Chapter 30 and 31 Flashcards
conviction that women and men should be socially, politically, and economically equal
civil rights act of 1964
banned discrimination in employment
national organization for women
NOW; fought gender discrimination in the workplace, schools, and justice system
Betty Friedan
created NOW
equal rights amendment
promised equal treatment for men and women in all spheres
Roe V Wade
struck down sate laws that banned abortion
red power movement
drafted the declaration of Indian purpose
group of native Americans
tried to reclaim Alcatraz Island; lasted for 18 months until the federal Marshall was called
treaty of Fort Laramie
claimed it gave them the right to use any surplus federal territory
American Indian movement
founded in Minnesota; became major force behind the Red Power movement; renewal of traditional cultures, economic independence, and better education for Indian children
Russell Means
one of AIM’s best known leaders
national Indian education association
fought to improve access to education
Native American rights funds
provided legal services
council on emergency recourse tribes
helped its member nations gain control over their natural resources and choose whether to protect or develop them
1 million Latinos
in the US in the 1960’s lived below the poverty line
Latino’s faced
discrimination in education
social justice
fair distribution of advantages and disadvantages in society
Delano grape strike
1965; Filipino farmworkers went on strike in Delano, California; NFWA soon joined
Cezar Chavez
national farmworkers association; union of Mexican American farmworkers
Chicano movement
shortened form of Mexicanos; ethnic pride and commitment to political activism
Rodolfo ‘Corky’ Gonzales
founded the Crusade of Justice
group of college students
in Texas formed the Mexican American youth organization
Jose Angel Gutierrez
founded La Rasa Undia Party; gained local control over the education of Hispanic children and 3rd political party
brown berets
one of the most militant organizations of the Chicano movement; fought for bilingual education, better school conditions, Chicano studies, and more Chicano teachers; disbanded in 1972
Reiez Lopez Tijernia
focused on the enduring issues of the land rights
Crusade of Justice
provided legal aid and Spanish newspaper
La Raza Unida
Guitierez formed; campaigned for bilingual education; improved public service and education for children of migrant workers; end to job discrimination; fell apart in the 1970’s
rebellion of teens and young adults against mainstream American society
what they called mainstream
free speech movement
Berkley; swept campuses across the nation; used tactics of civil disobedience
believed the federal government was too large; firm stand against crime and drug use; increased funding for food stamps and social security; interest in environmental issues
new federalism
Nixon’s agenda
Nixon’s environmentalism
Earth Day; Clean Air Act (air pollution); Environmental Protection Agency; OSHA (prevent work related injury); advanced affirmative action
Henry Kissinger
Nixon’s national security advisor; late Secretary of State (foreign policy); realpolitik
basing foreign policies on realistic views
ease tensions with Cold War enemies
strategic arms limitation treaty; Nixon talked with the Soviet Union to limit destruction with arms
Communists people’s republic of China; Nixon was 1st president to visit; Mao Zedong in 1972
1967 6-day war
Israel taking land from Egypt, Syria, and Jordan; United Nations called for withdrawal from these lands and Arab states to recognize Israel’s right to exist
1973 Yom Kippur War
Egypt and Syria attacked Israel; fighting affected the US
oil embargo
OPEC (organization of Petroleum exporting countries) controlled oil prices
shuttle diplomacy
Kissinger; traveled from group to group trying to work on separate arrangements; because of the oil embargo
Apollo 11 on July 16, 1969 from Kennedy Space Center; Neil Armstrong, Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin and Michael Collins; July 20 Neil Armstrong was 1st man to land on the moon
Nixon announced 90 day freeze on wages and prices; worked temporarily
Nixon’s advisors created a group to respond to leaks of secret information and investigated Nixon’s political enemies
1971 plumbers
tried to damage reputation of Daniel Ellsberg by breaking into his psychiatric office
early 1972 plumbers
broke into the Democratic National Committee at the Watergate Hotel for the 1972 election
June 17, 1972
police arrested 5 men who broke in
Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein
wouldn’t let the story die and continued to investigate
the Post
reported the break-in was part of widespread spying effort by the Nixon campaign
Nixon won
one of the most overwhelming victories
after the election
Nixon ordered investigation into Watergate Scandal; several men from the White House resigned
senate investigation
former attorney general John Dean reported he talked with Nixon about Watergate and the cover-up; Alexander Butterfield said Nixon tape recorded all conversations in his office; Nixon didn’t want to give up the tapes
executive privilege
gave president the right to withhold tapes
investigators rejected
Nixon’s claims of executive privilege
special prosecutor Cox
and the Senate Watergate Committee issues subpoenas
Saturday Night Massacre
Nixon directed Elliot Richardson to fire Cox, refused and quit; ordered Richardson’s assistant to fire Cox, refused and resigned; 3rd taking official fired Cox
August 8, 1974
Nixon resignes
Spiro T Agnew
vice president; resigned after cheating on taxes
Gerald R Ford
Nixon chose to replace Agnew; republican leader in the House of Representatives; first to become president without being elected
Alaska national interest lands conservation act
Carter passed; protected more than 100 million acres
3 mile island
1979; mishap; too much/ not enough water; little radiation came out
Love Canal
New York; chemicals leaked through the ground; blamed for high birth defect rates
Panama Canal
after France didn’t want the US took over; 1977 Carter and Panama’s leaders agreed Panama would take back control at the end of 1999
Camp David Accords
Egypt and Israel; Anwar el-Sadat and Menachem Begin; historic agreement; won the Nobel Prize
November 4, 1979
mob attacked the American Embassy in Tehran, Iran’s capital