Ch19 - Terms Flashcards
What is the Industrial Revolution?
a time of dramatic changes in agriculture, industry, and technology
What is the Industrial Revolution also called?
Age of Industry
What is subsistence farming?
growing just enough food to feed one’s family
What is the Protestant work ethic?
the way of life based on the Biblical teaching that God expects all meant to work and that all work is a noble duty to be performed toward God
Define “domestic system”.
work done in small private shops with the entire family participating and spending long hours of hard labor to earn a living
Define “factory system”.
work is done in factories by people employed to produce manufactured goods in a systematic way for wages
What are real wages?
wages as compared to the cost of living
What is the Enclosure Movement?
the enclosure of land with fences or hedges by landowners to increase the size and quality of livestock
What is a cotton gin?
a tool which removed the seeds from the cotton fibers in a much shorter time than it took a man to do the work by hand
What is the Bessemer process?
the process which converts raw iron into steel
What are clipper ships?
long, lean sailing vessels known for their tremendous speed on the high seas
What are steamships?
ships propelled by steam engines
What is the germ theory of disease?
A theory discovered by Louis Pasteur that every infectious disease is caused by a specific germ.
What is a Gross National Product?
the total output of goods and services
What is capitalism?
a economic system in which there is private ownership of the means of production; investments are determined by private decision rather than by the state; prices, production, and the distribution of goods are determined mainly by a free market rather than by the state
What is free enterprise?
the freedom which capitalism gives an individual to make something to do it
What is free trade?
trade without government interference
What is “The Wealth of Nations”?
a book written by Adam Smith which espoused the philosophy that individual freedom in economics leads to the greatest good not only for the individual, but for society is a whole.
What is philanthropy?
voluntary distribution of one’s surplus riches to build and maintain public institutions such as hospitals, libraries and schools