Chapter 30 & 31 Reading Flashcards
beat’s movement emphasis on freedom from materialism and the civil rights movement’s questioning of traditional boundaries
members of the counterculture; valued youth, spontaneity, individuality; promoted peace, love, and freedom; experimented with drugs, new style of dress and music, and freer attitudes toward sexual relationships
generation gap
misunderstanding between the older and younger generation
sexual revolution
hippies rejected traditional restrictions on sexual behavior
small communities where people shared interests and resources
Haight Ashbury district
San Fransisco; center of the counterculture; hippies experimented with drugs and listened to rock music and speeches by political radicals
Timothy Leary
encouraged youths to “tune in”, “turn on” to drugs and “drop out” of mainstream society
some hippies sought spiritually outside
of the Judeo-Christian tradition exploring Eastern religions and practices of Native Americans; sought to live offload in harmony with nature
theory of political, social, and ecomonic opportunity for men and women
Betty Friedan
described women’s dissatisfaction in The Feminine Mystique; helped establish the NOW
national organization for women
sought to win equality for women; campaigned for passage of the equal rights amendment; worked to protect a women’s right to abortion
equal rights amendment
guarantee gender equality under the law; failed to pass partly to Phyllis
Gloria Steinnem
sought to raise consciousness throughout the media and cofound Ms. magazine
Phyllis Schlafly
conservative political activist; denounced women liberation as a “total assault on the family, on marriage, and on children”
title 9
of the higher education act; banned discrimination in education
equal credit opportunity act
made it illegal to deny credit to a woman on the basis of gender
roe v wade
gave women the right to legal abortions
mexican immigrants came as
temporary workers; and latin immigrants filled the need for cheap labor
bracero program
allowed Mexicans to work on American farms
immigration and nationality act
immigration from latin America surged
Cesar Chavez
formed the united farm workers; most influential Latino activist
united farm workers
implemented a strike and boycott of grapes that secured safer working conditions for migrant farmworkers
Chicano movement
worked to raise consciousness, reduce poverty and discrimination, and attain political power for latinos
American Indian movement
eased poverty and helped secure legal rights and self-government for Native Americans; took over Wounded Knee, South Dakota to protest living conditions on reservations; led to the deaths of 2 AIM members
Indian self-determination act
granted tribes greater control over resources on reservations
Ralph Nader
published Unsafe at Any Speed; investigated the link between flawed car design and death in automobile accidents; consumer rights movement started; prompted congress to pass laws to improve automobile safety
Silent Spring
by Rachel Carson; inspired much environmental activism; describes the deadly impact that pesticides were having on birds and other animals; argued that humans were drastically altering the environment and had a responsibility to protect it; protests compelled congress to restrict use of pesticide DDT
coal smog
poisonous byproducts of human activity
environmental protection agency
protect the entire ecological chain; worked to clean up and protect the environment and sought to limit or eliminate pollutants that posed a risk to the public’s health
clean air act
combated air pollution by limiting the emissions form factories and automobiles
clean water act
reduced water pollution by industry and agriculture
endangered species act
helped to protect endangered plants and animals
3 mile island
nuclear reactor; Pennsylvania; malfunctioned and the core began to melt
Henry Kissinger
Nixon’s leading advisor on national security and international affairs; argued with Nixon that a flexible, pragmatic foreign policy would benefit the US
foreign affairs; German word meaning “real politics”; nation’s political goals around the world should be defined by what is good for the nation instead of by abstract ideologies
Nixon’s first bold move and 3 reasons
normalize relations with China; wanted to drive a wedge between China and the Soviet Union; China would be a good trading partner; China could pressure North Vietnam to accept a negotiated peace and end with the Vietnam War
Zhou Enlai and Mao Zedong
premier; chairmen; China; Nixon met with; first historic step toward normalizing relations between the 2 countries
Leonid Brezhnev
Soviet leader; invited the president to visit Moscow; where they signed the strategic arms limitation treaty
strategic arms limitation treaty
froze the deployment of intercontinental ballistic missiles and placed limits on antiballistic missiles; first step toward limiting the arms race
US and Soviet Union; implemented to replace the prior foreign policy, which was based on suspicion and distrust; eased tensions between the 2 nations
short and long term foreign policy
new relationships forged helped to end the Vietnam war; moved the world closer to the end of the Cold War
silent majority
working men and women who made up Middle America; Nixon believed they were tired of big government; wanted the government to address social problems like crime and pollution
revenue sharing
federal government gave money to the states to run social programs
Nixon’s presidency plagued by combination of recession and inflation
organization of petroleum exporting countries
placed an oil embargo on Israel’s allies; oil prices skyrocketed
Watergate scandal
June 1972; burglars broke into the Democratic Party headquarters in Washington; Nixon denied any wrongdoing; one of them said government official was involved; Vice President Agnew resigned; tapes provided evidence Nixon was involved; Nixon resigned
25th amendment
under Nixon assigned Ford as new vice president
executive privilege
principle that the president has the right to keep contained information confidential
officially forgiven
long record of public service; support from democratic and republic; support fell after he pardoned Nixon for anything during presidency
1974 congressional elections
showed the public’s disapproval of the pardon and the impact of Watergate; republicans lost 48 seats in the House of Representatives
Jimmy Carter
former Georgia governor; won many Christian fundamentalists; most of the bills he submitted to congress didn’t pass without changes form his own party
Carter granted to Americans who had evaded the draft in hope of moving the nation beyond the Vietnam War
me decade
1970’s; many Americans appeared to be absorbed with self-improvement; began to jog and eat healthy
Jerry Falwell; preached to millions on television
Helsinki Accords
the nation’s of Europe expressed their support of human rights
boat people
South Vietnamese people came to the US in rickety boats; represented the largest mass migration by sea in modern history
Carter’s foreign policy would be guided by
a concern for human rights; tried to use his policy to end acts of political repression, like torture
salt 2 treaty
limit nuclear arms production
Carter’s response to the Soviets invading Afghanistan; boycott in the 1980 summer Olympic Games in Moscow
developing world
Carter helped change the way the US delt with; emphasis on human rights led him to alter the US relationship with a number of dictators
Ayatollah Khomeini
fundamentalist islamic clerics; US backed Shah of Iran forced to flee; Iranian radicals invaded the US embassy and took 66 hostages; failed to win the release of the hostages was evidence on American weakness
camp David accords
led to a peace treaty in which Egypt recognized Israel; Carter invited the 2 leaders to a presidential retreat