produce less urine and thereby retain more water in the body, and the blood vessels direct blood to the most vital organs such as the brain. These responses raise the animal’s blood pressure back toward the set point.
To prevent overcompensation. like in maintaining blood pressure, what happens when blood pressure returns to its set point?
Stimulus is removed from the sensor.
This negative feedback, in turn, shuts off further production of the hormonal and neural responses. If this did not happen, blood pressure may reach incredibly high levels and possibly put the organism at risk.
What, in animals, is a mechanism that accelerates or amplifies a process, leading to what is sometimes called an explosive system?
Positive feedback loop
A positive feedback loop moves a system away from homeostasis, because a change in a variable or process leads to events that amplify that change.
In the example of reduced blood pressure, the body shivers to generate heat, and if not controlled, could lead to dangerously high body temperature.
This is contrary to the principle of homeostasis, in which large fluctuations in a variable are minimized and reversed.
In this example, how would an organism prevent higher body temperatures that could be detrimental to an organism by utilizing positive feedback when an injury reduced blood pressure?
The process of blood-clotting in mammals.
If an animal receives a wound that results in bleeding, various blood-borne factors contribute to sealing the damaged blood vessels and preventing further blood loss from occurring.
In mammals, this response includes the actions of fragments of cells called platelets, which are produced by the bone marrow and released into the blood.
When a blood vessel is cut, damaged cells secrete chemicals in the local area that attract platelets to the site and activate them. Activated platelets seal a damaged blood vessel in two general ways.
First, they physically help seal off the wound by clustering together at the injury site, and second, they secrete chemicals that attract and activate even more platelets to the site.
Those platelets, in turn, secrete more chemicals, which attract more platelets, and so on. The cycle ends when the wound is fully sealed.
What is a process by which an animal’s body begins preparing for a change in some variable before it even occurs?
What are some examples of this process that aids homeostatsis?
Feedforward regulation
- Mammalian body temperatures raise slightly before waking to help with increased metabolic demands of being active.
- Dogs salviate and their stomachs churn to create acids before feeding if they see or smell food.
What does feedforward regulation use?
Sensory detectors that recognize odors and sights. (like with Pavlov and his dogs)
What can the mechanisms that affect feedforward regulation result from or are modified by?
The nervous system LEARNS to anticipate a homeostatic challenage.
Familiar examples are the increased heart rate and breathing rate that occur just before an athletic competition—demonstrated, for example, in trained racehorses before the start of a race.
The process of training, in which a horse’s body learns to prepare for the exertion of the ensuing race, prevents any delay between the start of exercise and the adequate flow of blood and nutrients to skeletal muscle.
What is a common thread that links all homestatic processes together?
Communication between cells, whether the cells are close to each other or in different parts of an animal’s body.
Some homeostatic responsesare highly localized, occurring only in the area of a disturbance.
For example, damage to an area of skin causes cells in the injured area to release molecules that help contain the injury, prevent infections, and promote tissue repair in the immediate vicinity.
Local responses provide areas of an animal’s body with mechanisms for local self-regulation. It is
no benefit to an animal to promote tissue repair in regions of the body that are not injured.
What is a type of cellular communication in which molecules are released into the interstitial fluid and act on nearby cells?
Paracrine signaling
Another example of extremely localized signaling occurs between neurons. A common way in which neurons communicate is through the release of neurotransmitters, small signaling molecules that are synthesized and stored in neurons.
When a neuron releases neurotransmitters, they diffuse and then bind to receptor proteins on an adjacent neuron (or in some cases a muscle or gland cell), altering the activity of that cell.
This type of cell-to-cell communication is typically very rapid, finishing within milliseconds.
Consequently, neurotransmitter responses can make immediate homeostatic adjustments, like those associated with reflexes.
Other than paracrine signaling and neurostransmitter release, what is a way cells can communicate over long distances by releasing chemical messenger molecules into the blood?
This type of signaling is mediated by hormones.
In animals, a chemical signal that is produced in a gland or other structure and released into the blood or hemolymph, where it acts on distant target cells. In plants, a signaling molecule that is important in coordination of plant development or plant response to the environment.
A hormone released in response to a homeostatic disturbance, such as the decrease in blood pressure described earlier, can influence the activities of many different cells, tissues, and organs simultaneously because the hormone is carried throughout the entire blood circulation.
Some hormones act quickly—within seconds—whereas others take minutes or even hours for their effects to occur.
[Start 41.4 Homeostatic Control of Internal Fluids]
Most of the water in an animal’s body is contained inside its cells; what is this fluid called?
What is the fluid in an organism that is outside of the cells called?
Intracellular fluid (intra means inside of)
Extracellular fluid
What separates intracellular and extracellular fluids?
Plasma membranes
In vertebrates and some invertebrates, what is extracellular fluid composed of?
The watery (noncellular) part of blood, called plasma, and the fluid that fills the spaces that surround cells, called interstitial fluid.
What is the fluid part of blood that contains water and dissolved solutes?
What is the fluid that surrounds cells along with plasma (but they are separate)?
Interstitial fluid
Where is plasma contained specifically?
It is contained within blood vessels in a closed circulatory system.
How is plasma and interstitial fluid separated?
Plasma is the extracellular fluid within arteries, capillaries, and veins.
The interstitial fluid exists outside of arteries, capillaries, and veins surrounding cells that contain intracellular fluids within them.
These are called body-fluid compartments.
What can be exchanged between a blood vessel like a capillary or a vein and its extracellular fluid to the extracellular fluid such as intersitial fluid where other cells exist by means of osmosis?
This exchange can happen between individual cells and their intracellular fluid with the fluid existing interstitial.
How is the plasma and interstitial fluid organized in an organism with an open circulatory system?
They are intermingled in a single fluid called hemolymph.
What accounts for about two-thirds of body weight, in a typical vertebrate?
The total water volume within the three body compartments which is the intracellular fluid, plasma, and interstitial fluid.
Remember, for EXTRACELLULAR fluids, these consist of the plasma and fluid outside other cells (interstitial fluid)
Solids comprise of the rest of the water.
Of the total body water, up to two-thirds is intracellular and one-third extracellular, with the majority of the latter located in the interstitial compartment.
Where are many different proteins that are important for cellular events such as mitosis, cytokinesis, and metabolism, confined to that demonstrate the differences of composition in the intracellular and extracellular fluids?
Confined within the cells themselves.
What must happen in order for cells in an animal’s body maintain concentration of ions, nutrients, and gases such as oxygen within their normal homeostatic ranges?
Solutes ability to move between body fluid compartments.
Barriers separating adjacent fluid compartments determine which solutes can move between them.
What is movement of a solute down its concentration gradient, that is, from a region of high concentration to a region of low concentration?
Passive transport.
In passive transport, energy from hydrolysis of ATP is not required.
What does passive transport include? (2 modes)
Passive transport includes:
Simple diffusion, in which substances move across a membrane without any carrier or intermediate
Facilitated diffusion in which a channel or transporter is required for diffusion to occur.
What are some examples of molecules that are able to move in simple diffusion across a phospholipid bilayer into and out of a cell?
Nonpolar molecules such as many lipids, and gases such as oxygen and carbon dioxide.
How is the rate of simple diffusion calculated?
The rate of simple diffusion of a solute across a membrane of given thickness can be calculated using a modified form of Fick’s first law of diffusion adapted for movement across a membrane
J (rate of simple diffusion) =
K (a constant that includes temperature)
multiplied by
A (cross-sectional area of the barrier across which diffusion is occurring)
C1 and C2 are the concentrations of the solute at two locations (like inside and outside the cell)
J = KA(C1 - C2)
This equation is used to determine how changes in solute concentrations, temperature, or area can influence the rate at which a substance moves across a plasma membrane.
For example, breathing a gas mixture from a tank that is enriched in oxygen will increase the amount of oxygen entering the blood of a mountain climber at high altitude, where oxygen is limited.
According to Fick’s first law, the difference between
C1 (oxygen in the inhaled gas mixture) and
C2 (oxygen in the blood) will be increased by breathing from the tank. Therefore, we can predict that J, the rate of diffusion of oxygen into the blood, will also be increased, an important survival mechanism at very high altitudes.
How can polar molecules and ions move through a plasma membrane?
With the help of a transport protein, as in facililated diffusion.
In one case, the membrane has channels that permit the solute to diffuse down its concentration gradient through the bilayer.
Examples of substances that diffuse through channels are ions such as Na+.
In a second case, proteins in the membrane bind a solute and shuttle it down its concentration gradient across the lipid membrane.
An example of a common solute that moves across membranes in this way is glucose.
In both of these forms of diffusion, solutes move down their concentration gradients and hydrolysis of ATP is not required for their diffusion.
T/F In active transport, energy is required to move a solute against a concentration gradient.
Typically, we will encounter this type of transport in this unit when discussing how animal cells maintain different concentrations of various ions across their plasma membranes and how such concentration differences relate to a cell’s ability to function.
One example of a function dependent on differences in ion concentration is the generation of electrical gradients across the membranes of muscle cells and neurons.
What does the presence of allow water to readily move between compartments within an animal’s body and makes such plasma membranes highly permeable to water?
Water channels called aquaporins.
This movement depends on pressure differences in the fluids of each compartment or on differences in solute concentrations that lead to osmosis, in which water moves from a region of lower solute concentration to one of higher solute concentration.
What happens to a cell, in this case a red blood cell, if the solute concentration outside of the cell has a been decreased?
What if the extracellular solute concentration is increased?
It will cause water to move by osmosis from outside the cell to inside. This can eventually lead to swollen cell to rupture, which is known as hemolysis.
It will cause the mammalian red blood cell (the erythrocyte) to shrink or crenate because water will move out of the intracellular fluid.
Even though water is a major portion of an animal’s body mass, what does it function as?
A solvent that permits solutes to participate in chemical reactions like hydrolysis.
In addition, water is the transport vehicle that brings O2 and nutrients to cells and removes wastes generated by metabolism.
Why is blood volume decreased when an animal becomes dehydrated?
Because blood is roughly 50% water via the plasma.
Decreased blood volume compromises the ability of the circulatory system to move nutrients and wastes throughout the body and to assist in the regulation of body temperature on hot days.
What is the solute concentration of an aqueous solution called?
It is expressed as millosmoles/liter (mOsm/L)
What determines a solution’s osmolarity?
The number of dissolved particles within it.
What is the osmolarity of a 150 nM NaCl solution?
300 mOsm/L
Because each NaCl dissociates into two ions, one Na+ and one Cl-
(2 x 150 = 300)
What is the significance of 300 mOsm/L?
What do you call solutions with an osmolarity greater than normal?
What do you call solutions with an osmolarity lower than normal?
What do you call solutions with an osmolarity that has the same osmolarity as a typical animal cell?
It is well within the range of typical osmolarities of animal body fluids.
T/F Many vital processes—eliminating nitrogenous wastes, obtaining O2 and eliminating carbon dioxide (CO2), consuming and metabolizing food, and regulating body temperature—have the potential to disturb ion and water homeostasis.
Therefore, these processes require additional energy expenditure to minimize or reverse the disturbance. Exchanges of ions and water with the environment that occur as a consequence of such vital processes are called obligatory exchanges (because the animal isobligated to make them)
What waste product is created when carbohydrates and fats are metabolized, which is then exhaled or, in some animals, diffuses across the body surface?
What waste product is created by breaking down proteins and nucleic acids and cannot be eliminated by exhaling or diffusion?
Nitrogenous wastes, molecules that include nitrogen from amino groups (-NH2)
Excretion of these wastes is carried out by excretory orgns such as the kidneys and often requires body water.
Increases in O2 and increased excretion of CO2, leads to increase of loss of what?
Important in animals with lungs hence why you can “see your breath” in cold weather.
T/F Water loss is greater in bigger animals than smaller animals with lungs.
Smaller, active animals have higher metabolic rates and usually have faster breathing rates.
T/F Water-breathing animals and their water and ion homestasis is more complex than their air-breathing counterparts.
Gills, like all respiratory organs, are thin structures with large amounts of surface area and an
extensive network of blood vessels.
Although these features make gills ideal for gas exchange by diffusion between the blood and the surrounding water, they also make them ideal for ion and water movement by diffusion and osmosis, respectively.
What is the internal fluid osmolarity of most fish?
What is the osmolarity of fresh water and seawater?
225-400 mOsm/L
0-50 mOsm/L and 1,000 mOsm/L
What is promoted when it comes to ions and water in freshwater fish?
Since there is a high concentration gradient from fish to water, this could promote a loss of ions from the fish’s body into fresh water.
Likewise, a high osmotic gradient favors the movement of water from the lake or river into the body fluids of a freshwater fish.
THEREFORE, freshwater fish gain water and lose ions when ventilating their gills.
What are the two different mechanisms that freshwater fish maintain water and ion balances?
- First, their kidneys are adapted to producing copious amounts of dilute urine—up to 30% of their body mass per day (an amount that would be equivalent to about 25 L per day in an average-sized human!).
- Secondly, specialized gill epithelial cells actively transport Na+ and Cl– from the surrounding water into the fish’s blood. Thus, these two important ions are recaptured from the water.
They rarely drink water as well!
Saltwater fish have the opposite problem. What are the different mechanims in which saltwater fish maintain water and ion balances?
They tend to gain ions and lose water across their gills, because seawater has a much higher osmolarity.
- Partly off set by the kidneys, which in marine fishes produce very little urine so that as much water as possible can be retained in the body.
The urine that is produced has a higher ion concentration than that of freshwater fishes. To prevent dehydration from occurring, marine fishes must drink.
However, the only water available to them is the hyperosmotic seawater, which has a very high ion content.
The ingested ions must be eliminated, and this process is accomplished by gill epithelial cells.
In contrast to the gills of freshwater fishes, which pump ions from the water into the fluids of the fish, the gills of marine fishes pump ions out of the fish and into the ocean.
Thus, marine fishes drink seawater to replace the water lost through their gills by osmosis and then expend energy to transport the excess ions out of the body.
What is water sometimes called to indicate its origin?
Metabolic water.
What is something that is used to rid an organism of high concentrations of salt whose diet consists of marine animals?
Salt glands
What activities of the body use the evaporation of water to draw heat out of the body?
Sweating and panting.
In the process, however, the animal loses water and, in sweat, some ions. You know from tasting sweat that it is salty, but the saltiness of sweat and that of blood are not the same.
Sweat is a hypo-osmotic solution compared with blood; that is, it has a lower concentration of solutes. Thus, the fluid left behind in the body after perspiration has both a lower volume and a higher solute concentration than normal.
What is an animal that maintains stable internal ion concentrations and osmolarities, even when living in water whose osmolarity is very different from that of its body fluids or living on land?
Such animals drink or excrete water and ions as necessary to maintain an internal osmolarity that is generally about 300 mOsm/L, or about one-third that of seawater and at least 10 times that of fresh water.
All terrestrial animals are osmoregulators, as are all freshwater animals and many marine animals, including bony fishes and some crustaceans.
Osmoregulators maintain stable cellular levels of ions and water, but this requires considerable expenditure of energy, primarily to pump ions into and out of epithelial cells.
What is an animal whose osmolarity conforms to that of its environment?
Most marine invertebrates and some vertebrates—notably sharks—use a different means to control body fluid composition. In this case, the osmolarity of extracellular and intracellular fluids is matched with seawater. (Around 1,000 mOsm/L)
What is an advantage and disadvantage of being an osmoconformer?
- An advantage of having body fluids conform to the osmolarity of the surrounding seawater is that there is much less tendency to gain or lose water by osmosis across the skin or gills.
- Thus, sharks and other osmoconformers expend less energy to compensate for water gain or loss than do other aquatic animals. However, osmoconformers are generally limited to the marine environment.
What do vertebrate osmoconformers have a high concentration of that is dissolved in their extracellular fluids that allows this fluid to have similar osmolarities as seawater which prevents excessive accumlation of ions in the body?
Uncharged molecules.
This extracellular fluids contain sugars, amino acids, and metabolic waste products that produce an osmolarity similar to that of seawater, even though concentrations of Na+, K+, and other critical ions in these fluids are similar to those of osmoregulators.
Why is a proper ion balance important to osmoregulators and osmoconformers?
One reason is because a proper ion balance is required for normal electrical signaling in neurons and muscle cells.
In addition, very high ion concentrations tend to disrupt the three-dimensional structure of many proteins, rendering them inactive. Consequently, the body fluids of vertebrate osmoconformers are less salty—that is, they have fewer ions—than seawater, as is also the case for all osmoregulators.
Therefore, vertebrate osmoconformers such as sharks tend to gain ions by diffusion across their gills. The excess ions are eliminated by the kidneys and a type of salt gland called the rectal gland.