Ch17 - Terms Flashcards
Government by men who sit at desks; a complex organization of appointed officials
expecting unconditional obedience to authority
having total power over every area of peoples individual lives
League of Augsburg
coalition of several European nations formed in 1686 against France
Battle of Blenheim
the most notable victory of the allied forces over Rance during the War of the Spanish Succession
Age of Enlightenment
a movement that attempted to apply unaided human philosophy to all areas of man’s life in order to establish a new social order
the idea that man’s reason is the sole criterion for truth
philosophy that exalts man’s emotions and imagination as the basis for truth and advocates a “return to nature”
decision-making body composed of representative from all three social classes in France.
National Assembly
the official representative body of all the people of France; first government after the beginning of the French Revolution; formed the Third Estate
Tennis Court Oath
oath taken by the ousted member of the Third Estate to continue meeting until a national constitution had been written
August 4 Decrees
a reform adopted by the National Assembly; ended the lords’ privileges of collecting land taxes from peasants, hunting on peasants’ lands, and taking special privileges over peasants in the courts of law.
Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen
declaration adopted by the National Assembly; proclaimed the new regime’s slogan.
What was new regime’s slogan?
“Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, or Death”
Jacobin Club
club formed by radical extremists who met in an old Jacobin monastery in France
Civil Constitution of the Clergy
document which set up a Church of France
Constituent Assembly
later name for the National Assembly
Constitution of 1791
France’s first written constitution
Napoleonic Wars
series of wars from 1792 to 1815; one of the most important series of wars in the history of the world.
National Convention
government which replaced the Constituent Assembly and executed Louis XVI
device used during the French Revolution to behead “enemies of the republic”; became the symbol of the French Revolution.
Committee of Public Safety
committee set up by the National Convention; 12 men with extensive police and judicial powers; instituted the Reign of Terror under Robespierre.
Reign of Terror
period during which 40,000 known and suspected “enemies of the Republic” were guillotined and hundreds of thousands were arrested
What government replaced the National Convention?
What government was established by Napoleon with himself as dictator?
What was an election (in France) in which the people express their will?
What was Napoleon’s formal peace agreement with the Roman Catholic Church?
Continental System
French policy which forbade the important of British goods into any European country under French control and also tried to stop trade between England and neutral countries