Chapter 27: Archaea and Bacteria (Part 2, Week 5) Flashcards
[Start 27.3 Reproduction]
T/F Bacteria and archaea do not engage in the process of sexual reproduction used by eukaryotes, involving specialized gametes, gamete fusion, and
How do bacteria and archaea usually reproduce?
Generally by means of a type of cell division known as binary fission, but sometimes by forming small
cells, known as buds, from one end.
In addition, some bacteria produce tough cells that can withstand deleterious conditions for long
periods in a dormant condition.
What is binary fission?
The process of cell division in bacteria and archaea in which one cell divides into two cells.
When sufficient nutrients are available, an entire population of identical cells can be
produced from a single parental cell by repeated binary fission.
This growth process allows microbes to become very numerous in water, food, or animal tissues, potentially causing harm.
How is the division of a bacterial cell viewed by?
Scanning electron microscopy
When samples are spread onto the surfaces of laboratory dishes containing nutrients, single
cells of bacteria or archaea may divide repeatedly to form visible colonies, which can be easily counted.
The number of colonies is an estimate of the number of culturable cells in the original sample.
If a fluorescence microscope is available, cells can be counted directly by applying a fluorescent stain that binds to their DNA. Each cell glows brightly when illuminated with UV light.
What is the basis of a widely used method for detecting and counting bacteria in food, water samples, or patients’ body fluids?
Microbiologists who study the spread of disease need to quantify bacterial cells in samples taken from the environment.
Medical technicians often need to count bacteria in body fluid samples to assess the likelihood of infection.
Binary fission
Since bacterial cells are small and often unpigmented, they are difficult to count directly, what is one way microbiologists count bacteria?
Place a measured volume of sample into
laboratory dishes filled with a semisolid nutrient medium.
Bacteria in the sample undergo repeated binary fission to form colonies of cells visible to the unaided eye.
Because each colony represents a single cell that was present in the original sample, the number of colonies in the dish reflects the number of living bacteria in the
original sample.
The other way is the use of stains and UV light previously talked about.
When is the flourescense method used?
The fluorescence method must be used when the microbes of interest cannot be cultivated in
the laboratory. For many bacteria and archaea, the conditions needed to foster population growth in the laboratory are not known.
When do some bacteria produce thick-walled cells that are able to survive unfavorable conditions in a dormant state?
These specialized cells develop when bacteria have experienced stressful conditions, such as low nutrients or unfavorable temperatures.
Such dormant cells may be able to germinate
into metabolically active cells when conditions improve again.
For example, aquatic filamentous cyanobacteria often produce akinetes, thick-walled, food-filled cells, when winter approaches.
Akinetes are able to survive winter at the bottoms of lakes, and they produce new filaments in spring when they are carried by water currents to the
brightly lit surface.
Persistence of such akinetes explains how
harmful cyanobacterial blooms can develop year after year in overly fertile lakes.
What is a structure with a tough coat that is produced inside of certain bacteria and then released when the enclosing bacterial cell dies and breaks down?
What are two examples of bacteria that creates endospores?
This typically contains DNA and other materials.
Endospores can remain alive, though in a
dormant state, for long periods, then reactivate when
conditions are suitable.
For example, Bacillus anthracis causes the disease anthrax and is thus a potential agent in bioterrorism and germ warfare. Most cases of human anthrax result when endospores of B. anthracis enter breaks in the skin, causing skin infections that are relatively easily cured by antibiotic treatment.
Clostridium botulinum can contaminate improperly canned food that has not been heated
to temperatures high enough to destroy its tough endospores.
When the endospores germinate and bacterial cells grow in the food, they produce a deadly toxin, as well as NH3 and CO2 gases, which cause can lids to bulge. If humans consume the food, the toxin causes botulism, a severe type of food poisoning that can lead to respiratory and muscular paralysis.
What is a really interesting fact about botulism toxin created by the bacteria, Clostridium botulinum?
The botulism toxin is marketed commercially as Botox, which is injected into the skin, where it paralyzes facial muscles, thereby reducing the appearance of wrinkles.
The toxin has also been used as a migraine treatment.
Clostridium tetani produces a nerve toxin that causes lockjaw, also known as tetanus, when bacterial cells or endospores from soil enter wounds. The ability of the genera Bacillus and Clostridium to produce resistant endospores helps explain their widespread
presence in nature and their effect on humans.
[Start 27.4 Nutrition and Metabolism]
T/F All living cells require energy and a source of carbon to build their organic molecules.
T/F Bacteria and archaea use one strategy to obtain energy and carbon for growth.
False. They use many.
How are the microbes classified?
- Their energy source
- Carbon source
- Response to oxygen
- Presence of specialized metabolic processes
What is an organism that has metabolic pathways that use energy from either inorganic molecules or light to make organic molecules?
Autotrophs (Greek meaning self feeder)
Organisms that are able to produce allor most of their own organic molecules from inorganic sources.
What are the two categories that autotrophs fall under?
Photoautotrophs and Chemoautotrophs
What is a type of autotroph that is an organism that uses the energy from light to make organic molecules from inorganic sources?
Including cyanobacteria, use light as a source of energy for the synthesis of organic molecules from CO2 and H2O or H2S.
What is a type of autotroph that is an organism able to use energy obtained by chemical modifications of inorganic compounds to synthesize organic compounds?
Such chemical modifications include nitrification (the conversion of ammonia to nitrate) and the oxidation of sulfur, iron, or hydrogen.
For example, archaea of the genus Sulfolobus
can oxidize certain sulfur-containing minerals.