Chapter 1 - The Expansion Of The British Empire In Africa Flashcards
What made Britain look elsewhere to expand the empire?
Loss of American colonies
What was the transition of interest in Africa and Asia called?
‘Swing to the East’
What helped Britain advance in methods of transport and weaponry?
The Industrial Revolution
How did Britain know about Africas natural resources?
Transatlantic slave trade
(Abolished in 1807)
What were the precious commodities in Africa?
What other resources were sought in Africa to feed the demands of the British industry?
Why else did Britain want to occupy new territories?
To secure trade routes
Who else was competing for these trade routes?
The Dutch
Who wanted a personal influence in Africa?
Merchant imperialists : Goldie, Rhodes
Who saw it as their duty to spread Christian ideals?
Who is the most famous missionary?
David Livingstone
What is Muscular Christianity?
Type of British cultural supremacy
What did Muscular Christianity put importance on?
Christian values
Where did Muscular Christianity occur mostly?
English boys public schools
(Most government figures went there)
What year had most of Africa been mapped?
Who located vast reserves of raw materials?
Who were the most famous explorers?
David Livingstone
Sir Richard Burton
John Hanning Speke
What did missionaries view traditional African religions as?
‘Savage and uncivilised’
What is a Settlement?
An area containing British settlers
Under partial British control
What does Occupied mean?
Containing British settlers/military
Not under British control
What is a Client state?
Area with its own ruler with strong British influence
What is a Chartered company rule?
A company with a special licence by the British government given political and economic rights
Why has Egypt been historically important?
It’s between African and Asian continents
Who occupied Egypt before the British?
Who took over Egypt after France?
Muhammad Ali Pasha
What was Muhammad Ali Pasha’s status?
Khedive (Viceroy)
What year was Muhammad Ali succeeded?
By his grandson Ismai’l Pasha
What natural resource was produced in Egypt after the American Civil War?
How much did trading grow in 1870 between Britain and Egypt?
When did Isma’il Pasha come into power?
What was Isma’il Pasha’s aim?
To modernise Egypt and Sudan
Who was Isma’il Pasha Khedive of?
Egypt and Sudan
What did Isma’il Pasha achieve?
Professional army
Street lighting
Cutting of the Suez Canal through Egypt
What was Isma’il Pasha known as to his People?
Isma’il the Magnificent
What seas does the Suez Canal connect?
Mediterranean Sea
Red Sea
How long did it take to complete the Suez Canal?
10 years
How many miles was the trip from London to Arabia reduced by?
Who built the Canal?
French architect
Ferdinand de Lesseps
Who apposed the canal?
Prime Minister Lord Palmerston
When was the canal opened?
Whose profits reduced by the opening of the canal?
British traders in the Cape
What did the Cape redundancy lead to?
An economic depression
What was the economic depression known as?
‘Panic of 1873’
How much had Isma’il Pasha’s debt risen?
£7 - £10 million
How many shares were sold to the British?
Which Prime Minister bought them?
Benjamin Disraeli
How much were the shares?
£4 million
Who did Disraeli borrow the money from?
Lionel de Rothschild
(Without government consent)
When was Isma’il deposed?
Why was Isma’il deposed?
Economic mismanagement
Who replaced him?
His son Tewfiq Pasha
What measures were put in place to improve the Egyptian economy?
Taxation on goods increased
National army reduced by 2/3
When was the Arabi Revolt?
Why was there a revolt?
Egyptians disliked their ruling by foreigners
Where did the violence take place?
Streets of Alexandria
How many Europeans died?
What Prime Minister decided to intervene after other revolts?
William Gladstone
What did Gladstone do to help?
Sent Naval forces to bombard Alexandria
How long did the battle last?
1 hour
What happened afterwards?
British retook Cairo
Restored Tewfiq as a puppet ruler
Who was appointed Consul-General of Egypt?
Major Evelyn Baring
What confirmed Britains rule of Egypt?
The Convention of London 1885
What was Britains rule of Egypt classed as?
A ‘veiled protectorate’
What is a veiled protectorate?
A state controlled by another in an indirect manner
Who took control of Sudan from 1820-1824?
Muhammad Ali Pasha
Who was sent to be the ‘Governor- General’ of Sudan?
Colonel Charles Gordon
Who ruled Sudan when Gordon was sent?
Isma’il Pasha
Who was the Khedive reliant on economically?
The British
Why was Gordon unpopular?
Ended the slave trade
Caused an economic crisis
Angered slave traders
Who did British administrators receive opposition from?
Muhammad Ahmad
What did Muhammad Ahmad claim himself to be?
What is Mahdi?
An Islamic reformer
What did Muhammad Ahmed grow?
A jihadist army
What’s a Jihadist?
A person fighting a holy war
Why didn’t the Khedive notice?
They were fighting the Arabi Revolt in Egypt
What battle happened in 1883?
Battle of Sheikan
Who won?
The Mahdist army
Who was killed in the battle?
William Hicks
Who did Gladstone order to help the evacuation of British and Egyptian troops from Sudan?
General Gordon
What happened when Gordon refused to retreat?
Siege of Khartoum
What happened in the Seige?
The entire garrison was killed
General Gordon beheaded
When was the next time Britain attempted to take control again?