Chapter 28: Civil Rights Movement Flashcards
Booker T Washington
put up with segregation for the time being; good citizen
WEB DeBois
wanted equality now
Little Rock crisis
governor called in national guard on 9 black students from entering the school; couldn’t get in for 3 weeks; Eisenhower sent US troops to protect students in Central High School in Arkansas; 1957
Plessy v Ferguson
supreme court ruled “separate but equal”
Montgomery, Alabama
Rosa Parks refused to give her seat to a white man and arrested; NAACP member; Montgomery Bus Boycott led to Supreme Court ruling of segregation busses illegal; creation of SCLC
southern Christian leadership conference; MLK selected to be group leader; protest activities across the south with nonviolence
spiritual leader in India who inspired MLK to be nonviolent
Sit-In Movement
Greensboro, North Carolina; Woolworth’s at segregated lunch counter; 4 back college students refused service; protesters joined in with nonviolence and no disprution
Freedom Riders
1960; Supreme Court ruled bus station facilities for interstate travelers must be open to all passengers; CORE sent group on bus through the Deep South
Robert Kennedy sent
federal marshalls to Montgomery to protect riders
interstate commerce commission
forced integration of bus and train stations
James Meredith
enrolled at University of Mississippi; 50 federal marshals met with 2,500 violent protesters; Kennedy sent troops; hundreds injured and 2 killed
George Wallace
governor of Alabama; blocked Vivian Malone and James Hood from enrolling in the University of Alabama
Albany movement
sit in; Albany bus station; MLK lead demonstrations and got arrested; 9 month movement; failed
the campaign
MLK hoped to motivate more people; white clergy attacked MLK in newspaper add; “letter from Birmingham jail” speech from MLK
Eugene Connor
police chief; “bull”; used firefighters to break up 2,500 student protesters
Medgar Evers
head of NAACP in Mississippi and assassinated
Byron De La Bechwith
KKK member; tried for the crime but failed to convict all-white jury; tried the 3rd time
march on Washington
Aug 28, 1963; 200,000 people marched and protested; “I have a dream” MLK speech
Johnson signed
the civil rights act of 1964 banning discrimination in public accommodations
voter education project
registered African Americans to vote; registered more than half a million
24th amendment
banned poll tax
freedom summer
college students volunteered to spend the summer registering African Americans to vote; volunteers registered and taught schools
Andrew Goodman
freedom summer volunteer; went missing on June 21, 1964; 2 CORE workers and himself went to a church bombing; Johnson ordered massive hunt on 3; bodies discovered in Mississippi; 21 suspects tried for violating civil rights laws
17,000 African Americans
signed up to vote in Mississippi but they only took 1,600
student nonviolent coordination committee
Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party
SNCC helped form; elected 68 delegates to the Democratic National Convention so it wasn’t white-only
Selma, Alabama
MLK organized a march for voting rights and arrested; 4 day march from Selma to Montgomery; 600 African Americans on 54 mile march; police set blockade and were broadcast on TV
voting rights act
Johnson passed; one of the most important pieces of the civil rights legislation
de jure segregation
segregation by law
de facto segregation
segregation that exists through custom and practice
Watts and Detroit
there were major riots
Kerner Commission
study cause of urban rioting; poverty and discrimination
Stokely Carmiechel
leader of SNCC; abandoned philosophy of nonviolence; black power; wanted African Americans to depend on themselves to solve problems
black panthers
Oakland, California; violent revolution; members carried guns
black muslims
Nation of Islam; believed in black power; black nationalism, self reliance, and discipline
Malcom X
offered message of hope, defiance, and black pride; went to Mecca for spiritual trip and decided not to be violent; assassinated
death of MLK
April 4,1968; James Earl Ray; shot on hotel balcony in Memphis; riots erupted
Ralph Abernathy
new leader of SCLC; poor people’s campaign (lead people to capital to ask for help); terrible media; disaster; failed to clearly express the protesters needs and demands; bad weather
black power movement
J Edgar Hoover (FBI director) had spies on groups of the movement; considered MLK and black power movement threat to society
civil rights act of 1968
banned discrimination of the sale of rental housing (also fair housing act)
affirmative location
program that gave reference to minorities and women in hiring and admissions to make up for past discrimination
Thurgood Marshall
Supreme Court 1st African American justice
John Lewis
represented people of Alabama for Congress
Andrew Young
Georgias first African American member of congress
Jesse Jackson
operation PUSH and campaigned for Democratic presidential nomination in the 1980’s