Chapter 19 and 20: Rise of the 20's Flashcards
100% americanism
celebrated all things American while attacking all ideas and people it viewed as foreign or anti-American
reds; the huns
red scare
widespread fear of communism and radicals
A Mitchell Palmer
attorney general who had a series of raids
believes the Bible is literally true
Palmer raids
series of raids arresting immigrants and communists
Seattle, Washington
ship yards; nation’s first general strike
police force went on strike for low wages and poor working conditions
Calvin Coolidge
governor of Boston; calls in militia; didn’t like to talk
national origins act of 1924
set quotas for each country at 2% of the number of people from that country currently living in the US
Sacco and Vanzetti
anarchists; didn’t like the government; Italian immigrants; arrested for armed robbery and murder
Henry Ford
assembly line
wellfare capitalism
system where companies provide benefits to employees to promote worker satisfaction and loyalty
car effects
demands for car materials soared; steel, rubber, and glass; repair shops and filling stations; motels and restaurants
installment buying
paying for an item over time in small payments
borrowing money
competing from Europe; not doing good; tariff making foreign farm products more expensive
natural disasters
boll weevil; Mississippi River flood; Big Blow, first hurricane
Warren G Harding
return to “normalcy”; life pre- WW1; believed less government in business and more business in government; government would be more accountable to the tax payers; help wealthy
fordney- mccumber tariff
raised the cost of foreign farm products and American farm products
Albert Fall
secretary of the interior; teapot dome scandal
teapot dome scandal
let oilmen drill on federally reserved navy land form bribes; Fall; Teapot, Wyoming
Washington naval conference
countries cut back the size of navies; scrap existing ships and ones under construction
Charles Evans Hughes
secretary of state; took credit for the Washington naval conference
Billy Mitchell
argued US should invest more in air power
sink; get rid of
Frank Kellog
Secretary of State; proposed agreement of pact
Kellog- Briand pact
all countries who signed it renounced war as a solution for international controversies; more than 60 nations signed
young girls going against social normal; cut hair and short dresses; mostly in cities; drinking and dancing
Billy Sunday
former ballplayer and ordinated minister; fundamentalist
Aimee Semple McPherson
fundamentalist preacher; healing sick through prayer
Scopes trial
John Scopes; taught evolution and arrested; found guilty; eventually overturned
Clarence Darrow
represented John Scopes
William Jennings Bryan
prosecutor; “scholar”
smuggled alcohol
illegal bars with passwords
Great Migration
blacks in the south moved upward; Chicago, New York, Detroit
Harlem Renaissance
Harlem, New York; jazz music; rebirth in Harlem
Marcus Garvey
Jamaican immigrant; back to Africa; mail fraud; went back to Africa after being in jail; UNIA
universal negro improvement association
promoted self reliance for blacks without white involvement
mail fraud
sending someone money in the mail for a service and never receiving the service
late 1800s; invented the radio
first radio station in 1920
the jazz singer
first talkie movie
steamboat willie
Mickey Mouse
Charles Lindburg
first to fly a plane solo and nonstop transatlantic
Lindburg baby
federal law to kidnap a baby; Charles son
Amelia Erheart
first woman to fly a plane across the Atlantic