Ch27 - People Flashcards
Who was the first black president of South Africa?
Nelson Mandela
Who was the longest-ruling leader in Germany’s postwar history?
Helmut Kohl
Who became leader of Liberia and the first woman head of state in Africa?
Ruth Perry
Who advanced the idea of irreducible complexity?
Michael Behe
What dictator of Iraq invaded the tiny, oil-rich kingdom of Kuwait in 1990?
Saddam Hussein
What US President took aggressive action against the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait?
George H. W. Bush
What Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff commanded Operation Desert Storm?
General Colin Powell
Who led U.S. troops into combat in Operation Desert Storm in 1991?
General Norman Schwarzkopf
Who was the mastermind behind the 9-11 attacks and the leader of al-Qaeda?
Osama bin Laden
What US President declared “war on terrorism”?
George W. Bush
issued the Bush Doctrine
What president of Iran supported annihilation of Israel?
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
What Pakistani president sided with the US in the War on Terror?
Pervez Musharraf
Who was the longest-ruling Labour prime minister of Great Britain?
Tony Blair
What prime minster of Great Britain faced problems with terrorism?
Gordon Brown
What president of France held an unprecedented 14-year reign?
Francois Mitterand
`Who was the first woman chancellor in Germany’s history?
Angela Merkel
What Serbian president initiated ethnic cleansing in the Balkans?
Slobodan Milosevic
Who was Vladimir Putin’s successor in Russia?
Dmitri Medvedev
Who was North Korea’s Communist dictator after World War II.
Kim Il Sung
What brother of Fidel took over as president of Cuba in 2006?
Raul Castro
Who was the first woman US ambassador to the UN and a US secretary of state?
Madeline Albright
Who was the first democratically elected leader in Chinese history?
Lee Teng-hui
Who was the first civilian president of South Korea?
Kim Young Sam
What prime minister of India was responsible for economic success?
Manhoman Singh
What Israeli prime minister met with Yassir Arafat at Hebron Accords?
Benjamin Netanyahu